>literally run by a Russian puppet
>muh guns
>uneducated and fat
>their food sucks
>can't cook shit
>their music sucks
>brainwashed by hollywood
>uneducated and fat
>the men that built it have all passed
>paranoid armed psychopaths
Other urls found in this thread:
Are we talking about the US or Mexico? Because it seems like you're describing Mexico
lmao paco youre just mad you couldn't get in while the getting was good
>" le Russian puppet xDDD"
Kys spic
somebody mad
We don't have a Russian puppet as president.
We have great food.
Our women can cook.
We have great music.
We don't believe hollywood's propaganda.
We have gun control.
The uneducated are fat, I'll give you that.
I did get in and then I got out because America sucks ass. Life in Mexico is a paradise if you have a little money and you're not an idiot.
Am I the only one noticing a pattern on this board?
One day threads talk about muslims, then they talk about niggers, then they talk about gays and faggots, then they talk about ecelebs, then they talk about hitler, then they talk about communism,then they talk about chinks now we are right slap back to american hate threads.This place is a fucking nuthouse I tell ya.
Don't try to downplay it as a meme, there is evidence. Ask Mueller.
Literally none of those are true.
fucking Juan over here
go back to your hole in the wall
your country is run by drug dealers id rather have a russian puppet even though trump isnt a russian puppet.
uneducated and fat. ill give you the fat but dude seriously? mexico is way less educated than usa
their food sucks/cant cook shit. montezumas revenge is real your water is literally diseased
yes our current pop music sucks and most are brainwashed by hollywood
the men who built mexico have all died as well are you trying to say mexico has a secret formula that can keep people alive for 200 years?
guat? you don't know shit about Mexico.
You also have thousands of people getting killed in the cartel wars every year, stop pretending you're not living in a 3rd world country
sure you moved to some ghetto area in LA full of niggers and gang bangers and you think you got the "American experience"
that said at least you smartened up about it, if more mexicans thought like you do now theyd be on their way to having their country not be a shithole
you could always go back to rebbit
>Mexico caring about muh Russia
What did globalists mean by this?
I moved to the bay area. San Francisco. Expensive as fuck and gang infested. I also lived in other states and they are even worst.
newfags don't sage and hide bait threads
It's run by a corrupt congress. The original role of the congress was to make sure the president couldn't become a dictator. Ironically, by having business ties with the real leaders, the billionaires, it's the congress that today makes sure that the US is no longer a democracy serving its people.
They have to go back. The beaners have to go back to mexico
>implying your country isn't run by a Russian mafia
What I meant by "the great men" is that those good men that built an empire have passed and their children destroyed everything.
Good goy
Thank you for leaving. Now stay there please and fix your country, I like the beaches and would like to survive a vacation there
Well said mi niño
Gracias querida madre.
Good. Now stay over there
Vacation areas are safer than most cities in America.
That wall just got a foot higher, Tuco.
I know that if you go there you get raped. Also the cartels will peel your skin off Juan. I live 15 minutes away from the border and have never been. I know that I'll be pulled over by a "cop, told to empty my account at an atm, and then I'll be shot in the back of the head. MEXICO.
That's the plan, I don't want to go to your shitty country. Your country is so great right, until you retire and can't afford to live there, then you change your mind and Viva la Mejico!
fuck you .....PINCHE PENDEJO
Mexican... nuff said.
>Saying something makes it true
Spic logic doesn't work here... you actually need to provide evidence besides your butthurt.
Will I be shot at the theater? at school? at church? at the mall? These are the questions that I ask myself when I visit the USA.
Fuck this gay earth, its run by kikes.
Ftfy, filthy bean
Im screen capping this for when the wall is complete.
I agree, but you have little pickup trucks with like swat team in them protecting the hotels in Cabo. Not the case at American beaches, unless it's nigger bike week at Myrtle or whatever. Then youer probably going to get shot, but you won't be decapitated
Subtle, user.
You would know if you were cultured. What do you want, a link that proves that mexican food is great, that the beaches are great? these are things that you learn when you travel, an uncultured american wouldn't know.
>Can't cook
How many Michelin star restaurants does Mexico have again?
>boarder hopping=travel
Top kek
>ask Mueller
Spic watches CNN and thinks he's got the inside skinny on what's what.
Thank God you voluntarily took your low is worthless was back across the border.
And in Mexico I have to worry about being kidnapped for being white.
No you don't. Unless you're schizophrenic or high on drugs. If you can make it in your gang infested neighborhoods then you'll be fine here, even safer.
>kidnapped for being white
Why does no one, specifically the dark manlet Mexican gremlins not realize that mexico is a white supremist state?
When you watch their tv shows all the wealtht people are white.
When you watch their news about people being slaughtered in the street, the people are dark shitskins.
You are not Mexican, you cannot be proud of mexico, that in impossible
Top kek, I love this one.
