Are americans really fat?

I cant tell if this is a meme or not. Do you see obese people all day in walmar (like in pic)?

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Nah it's a meme

We do have a lot more fat people, and they are extremely fat, but i don't really see it that much when i go out. It's also more of one age group (30-40) typically that are so fat they can't walk.

However, in my small town i am seeing a lot more sand niggers. Though they're not muzzies, they're Christians so it's fine.

In Romania there's a law prohibiting you from being this fat


In California only Mexicans and sometimes blacks are that fat.

yes. it's not a meme, you go to any public place and there will be at least one Boogie2988 tier whale. usually it's just the smaller fats though. you especially notice the obese kiddos with their guts over their waistbands. fucking child abuse

Based on my experience living here in both the suburbs and city you basically see at least one obese person a day. Obviously more if you're around more people but yea any random trip to Walmart there's at least one obese black woman

its not a meme in the south or among mexicans in california.

It's real, almost all Americans ride around on fat scooters. The only people who walk in America are the scooter repairman

Yes, muricans should be exterminated so the Buffalo can roam free again.

Mexico's wetbacks are even fatter than ours, believe it or not.

doesn't the meth at least keep them thin? guess not

Depending on where you live in the US it may have more fat people. Rural areas seem to have more fat people and urban areas tend to have thinner people.

They're adapting.

>doesn't the meth at least keep them thin?

Not since meth possession was bumped down to a misdemeanor in California.

if only. Most fats are too poor to afford scooters so they just walk 2mph and take breaks every 30 seconds, dripping sweat and wheezing like a dying man

They're bringing crime, they're bringing fat..

Holy crap 1 out of every 3 people is OBESE....

Where can I get DNP that isn't from some foreign scammer?

It's a meme... fat people are here, but not like pictured in huge numbers. You'll see land whale once in a while.... newer generations are a lot more active then gen x and fucking boomers

It's like defining rape in Sweden man, we call everyone a fat fuck and if you ask them they will say that they're over weight, i'm about eight pounds overweight that doesn't mean i need a scooter like most muricans.

Where do you guys live?

>Are americans really fat?
Idk, but I saw this american 'documentary' on youtube and as far as I'm aware it's not a parody but actual life and they show it on their TV as well
Action starts at 5:25

I would fucking crack under threat of being eaten by those fat fucks.

Nice b8

You like what you see?

not really but washington state has the most degenerate disgusting collection of absolute human shit on the planet

ill take fatties every time over whatever this is. place needs a nuke asap

It is mostly true. You are likely to spot a land whale nearly 100% of the time in certain places where the congregate, like Walmart, fast food, etc.
Probably 1/6 people I run into are obese, and 1/20 are morbidly obese.
Of those obese/morbidly obese, 90% of them are women.

As someone living in Southeast Michigan, I see 2 or 3 people like this on any given day.

I've been in NY twice. The amount of fat people was something new for me

Stop posting photoshit.

Yes we are fat and retarded.

In Georgia, yes. I see multiple hamplanets any time I go out.

I visited America and most people there were skinny to slightly out of shape. Very few fat people. Maybe all the chubsons are in the south.

Yes. I live in Kentucky and there are plenty of fat fucks around. It's fucking disgusting.

All the fat kids I see are hispanic.

>all the kids i see are hispanic

If you go to rich areas, these tanks are non-existent, and the overall fatness is much less. But the statistics say there must be so many more fatties. That's because they get extra-concentrated in poor areas, so that's where you should be to whale watch.

We need more of that here.

It really depends on where you visit.
You're far less likely to see creatures like OP's pic on the West coast, and in the Northeast; however, in the Rust Belt and flyover land, morbidly obese people make up for up to half the people you meet.

I know a tremendous number of women who've been conditioned to look for men with "a beer gut, a cowboy hat, and a can of Bud Lite" at virtually every social outing, because this slovenly lifestyle is the norm for many in the hinterlands. You'll also notice an overlap with people who look like that, and being proud of cosmopolitan ignorance.

It's fucking repulsive.

Depends on where you live. Also I see this more at Walmart than any other store. No idea why.

Unfortunately it's real. Maybe not as bad as people make it out to be but just about every group you see has a token fattie. Every line in the grocery store always has some fat bitch making trouble while everyone has to wait.

As for Wal-Mart...that shit really is real. OP's pic is not an exaggeration. Something about Wal-Mart really brings out the worst this country has to offer.

What if that's what they really do? Come into interrogation room with McDonald's takeout, devour their meal in 30 seconds and then stare at you with their hungry eyes, in silence?

