How do we Make America Blue Again?

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This will be difficult now. Thank god for anchor babies.

>have a candidate that isn't terrible
>don't ignore the biggest voting demographic
>actually campaign in swing states

but they won't, they'll keep up the "vote for us or you're racist and sexist" and roll out another corporate shill

Well you are racist and sexist if you don't vote for us. You're also transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, anti-Semitic, islamophobic, and ableist.

The betting markets say Pocahontas will be the 2020 nominee. Then again they say her closest rival will be Mark Zuckerberg, so it's possible they know next to nothing.

No thanks to Zuckerberg but I would knock on doors for Warren.

>just as much of a cuntish personality as Hillary, if not more
>the economic understanding of Sanders

Trump would utterly obliterate her in 2020. Minnesota would be on the table.

There is no way Texas or Georgia goes blue unless there is some natural disaster in California that forces people to leave faster than they currently are.

They will probably try for a celebrity, give some kind of pathetic shout out to white people ("What do you have to lose" level), will campaign at least once in every state capital.

Minnesota, Colorado, Nevada, New Hampshire, and Virginia will remain blue.

Minnesota is already on the table. As well as Virginia

Thats some real lower quality bait right there

the cities and the border areas are going to flip Texas. GOP will be stunned.

Sorry but trump will Win Because everyone who voted for him before will do again

You probably voted to leave.

Texas won't be Blue for another long time, so we start by stop buffing your fucking imaginary safe-space down some.

It won't be enough to overcome to the tsunami.

Yes i did. So what?
Got to slow the flow of darkies somehow.


Well which candidate is going to cause it?
Hillary again?
Dont make me laugh


teach Americans how to read

You can make it blue again in 2024 after the eight years are up.

+1 Britbro. +1.

Time is running out, Trumpfags.

Kek thanks user
Thats a good one

We don't. People realized the democrats are worthless lying pieces of shit that want to take away everyone's freedoms and force their SJW bullshit on everyone.

It's why Trump was elected. So fuck off you low life piece of shit.

This shit was gold.

You can make it blue by painting your ass blue

Just keep doing what you're doing and import mexicans. Eventually the white population will be too small to get republicans elected.

Midwest isn't coming back. Trump is going to win by even more in 2020. Minnesota, Maine, Nevada are coming.

that was almost as stupid as voting for Trump.

Virginia won't have those ex cons vote again. That's 65000 votes.

If the economy is roaring, he'll win in a landslide.

Make maxime president !

She has a real good chance and is loved by so many !!

Switch to the European liberal/conservative color coding.



Stupid in what way?
Its what i wanted so i voted for it.
Maybe thats an odd concept to burgers.

nominate someone who isnt hillary clinton and they will thrash drumpf

This whole thread is a gold mine of retards

Run a gay, transgender, black/hispanic, woman for president and Liz Warren as VP. Run a campaign on the basis of free shit for everybody, except white people. Tell the minorities all there their problems are because white people. Stick to identity politics.

what do you know about it you donkeyfucker?

Stop running boomers, moderates and half-ass corporate bitches and when you have the power to, actually pass some pro-employee laws and small biz programs with tax breaks. Mostly, stop being office worker faggots and cunts, and do something useful for people who do useful shit instead of 'giving' them means-tested, penalty-driven, mandatory product purchases like the ACA. But fuck blue, turn it green and black, Blue and red are fucking cucks. Let's get some real disagreement out there, pussies.

Zucc is definitely gearing up to run, the only real question is if he can evolve his way out of being the world's most socially awkward and uncharismatic human being. Everything else he's going to run on basically goes for him.

Have Trump run as a democrat in 2020.

Calexit, goyim. That will surely solve all the problems of the left! After all, Commiefornia is the 5th largest global economy! And you're doing everyone else a favor by kicking out your middle class to create a mexi-style banana republic! Please secede, and take Cali's 55 electoral votes out of contention! That will surely cause demorats to be elected in the future!

This is genius.

trolled hard

Oh, also stop sponsoring victim olympics events for colors, genders and pockets of various fetishists. It doesn't distract anyone anymore, and you just piss everyone off except the latest winner for the sympathy gibs. Virtue signaling instead of progressing the economic equitability (not fucking equal, equitable) agenda is what will fuck your dumb asses every time. You fucking twats.

But not anti-white, apparently.

We don't. Ever.

You answered your own question with your pic. Once demographics turn Texas and Florida permanently blue you'll have a one party dictatorship until USA balkanizes.

Like so

And if you do vote Democrat, you are a toilet licking terrorist who eats peanut butter off of their dogs balls.

