WW3 Strategy General

Previous thread:
/OurGuys/ and Enemies of Enemies:
>Hopefully India

/OurEnemies/ and Anti-American Cuckolds that will either capitulate, join the enemy of just collapse to their own civil wars:
>North Korea(the catalyst to make us look like aggressive oppressors and genocidal monsters)
>South America
>Almost the entire EU
>La Raza hispanics
>Black Lives Matter commandos like the one in texas
>Just niggers taking the opportunity to chimp out
>All those antifa and anti-Trump Liberal traitors that burn American flags
>All the saboteurs that have infiltrated our open borders for decades

There's more than ten of them for every one of us and that's good enough odds for any patriotic American. We should try to prevent this war first, lessen it second and win it if all else fails.


Other urls found in this thread:


So the good guys are Israel and their puppets and the bad guys are those who don't suck off Netanyahu whenever his majesty visits?
Fuck off.

Hello CNN

Forgot Iran and Syria against us




danke shön OP

Russia is not our enemy.

This should be good.

Netanyahu and the Israeli Nationalists are about to name the jew and start their own tribe

They admitted the Holocaust was exaggerated by millions last year and pic related

As sketchy as it sounds, jewish nationalists are enemies of the allies of our potential enemies

The Chinese don't want open warfare though.
In the age of nuclear warfare open conflict between two nuclear powers is only likely to end in stalemate or annihilation. That's wasteful at best and pointless at worst. So the Chinese want to unify the super continent economically under their leadership and then assert control by default in the aftermath. It will be easier for them to achieve world leadership this way because their system is wholly designed to quash internal dissent through authoritarianism not conquest. Such a system will naturally appeal to everyone from African despots to European bureaucrats. Once the mechanisms for population control are in place in a given economic region the Chinese merely have to exert monetary leverage to begin peaceful dominance and integration.
Your warfare scenario is actually a failure state to Chinese planning.

>Congress just declared economic warfare against them
>They made a military agreement with China against NATO and the US
I wish that were the case but Trump is a POTUS not a dictator

The internationalists have forced Russia to the east and into conflict with America

You know I was going to point out we've long been allies of yours and would conceivably align with you on a scenario like this, but fuck that, I hope we remain neutral and stay alive to pick up the pieces in the aftermath.

You are already done, delusional ((freedom)) fucks

I know this is a satire but...
>Almost the entire EU
The EU wouldn't side with Russia even if they knew it would be certain death.


Saudi Arabia
South Korea
Vietnam (hate china)

Axis - 1

Axis -2
possibly some of axis 1 if the Chinese-India war doesnt happen

Your people are parasites on our nation that fuel the corporate oligarchy and try to ruin the nation long term for short term gains.

You are ruled by cartels which are taxxed by the CIA

Our relationship is toxic as fuck for both sides and only the elite benefit

lol t. shapeshifting shlomo

you really think these niggers are expecting other countries to stop sending money? laugh out fucking loud.

They also wouldnt stand up and fight for Trump ever

Read the OP closer. They will just capitulate to Islam like the cucks they are.

>not paying attention to Jewish politics
The meme is working, I get it, but you need to pay attention.
There isn't one type of Jew. There's Hitler's enemy - Ashkenazi Jews that have been hated since Roman times and kept moving about in western society, and there's arabic jews - Semitics Jews. Netanyahu is in the latter catagory and they're fighting for their lives surrounded my childfuckers. They're also an important strategic point for us in the middle east.
>The Chinese don't want open warfare though.
Say that to India and the 2060 plan. If you don't know either of those, you don't really have room to talk on.

the AIIB Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will rebuild syria and iraq after the IMF and World Bank destroyed them two counties lets guess what country will win over them two counties.


>Our relationship is toxic as fuck for both sides

Only thing I agree with you about and also the reason why I wouldn't want us to ally with you.

Thats just white people being gullible cucks and jews being smarter

Sure its unfair and jewish as fuck but youre complaining that we GIVE THEM THE MONEY WILLINGLY THANKS TO OUR LEADERS WHO SELL OUT FOR SHEKELS

This guy knows

Netanyahu's son even married a goyim goddess and said fuck the tribe, we israelis now

China is our bottom bitch and has been for a long time, buddy. They're on our team whether they like it or not.

