North Korea fires missiles often

Japan changed the defense minister from Inada (left) to Onodera (right).

shit just got real

Fuck yeah. Smart move Japanbros.

Here we go

>it's real

Fuck you nigger of course it's real

>Implying this is going to get abe-kun out of the void
So when is ishiba going to be pm. Abe was a mistake.

basic gestalt please
also death to Chyna






Who is this fellow? What are his qualifications?








Basic gestalt delivered. Pack it up we're going home

God, why do they all look subhuman?

goddammit brit calm the fuck down
i only asked if this Defense Monister is anti-Chyna and pro-military

Former defense minister. But really he was only put in because inada got in trouble because they found some documents about the Japanese mission in South Sudan that where thought to be destroyed.
Also it's a move to try to get Abe out of the void since no Japanese pm has recovered after their approval rating dropped under 38% and the ldp keeps losing over and over again.

them digits

So give me a quick rundown on Onodera nippon friend

Is he our guy?

I'm done. There's always a place for Jewish redpills.

Japan, US, and South Korean alliance against North Korea when?

Inada was real hawkish. Real tough

That pic is disgusting.

i feel kinda bad for best koreans because they represent the only dissident on the world stage, the only truly independent nation that relies 0% on foreign banks and credits and treaties and diplomacies and politics and aid and militaries etc etc

but the only viable solution to north korea, is a nuclear strike
if the oh so "free" world (where even shitposting is illegal) doesnt nuke north korea, they will develop early detection satellites and nukes that cant be stopped, all the shit soviets had

It truly is.

Nope. Nowhere as hawkish as inada.

Since 1953

looks around 5' 8" if abe is 5' 9"

he's also at john kerry's nose which puts him at 7 inches under 6' 3" so 5' 8" seems right

Think Japanese folks would rather ally with China than hand gook.

>Just according to keikaku

Japanese women are incredibly violent so that's no surprise.

will the united states attack the norks or nah

>not HD

Retards the defense minister changed due to the school building political scandal, not North Korea.

HD is bougie af

No. It's due to saying records from a in peace keeping mission disappeared. When it wasn't the case.
The case with the vet school is completely unrelated.