K, you can continue staying in mexico
>More immigrants from Mexico are leaving the United States than coming into the country, according to a report published Thursday by the Pew Research Center, a finding that indicates the end of the largest wave of immigration from a single country in American history.
Thank you POTUS Donald Trump :^)
You forgot to archive that
This was before Donald Trump. 2014 to be precise. illegal immigration is net zero and has been that way for over a decade thanks to the new factory jobs in Mexico.
And yet half of mexico tries to immigrate there.
>*gets kidnapped in Spanish*
Is that why there was 2000 murders in the month of May?
In what field are you a globally recognized SME?
Nope, that's just not true. immigration is net zero and has been that way for over a decade, trying reading a little.
>that was before Donald Trump
>link from last Thursday
Bucthf Drumpth
>your gang infested neighborhoods
>cartel infested nation
Man it depresses me that there are so many fucking junkies in the U.S. supply and demand is literally the only reason why cartels still exist. You see the average teenager smoking weed, and very likely it came from some cartel, who probably killed people just to get weed to their hands.
>We have gun control.
How's that helping with the cartels?
I can cook up a mean protein shake for myself.
No, that was because of the drug war funded by the American government. Which is supplying both sides with illegal guns and money. CIA stuff.
COPY + PASTE into all ADL-related topics. They don't like this shit getting out because they are trying to run a dialectical operation and need to pit low level Jews versus blue collar whites to make this shit work.
PDF of Ugly Truth About the ADL:
5 Part Series Audio Book of Ugly Truth About ADL:
ADL drug trade collusion article:
Godbless, also do you go on every thread to look for articles to archive? Can I help?
Really, Pedro?
Let me tell you that a lot of what is happening in terms of traffickers in Mexico is being largely supported by the illegal amounts of money and weapons coming from the United States.
>legal migration data
The thing is the Illegal invaders moron.
There is no proof.
oh the fake news meme, my bad I forgot we were still doing that.
I think the dopeheads are supplying the money, the guns come with the money. Maybe the spooks can control a little, but they just stir the pot not straight up fund it. Your politicians are whores, cheap ones that need drug money too, and don't give a fuck about you
>Russia controls american president
Are we the jews now?
>Even higher obesity percentile than America
>Shit tier education
>Hurr one American continent
>Good "Food"
>Eternally btfod by the Cartels
>Has a civil war more often then Germany ruins Europe
>Pot calls the kettle black 2.0 electric boogaloo
That's all the data there is, nobody know the numbers when it comes to undocumented immigrants.
u mad, beaner?
At least someone i want to fight can't put their hand on my forehead and let me swing until I get tired manlet
You're both utter shit.
Your politicians are no better. Even worst because they have the power to ruin the whole planet, ours only ruin small towns.
YFW there is no wall
>leaf has cucked PM pretty boy who does handstands and sucks off trannies and fags in
>entire country is accepting rapefugees at high
>somehow some of these "refugees" are from
>is almost as fat as Mexico
Leafs are a bigger embarrassment to NA than anyone.
Who cares? How many does your state have?
syrup nigger please. your country is beyond tarded and your shit is all fucked. kys
>literally run by a Russian puppet
Israel. Try again.
>muh guns
What about them?
>uneducated and fat
Best universities in the world and the obese problem lies on mainly minorities.
>their food sucks
Have you every had BBQ faggot spick?
>can't cook shit
I cook every day.
>their music sucks
Yet its popular around the entire planet
>brainwashed by hollywood
Yeah we're trying to stop the Jews
>uneducated and fat
Best universities in the world and the obese problem lies on mainly minorities.
>the men that built it have all passed
No shit that's called like cycle
>paranoid armed psychopaths
10/10 bait
Listen you fucking spic. Keep your rodent like people out of our country then.
>armed psychopaths
digame mas cabroncito, y construir un miro
I like Mexico, it's scary and if I ever murdered and was afraid I would get caught that's where I would go. I would drink tequila, do some coke, eat some viagra, and fuck hookers until I died of shame. But it needs to stop being a fucking warzone. I hope you're right, I hope it's getting better, I'm stationed in el paso and have to look a juarez on the reg. It's depressing
Is she going to be ok?
8/10 front slit and short hair...would bang
Juarez is fucking ugly.
If you do come, visit Puerto Vallarta, Cancún, Mazatlán, or La Paz. Beautiful.
>literally run by a Mafia
>muh open us border
>malnourished and poor
>their food sucks
>can't cook shit
>their music sucks
>malnourished and poor
>the men that built it have all passed
>armed phycopathic criminals in huge cartels
All gang related crimes are censored in the US. If Mexico did the same you wouldn't even find out.
How's your water?
So why you trying so hard to come up here? Sell your ass balloon drugs and GTFO
If you hate us so much you should build a wall at our border with your own money to keep the scary psychopathic burgers away from you and your drug problem.
Heybo, the fuck you say?
Donnie the dolt can't get any of his insanity passed and this is the new narrative you're spinning? Muh jews, muh deep state, muh congress.