Fuck theres 2 more national militaries hell bent on revenge coming after us

>being this retardedly arrogant
Pride comes before the fall

sorry Australia snd Phillippes are with the AIIB China LUL neet people needs to look up AIIB more.


Vague references don't count as a rebuttal.
Don't respond to me unless you have something of substance.
>married a goyim goddess and said fuck the tribe, we israelis now
Are you retarded?

>Enemy of 'Murica
We will remain properly neutral until the last 18 months of the war, then declare for the US, thank you very much.

A war between the sides you've listed would solve nothing, quite the contrary in fact.

This thread one of the best YLYL of all time

Did this nigga really just put Mexico as their enemy? Mexico is America's bitch and is under their control

Canada joins the chinese bank AIIB



We're their number 1 trading partner by a massive margin. The Chinese aren't stupid enough to detonate their already failing economy over some petty political differences with the United States and risk having their fragile dictatorship collapsing. Get real.

You just want them on the opposite side of this theoretical war because it wouldn't be interesting otherwise. The real "world war 3" will probably involve every major world power contributing to the timely disposal of North Korea or the largely-overblown stalemate and eventual peace between China and India.

>Doesn't know that India and China are on the brink of Conflict
>Doesn't know the Chinese had a leaked plan titled the 2060 plan where they militarily take over half the pacific ocean
>Are you retarded?
Are you? Do you not realize that the Jews can only live in a western society and have teamed up with the west out of fear for the chinese and muslim russians?

The ones above the "jews" control both sides

The Federal Reserve/IMF/World Bank in the west vs the AIIB in the east. Both sides are globalist using the real conflict to hide what this war aims to do: Wipe out freedom, end nationalism and bring a New World Order.

WW3 is Nationalism vs Globalism with competing western and eastern banking systems lining up the sides and picking team members for their game.


if you believe that all the countries that put millions and or billions into the Chinese bank will not bomb the shit out of america for fucking with there money then you are smoking some crazy shit.

You're a retard.


There goes 2 more potential allies


Fuck you monkeys

> just collapse to their own civil wars

But America is practically in civil war right now.

It would solve nothing for the people

The winner would establish a NWO though

>he still thinks the united states is for nationalism

Thanks shill

Is that your only rebuttal?

Its the best hope for it with Trump

Congress and most of the US corruption wants globalism though

>India and China are on the brink of Conflict
China doesn't want war with India. They'd lose more than they'd gain. They want to coopt India and the rest of the super continent over time.
>militarily take over half the pacific ocean
The military dominance of any area is set to follow economic dominance. Not the other way around.
>Are you?
That wasn't directed at you but obviously you're incredibly stupid and weren't able to understand what I typed and so went off on an irrelevant tangent.
>Jews can only live in a western society and have teamed up with the west out of fear for the chinese and muslim russians?
This is such bullshit. Jews are living just fine in China and Russia right now, at this very moment. Furthermore jews routinely steal and sell American technology to China and have been for decades. They have zero loyalty to the west.

The left already gave up lol

They will start up again though if we start to look weak



You didn't make an argument. Goodbye.

This is misleading.
The US also has more colleges than any other country because we're fucking massive.
Show a chart with percentages.

>China doesn't want war with India. They'd lose more than they'd gain. They want to coopt India and the rest of the super continent over time.
What's your source for this?
>The military dominance of any area is set to follow economic dominance. Not the other way around.
So you know nothing about it.
>That wasn't directed at you but obviously you're incredibly stupid and weren't able to understand what I typed and so went off on an irrelevant tangent.
So you can't respond then.
>This is such bullshit. Jews are living just fine in China and Russia right now, at this very moment.
LOLOL welp. your a dumbass.

Never change, amerigoy.

IMF and World bank and the AIIB are 2 different things.
IMF and World bank gives money for wars thats (((globalism))) forced by the gun and backed by the dollar.

the AIIB wants to under cut the globalist war machine by paying for rebuilding the countries infrastructure that globalism destroyed.