I'd sell my own family out, I'd admit organizing 9/11

I'm in Wisconsin, a very fat state. I see them a lot in my job at a hospital, where you would expect to see a lot of fat people. That being said you don't see them when out in public much so I would still say it is exaggerated

I live in Wales, the fattest country in the UK.

It's probably true. The only times I've seen fatmobiles here in Finland has been when really old people rode them. So old that I wouldn't be surprised if they could no longer walk.

It's where they are created so they feel comfortable and confident there.
There are an equal number of fatties in liberal states but if there isn't a Wal-Mart in the area they will stay in their bunkers.

In the south we try to pretend they aren't there out in public and then laugh privately about their wretched state.

I see more fat beaners and nogs (especially when it comes to obese children) than I do whites. But overall, it's not quite as bad as most Europeans believe. The problem lies mostly with the fact that American culture is built around the automobile. Nothing is in walking distance outside of older US cities.

>Before you even walk in, you hear rap music blasting from at least 2 or 3 SUVs.
>You make extra sure that you don't leave anything valuable in view before you leave your car and double check that its locked.
>You get a strong smell of black&mild walking up to the door and the ground is covered in ashes and litter.
>You see ice cream dripping from condensation next to toothpaste as the odor of lotion wafts through the air.
>You get stuck behind some fatass in a scooter, not even that fat.
>Can't reach something so he waits for somebody to come along so he can ask to have them put it in his cart.
>You pass a tired grandmother with mixed grandchildren and you can see the disappointment in her face as she is constantly reminded that she will live the rest of her life and die in the very state she is currently in.
>What the fuck? Are those chicken bones? Did somebody actually just eat wings on their way through the store and fucking leave the bones next to a bunch of auto parts?
>Make your way to checkout, pass 2 women wearing burka.
>God abandoned this place long ago, let's get the hell out of here.
>Get to checkout
>3 Lanes open out of 25
>Wait for 20 minutes
>Children behind you are yelling, one runs into you
>You look back and crack a little smile, his mother doesn't even think to apologize or calm him.
>Circle of life for these people, feel a bit bad for the kid
>Person in front of you has 2 carts jammed to the top.
>Food stamps won't pay for 1/3 of it, one of the 8 employees just hanging out near the registers stops spitting ebonics for a second and takes the cart.
>Cashier can't process the transaction, needs white manager to come over and do it, uses it as a training session. Takes 7 min because cashier is retarded.
>"how yous doin da'day"
>"okay, can yo put the oil in a separate bag?"
>get back to car, check for dents/scratches

This is what its like to go to walmart.

requesting pic of obesity map

You don't see it much because you don't actually know what "fat" looks like.

The people in OP's picture are not fat, they are morbidly obese.

Pic related. I'm between 15 and 10 but I do 11 hours of karate a week on top of doing a 40 hr work week as a farmhand

self reported data 2015 from CDC..
1 in 4 minimum across USA
1 in 3 in some states.

Its not a meme, its a health crisis. The real question is who will profit from these fat fucks?
diabetes meds, bariatric surgeons..

Certainly not the family medicine practitioners who have to convince these fat fucks 2L soda for bfast aint right.

10 min after landing in the US I has seen more obese people than I had seen in my entire life before then.

please tell me which state

That picture is a meme. We dont see actual 500 pound people on scooters all the time. But yes were really fat. I see fat people all the time the average american is fat so you see them more often than skinny people.

this map is for "non hispanic white adults"

the black and hispanics have way higher rates of obesity..
who can guess why?

Airport in Chicago, so Illinois (?)

Oh my fucking god, you have no idea how many times i have seen that same exact face on the fat blob sitting in the chair. I live in McAllen, Texas which is like 95% Mexican, and I am not even fucking kidding when i say 70% of them are overweight. Yeah whatever we have some hot "thicc latinas" but they are outnumber by the swollen potatoes that curse the land and waddle around town using foodstamps. But don't get me wrong, Mexican food is peetty damn good, but holy shit you get bloated or sometimes get the shits and if you eat their candy your teeth will hurt like a bitch because it's so acidic and sugary. As a result most of the people walking around here are plump prairie dogs with yellow teeth that dont want to speak english. Everytime i leave the house i have to see that fat, brown, tripple chinned, squinty eyed face stare at me like I'm the problem here. I CAN'T FUCKING TAKE IT ANYMORE.

Some people regularly drink 64 oz sodas, they don't exercise, and believe in their weight in a twisted political sort of way. "Easy southern livin'" or bull shit like that.
Americans are just dumb, we used lead in regular household uses for like 50 years longer than Europe and used lead gasoline until 1990.
Its not like climate scientists are the first experts we belittle, we go over this every time science discovers a public health issue that theatens an established industry.