Zucc is a great role model. Steal other people's ideas, drop out of college and think you are better than everybody else.

For censorship
For SJW agenda
Against democracy
Against merit


they made a movie based on how much of a greedy immoral cunt he is

>How do we Make America Blue Again?

By allowing Trump to finish his term.

Fat chance for Colorado. If it weren't for Denver County, which is now mostly California scum, Trump would have won Colorado too.

Most of those aren't negatives to democrats and the majority of the voter bloc he needs will either have never watched that movie by 2020 or will have long forgotten it.

Fuck no

I'm a Democrat and I live in Texas. We need those precious electoral votes from California.

If they're genuinely stunned by this then they're genuinely retarded. How can they not see this coming?

New Hampshire-Maybe
Virginia- If Trump drains the swamp- NO
Virginia If Trump gets BFTO by the swamp-Yes

Most men who were able to vote died in WW1 only woman and senior citizens voted those years. Both groups wanted democrats. Why do you think democrats wanted to go to war with Syria and Russia.

t. Merkel clit sucker

You lick Russian dressing off Putin's balls.

>implying Trump wont have additional wins in MN, VA and NV

Can confirm. Liberals disappear down in Texas, never to be heard from again. Lots of forest land with lots of wild animals, including boars.

Triggered, little Trumpcuck? :3

That's right, goy. The demorats are sending their carpet baggers from commiefornia to Texas. That'll totally turn Texas blue! They're definitely exporting their values, not the people who can't stand Cali taxes any more and are forced out because they can't be entrepreneurs.

Mexicans are about to start, how shall we say, "going away" soon. And good riddance.

t. pedophile green party voter

>freeze one frame from a video
>put stupid snarky subtitles
>think you accomplished something

>triggered trumpcucks


Then move to a Democrat state like Commiefornia. Get the fuck out of Texas. You are not wanted there. Everybody there wants you dead, commie scum. And as far as Austin is concerned, well....

Don't have sharia zones to avoid and illegal thoughts and opinions to not be thinking, Germany?

The days of Kennedy's anti deep state rhetoric are gone.

t. unemployment benefit receiver

It's cute some people actually think the Democrat Party will exist past 2018.

>wow this fag sure is a faggot
>looks at flag

Zyklon B leaves a blue residue.

It's not happening and, barring a MASSIVE fuckup on Trump's part, will never happen. The Dems are in such a poor spot they're going to have to dissolve and rebrand.

But those are the only rich people the left can accept.

You do know they are commies right? Seeing someone like Zuckerberg is life affirming for them. They think anyone only ever gets rich by cheating.

You know, I think I'll listen to what you have to say as soon as you post "the holocaust didn't happen."


hahahah get real bud

>Republicans have a united government and still can't pass shit
>Trump is already a colossal failure with record low approval ratings

Dems are going to be fine my man, Republicans are cucked.


Georgia stays red

The thing is, at least the GOP runs with what's working. The dems can't even agree on their own progressive stack order.

You guys had George Bush Jr as president. The Zucc will be fine.

You abandon identity politics. That's how you make America Blue again.

Georgie Porgie certainly knew how to put his foot in his mouth at points, but you can't watch a video of Zucc and tell me that he's not an entirely higher level of awkward.

Not after Trump's commission exposes how corrupt Minnesota is. I say deport all those muslims too. Minnesota is a joke of a state. Really fucking awful.

won't happen. but good try.

>give up their one (semi)winning strategy
>at the exact time the right is picking it up
No, I'm afraid we're locked in a death spiral.

>don't ignore the biggest voting demographic
They're literally going to be a minority in 20-50 years. Just go hard on the social justice shtick in the media and schools during that time and America will be blue forever unless a race war happens.

>republicans really suck at this repealing Obamacare thing
>time to go full single-payer and hating myself because I'm white!
Really both parties are seeing who can commit suicide the fastest so I don't see anyone flipping unless one of them actually gets their shit together.

>"I'm with Xir"

The right is picking up by blasting identity politics, though. Think about how many minorities voted for Trump. They refused to follow the herd because the reason for doing so was based solely on skin color and if they were "oppressed". People are tired of hearing it.

>They refused to follow the herd ... [and] are tired of hearing it
Is this really true though? I can only see it for legal immigrants. Social Justice/The man keeping a brotha down is practically a religion among blacks and is never going away.

As welfare is reformed and made harder to abuse they'll be forced to get jobs and realize they aren't as oppressed as they've been made to believe. Additonally, jobs mean taxes. Taxes mean leaning farther right.