Doesnt it seem like these are shills?

How can idiots of this caliber even type up these elaborate responses of DISINFORMATION

The nationalist ones are the enemies of our future potential enemies and we are desperately low on allies

Getting jewed for a few more years is our future no matter what. It's better to just expose them and negotiate.

>Two sides to the same NWO coin

Thats how controlled opposition works

>Doesnt it seem like these are shills?
Shills are out for (you)s. They're not in for long debates. I don't have the graph but hopefully someone will post where they're paid by the (you).
I think we're arguing with summerfags and misinformed normies. People that took the Jew meme way too seriously and don't understand why Sup Forums liked Hitler in the first place and have no political awareness beyond Fox and MSNBC

>What's your source for this?
>So you know nothing about it.
More than you obviously.
>So you can't respond then.
What kind of response do you want to an ad hom?
>LOLOL welp. your a dumbass.
Perfect rebuttal to an easily proven fact.
Learn the difference between your and you're.
>Doesnt it seem like these are shills?
Everything is a shill kid.
>I don't have the graph
You don't have a brain either.
>People that took the Jew meme way too seriously
Found the kike.

The US needs to reorganize itself in order to become effective again. Years of Globalist reforms have turned this nation onto a verge of internal disunity, and reckless entitlement and military spending has made the US vulnerable and highly dependent on maintaining its reserve currency status which its on the verge of losing.

If the US government is truly interested in saving itself, it will abandon the excesses of Globalism in favor of a new direction to lead the nation in. This involves returning economic competitiveness, keeping a check on rising Socialist unrest, and trying to heal divides in the nation. Unfortunately, the US government is more loyal to Globalism than itself, and doesn't realize it effectively set up its own collapse by being too faithful to an idea that undermines it.

There's not much we can do at this stage. The only left to do is to watch the US collapse, and then try to pick up the pieces, rather than trying to pre-emptively prevent something that people refuse to acknowledge.

You can pick a knife off the floor, but you can't catch a falling knife.

>>What's your source for this?
You're an idiot, enjoy your last (you)

a NWO without the kike bankers like rothschild.

>do your homework before typing


Thats fairly accurate but I mean there is some high level shilling going on in these threads. They actively push blatant disinformation that is nearly perfectly against discussing towards an effective direction.

Stuff like the pretend researchers that act smart vs the DUDE CHINAS OUR BITCH LOL WE WOULD BTFO EVERYONE


Rick and Morty even highlighted how easy it would be to destroy the US: change the value of their fiat currency. All the AIIB and the east have to do is offer an alternative to the petrodollar and then camp/turtle while we collapse

>kike doesn't like reality
Everything is in order here.
Remember this is a jidf thread where everyone learns Israel is your greatest ally.

When 3D printing takes off, these trade routes will be worthless. Every nation will be able to print whatever they need

Those are all public puppets you retard

The jews arent the top of the pyramid, theyre just above the goyim

>Rick and Morty even highlighted how easy it would be to destroy the US
>Rick and Morty
JIDF and reddit at the same time.
Jesus Christ.

Come on le based pedes, did you know Israel is our greatest ally? I saw it on Rick and Morty!

The problem of the US in particular is that Great Society programs are eating more and more of the budget, which means we have to sell a greater and greater amount of treasury bonds, while we simultaneously cannot raise taxes because of lobbyist pressure. That doesn't even begin to describe the increased appetite for "Socialism" that today's youth want, which will further endanger our reserve currency because it means we have to sell even more bonds for inefficient economic expenditures.

Collapse would be for the best, because again, if things fall apart, it's possible to pick up the pieces. But when things are still falling down, its highly dangerous to catch them.

There's also the takeaway from this thread where the American Empire pays too little to enough people. Most Americans wouldn't mind the end of American hegemony because they believe they get nothing from it, which only makes protecting the superpower status even more difficult.

If there was something to be done, it would be possible to do it. Unfortunately, loyalty to Globalism is greater than loyalty to America, so America will suffer the consequence of its demise.

Do you know what per capita means?

good lord.

I am seriously starting to agree with you, just because you shouldn't be this stupid with so many universities.