>11 hours of karate a wee
rex... is that you?

Its part meme part truth. Not everyone in america is a fat burger eating idiot but much more are than other countrys I see someone obese maybe weekly.


It's true. Some regions more than others.

Canada has a lot of fat people too.

It's baby boomers. They all smoke, drink and eat shit food. Dumbest fucking generation. Now we get to support their pensions and healthcare. lol


Scooter repairman here, can confirm. My business is booming.

Yes, I plan on making a video about the breakfast aisle in an American Supermarket today. I will post that video here first. And it will be very obvious as to why Americans are so fat

i'm eating breakfast right now.

>5 eggs
>ground sausage
>hash brown
>all inside a tortilla


Uma delicioso

i guarantee i'm more fit than you

Milwaukee here, every spic you see will have at least 3 children that are at least 20 pounds overweight in tow at any given time. Why did we let these subhuman monkeys all come here in like a 20 year span?

the 1965 immigration act was 52 years ago

Your breakfast actually sounds very good, just add some salsa and I'm in.

You generally don't see gigantic obese hamplanets just walking around in public unless you're in the south or Las Vegas, but I guarantee you will see at least one if you go to Walmart anywhere in the US.

i put salsa in it senpai :)))))))

>Are those chicken bones?

fuckin kek, my little sister was a store manager for an old navy in an area that was in the middle of white flight. They would find empty buckets of chicken, chicken bones, fast food on a daily basis. Fucking niggers are subhuman animals that don't belong here.

Bro-tip: It hasn't got better since.

5 eggs = 350 calories, and a lot of healthy protein
ground sausage = 200 calories, if your're eating 3 links or 2 patties
cheese = depends on how much, but 1/3 a cup is generous at 120
Hash brown = 1 friend medium potato 120 calories
Tortilla= Probably a huge tortilla, and made of pure shit, 350 calories

You actually had a pretty good breakfast before the tortilla, provided you are somewhat physically active.

>You actually had a pretty good breakfast before the tortilla
i lift 4-5x per week and bike to work and home. i try to eat relatively healthy calorie-dense foods. my issue is getting enough calories (~3500 per day if i want a 200 calorie surplus, which i do)

This is 100% correct. At least anywhere in the midwest.

This ... and then add on coming back from a tour overseas too be immersed in this "culture" again.
It's enough to break your soul.

its just really just niggers and spics

their rates raise the entire country's obesity level

>tfw I'm eating a bowl of ice cream for breakfast as I read this thread

Thankfully I'm lactose intolerant so I'll shit it out in about an hour.


Parents of fat kids are blind to their obesity. We need to encourage parents to be bigger shit lords.

Japan does this to everyone

Also negroes and pakis get fat (big shock).

It's really not though.

Sure, the rate is higher in those communities, but the mega, ultra fat are usually white rednecks and trailer trash.

what is the difference between asian or asian british? black or black british?

Yeah, I was in the US last year, and I have never seen so many fat people. Actually, I have never ever seen someone as obese as in Norway at all.

Nothing at all. Just citizenship. Being British is no longer an ethnicity, it's just a bit of paper you get after 5 years.

yes we are all fat and if you come here you will be fat too so please don't

It's definitely a problem in certain areas of the U.S. Plus the population # makes the problem look worse.
But I've seen lots of fat fucks in Sweden, Denmark, and Germany. But Denmark takes the really takes the literal cake.
Guys are all skinny sloppy fat. Girls are hardly attractive and are ham beasts.
And there were a lot of severely obese folks.
I now understand why bestiality is legal there

am I blind or does 30 look worse than 35?

Its real in Indiana

>I do 11 hours of karate a week
hahaha faggot

all true.

expat Canadian here. yes, lots of gay people here in Hawaii.

honestly, to eat healthy it costs around 600ish a month here. to eat like an fat fucking pig costs half of that easy. and the ones that eat eat that are drawing ebt food subsidy and generally get enough to eat healthy but choose option 'eat a burger constantly' diet plans with plenty of POG to wash down all the fucking Spam they eat here.

it's like they want to make us fat for the pending alien invasion that coming to harvest us for meat.

fuck... i could eat shit tier food for less than five dollars a day.

eating healthy? minimum twenty a day.

Jews want us fat.

It's a fucking meme. I rarely see people that are so obese that they can't walk. I believe it is sectional though, I live in the Northeast whereas there are a lot more fat people that live in the south.

I barely see any lardasses like that in real life.Everyone is skinny for the most part.

I work at a walmart in a good area and it's not like this at all trust me
the worst we get are loads of russians that try their damndest to speak english and it's annoying but still adorable