''Jews aren't white''


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read this before making another thread like this


It's wasn't really for the whitness but more about how they stabbed Germany in the back in WWI

I know about this mate, but how about you read this eh? the jozzzzzzz! oh wait! more like hypocrisy!

/thread and sage

Also I think there were even a couple full Jews in Hitler's ranks.

>killed more whites than Jews and other degenrates
>killed himself
>lost the war and left his country in ruins
>country divided up while communism
creeped in through eastern europe
>made nationalism taboo in white countries


Hitler's fell in love with a Jewish woman
Hitler's family doctor was Jewish
Hitler's landlord was Jewish
Hitler's personal chauffeur was Jewish
Some of Hitler's generals and advisers were Jewish
There were Jews in the Wermacht and even in the SS

Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval.

The hypocrisy! the bloody hypocrisy! Nazi Germany wasn't so pure after all? eh? where are the Nazis and Alt-righters?

wtf i like jews now

he didn't want to kill all the jews
that is the propaganda spread by the same people that say "OY VEY 6 GORILLON"

Why would jews be allowed in their army and ranks if he hated them so much?

That's the point.. but they claim that the Jews were genocided...






read this before making another thread like this

Facts hurt? Neo-Nazis can only say ''lies'' and ''shills'' is it really hard to do quick Google search?

Checked. Fixed the unarchived clickbaiters

>businessinsider com/ap-historian-nazi-leader-hitler-had-jewish-landlord-2017-4

This. Zionist are the problem, not all the genetic jews.

In fact, smart people are the only thing can save us all.

Kill the bad jew with the good jew, like in Chess.

norbro watches our backs

So my theory that the Holocaust did happen but it was an anti-Slavic Jew false flag by the German Jews to give them an excuse to declare Israel in Palestine?

stopped letting them in after a certain time. dumb ass. those laws changed drastically.

Retarded theory, Jews had a nice life in Europe, most of them did, only the poor and the uneducated and the people who experienced Pogroms left to Palestine. After the Holocaust Jews got terrifed finally realized that how extreme antisemitism can reach so many started to support an Israel state.

>Hitler wanted to kill all jes
>jes served in the Wehrmacht and even as role models

Chose one, hypocrites

Why was it an educated Jew named Theoder Herzl who started advocating for the formation of Israel in the 1890's in his famous book Der Judenstaat? Why did Jewish immigration to Palestine pick up in the first decade of the 20th century? Why did it continue even until 1933, after which it picked up steam for obvious reasons?

Theoder Herzl saw the rise of antisemitism himself he experienced, he belived that it will end up badly but everyone else thought of him as a clown, no one thought that it will reach to level as the holocaust. Only the extremists supported him and jews who experienced strong anti semitism, rich Jews or Jews who had comfortable life Europe didnt want to leave thier business and properties or didnt care about creation of the Jewish state, after WW1 great depression kicked in and when shit like that happens people look to blame everything on others, anti semitism was on the rise in places like Germany, Austria, Soviet Union and France, many jews started to immgrate to Palestine because they thought Europe is no longer safe place to them.

>honorary aryan status on account of service to the realm, or kikes that turbo-kiked their papers, etc.
This is common knowledge to even the most amateur historian. Rest is bullshit.
Meanwhile the SS was a legitimately multi-ethnic organization. This is not hidden it's just ignored as it doesn't line up with the established narrative of total racial supremacy, gas everyone that is not an ethnic german comic-book villainy bullshit
>Zionists are the problem
biggest fucking meme
international jewry is the problem.
if all kikes lived in isreal and kept their mits out of international banking, media, geopolitics etc. we would not even be here posting as there would be no need.

mouth-breathers that drone on about zionism and nothing else are either purple pilled or mudshits

The reich sent 60,000+ hebes to isreal, in cooperation with zionists.


>chosen peoples of Israel
>ethnic European
Really makes me think