I guess it is quality over quantity.

With how small and insignificant these wars and our lives are in the big scheme of infinite reality, why care?

Why not just have fun and enjoy things during your short time in this dying light?

Who cares if one light gets snuffed out among infinite others?

We do.


>The jews arent the top of the pyramid

ayy lmao

*drops mic*
Fuck off you filthy überpatriotic mongrel. The yanks fucked up the world in the previous world wars and they want to fuck up the world in another world war.
Some Americans are based, but the US as a whole is a parasitic dystopian kike puppet state filled with useful idiots.

Russia is not our ally. I find it funny how many alt-media people see Russia (Putin) as some sort of savior of the Western world. The truth is, he is still a communist and the leader of the KGB, whose main goal were to subvert the western world. Sure, there have been reforms made in USSR/Russia and it has once again become "christian" and "nationalistic", and "capitalistic". Just like western alt-right/alt-light dupes like it. Also, Putin is on good terms with jews and support israelis, most of which are from Russia. Watch/read Anatoliy Golitsyn about communist and (((communist))) long-range strategy. Watch/read Brandon Martinez on Putin worship in alt-media (controlled opposition media)

''Putin Worship in Alt Media''

''The Putin Cult''

''Putin & The Jews''

''Why Russia & China is actually Winning''

''Christopher Story - ThePerestroika Deception''

The So Called "Death of Communism"


>America didn't do anything in ww1 and ww2 lol they came in after the war was over

Also Europeans:

>Americans fucked everything up in WW1 and WW2


Hello butthurt belt

or people like this where everything is Jewish propaganda.
It's not globalism that is the problem, it's the crony governmental identities like Hillary Clinton, LBJ, and Obama who want to gain too much while ushering in Globalism.
I see nothing wrong with creating a superstate that holds countries like Canada, US, and Mexico together. I find issue with removing their sovereignty. Free Trade, but keep the nations as they are. Control migration. Control economic flow. Create a long lasting stable environment where everything improves for everyone. Then merge when it's good for everyone.
Instead, you have the Merkels of the world acting recklessly, trying to jam 50 people through a doorway meant for 2. They're just as dangerous as the Russo-Chinese and the African incompetence.
The US needs to reorganize. Absolutely. They need to reign in the Western world, combat outside forces, and expand influence while bolstering the economy. That means the crony faggots and the socialist need to get BTFO for the next decade or two so order and balance can be achieved in some form before we move on to later states of Globalism.
BTW, Globalism isn't something we're going to see completed in our life times. It's likely going to take hundreds of years.

>USA and Israel
Consider suicide tyrone

Bullshit thread. Israel is good? Europe is bad?

Sage. Immediately.

So why didn't he oppose increasing reparations for holocaust survivors in 2012? Why don't he admit it was exaggarated when it comes to taking gibs??


You still want to play with me after I outed you noseberg?
>It's not globalism that is the problem
It's kikes like you.
>I see nothing wrong with creating a superstate that holds countries like Canada, US, and Mexico together.
See? Let's all blanda up Goyim. jej
>before we move on to later states of Globalism.
>s-see goyim let's become one big brown world of shit, Israel is your greatest ally!
You're pretty transparent Mr. Noseberg.

>Latin America
Other than Cuba and Venezuela, Latin America is our bitch. Jesus chirst I know you hate spics but at least be realistic with your fan fiction.

>Instead, you have the Merkels of the world acting recklessly, trying to jam 50 people through a doorway meant for 2. They're just as dangerous as the Russo-Chinese and the African incompetence.

You can argue "No-True Scotsmen," but every Globalist I've talked to believes that refugees are going to make host nations rich. Globalism today IS trying to import every dumbass in the world and getting them on the dole, while lying to the masses and claiming they're going to make the nation wealthy.

Your post is disingenuous, because you don't have much experience dealing with these types. They are as deluded as Soviets, fighting for a fictional economic system as the world crumbles around them.

Corruption is a problem, but it isn't the systemic problem that Globalism has created. The US, for the rest of its lifetime, will have to distribute generous welfare programs, on the cheap labor it invited in, and the descendants of the cheap labor it invited in. It will forever clog up the treasury by the incompetent, preventing the US from projecting power because the US is too fiscally committed to paying medical bills for gangbanger murders or food stamps to people who shouldn't have kids.

The US becomes an effective Brazil, and all the powerful people in the world aren't smart enough to see the world they've created.

Interestingly, the Roman Empire had the same problem in the third century as well, by the way, when the combination of excesses by the Deep State (Praetorians) and the welfare programs of the masses (Bread and Circuses) forced Emperor's to print money until the currency collapsed and the urban zones disappeared.

>Don't do shit in WWI, but do the most damage to Europe after the war
>Let the Anglos and the Soviets do the heaviest parts of defeating the Axis Powers in Europe, but act like you've won the war by yourself
>Fuck up the continent again
>Fuck up the colonial empires
>Act like you're hot shit for terror bombing half of the world
>"lol, Europeans are such hypocrites xDDD"

How old are you?

>You can argue "No-True Scotsmen," but every Globalist I've talked to believes that refugees are going to make host nations rich. Globalism today IS trying to import every dumbass in the world and getting them on the dole, while lying to the masses and claiming they're going to make the nation wealthy.
They're taking the concept of labor value way too far. If you'll notice, those globalist also advocate for things like government controlled healthcare and general welfare for migrants. There's been arguments that this will lead to socialist globalism, and that would be a mistake, and I think that movement is being replaced with Western expansionism. I would be a proponent of Western expansionism and building developing nations rather than sullying already developed nations.
>Your post is disingenuous
your using that word wrong.
>Corruption is a problem, but it isn't the systemic problem that Globalism has created. The US, for the rest of its lifetime, will have to distribute generous welfare programs, on the cheap labor it invited in, and the descendants of the cheap labor it invited in.
and we're going to split on this. Mexicans have been shown to integrate well after the 3rd generation. I just don't think that waiting 3 generations for Mexicans is worth it. Blacks have never fully integrated. I think Trumps newest immigration reform would drastically improve the US if allowed to stay in place for a few decades.
> It will forever clog up the treasury by the incompetent, preventing the US from projecting power because the US is too fiscally committed to paying medical bills for gangbanger murders or food stamps to people who shouldn't have kids.
You can solve this with creating a more industrial society. If we start producing goods at competitive prices that are much better quality than china, india, etc. We'd get rid of that problem. If we look back to the 1950's, we were on much better footing but we allowed leftist ideology to muck up the cogs.

It's the old Zionist vs Cabal issue.

WW3 will be yet another war between the two. Between the old blood.

What are the odds of getting repeating trips?
Either way, I'd invite you to look into Carroll Quigley as a good intro into Foreign Policy History.

>How old are you?
His sense of geopolitics is informed by Rick and Morty so that should give you an idea.

The soul is different from the corrupted body and mind

We sold our nation to banking just like the Founding Fathers warned us not to. It's seriously insane how much they all said WATCH OUT FOR THE BANKING AND SECRET SOCIETIES



Yeah the people calling this JIDF etc

Israel is jewish yes and internationalisy jews are parasitic cancer but in a physical war where we need allies, Israel is against those allied with those that aim to destroy us physically.

Israel is bad but they are the enemy of our enemies

Thanks for the low IQ shill posts

Only thing I'd add is that empirically, people who come from poor lineages tend to produce poor offspring. Forget Race, your last name is actually a greater indicator of your overall worth because its a greater indicator of genetic potential. That's why its so dangerous to import cheap labor. They rarely rise up in the ranks in the first place. Is it politically incorrect to assume that a person is fucked because they come from a shit family? Yes. But it's also the most accurate understanding of how descendants of a nation change overtime.

I got no other comments based on what you said, and agree with them.

>turning down free shekels from retarded goyim


I have an iq of 300


What an autistic post

Not only will Poland never ally with you because you're simply too far and they're already a member of the EU which will never change regardless of how many memes you read, but also India is already a member to the anti-American alliance SCO

>Fun fact: The only ally you had in this region that is relevant, Turkey, is about to join SCO as well.