Is evolution a lie?

Could the theory of evolution actually have been an attempt to unite the World under one World religion?

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Yes you shill SAGE

>hurr durr evryone shill
Kill yourself

fedoras BTFO

I mean you could be right but in this video there is some evidence and what not

video related

5:22 The catholic church was defending the innocence and repelling islam, how's that bad?

Consider how islam grew, by conquest, murdering raping and enslaving those who were not and would not become Islamic.

Christianity grew through the blood of martyrs, and by the dream of saint Constantine.

the crusades were justified and just in every respect.

huge difference

I think it has to do with people learning about what happend during the crusades more than why.

I was just defining cognitive dissonance.
for others who didn't know

You can observe evolution. Peppered moth? Numerous microorganisms?

Ok sorry to bother i guess

It is real to an extent, but is not a realistic explanation for the origins of life and the theory has many holes in it.

One major one for example is the development of functional eyes in a species. If life had started without them, it would be impossible to develop them in order to perceive light and transfer it to the conscience mind, as the creature would not actively evolving to improve a system missing in the first place. Evolutionists can explain how a primitive eye develops over time, but not how that even comes to be in the first place.

My experience with the theory of evolution has been quite the opposite. I do believe that some sort of evolution did take place but it was caused by God, not randomly happening. Same goes for the big bang and all of those things. They were caused by God and not just a random event. When science and religion come together, a lot of things begin to make sense.

Key factor is that there is nothing to gain by having a large amount of people believing in evolution, if it was an attempt at a world religion, then it was a poor one as one afternoon in the southern USA will let you see, finally evolution can be questioned, as is encouraged, and the theory itself has changed over time because of this. Without central authority to benefit from the belief and without an unquestionable dogma, I fail to see how this could be anything but accurate scientific theory as the evidence shows rather that a world religion.

birds taxonomically are dinosaurs. keep in mind they were bottlenecked through a specific species, they probably do not descend from tyrannosaurs.

5:33 yet hes forcing his belief that forcing a belief is non effective, i disagree..

big lie.

How do we expect to make any progress when we still have sub human idiots who don't even believe in evolution

Study parasites for a while and you'll realize that no good God had a hand in evolution.

You get to question evolution all the time. Just ask your teachers in school, they won't burn you yet.

All you need to start with is a mutated cell that reacts to light. Then you have a cell which can move into regions with warmer temperatures/more food etc.

Did you Watch the video?

that cant be possible, because traditional Catholicism says god made everything in 6 days-or 7days... it also condemns evolution and the big bang because they're not rational or true.

>evolution is wrong
>race realism is right
pick one, you cant have both

The eye developed from simple skin cells is how most state, these simple skin cells underwent a mutation to produce a protein that detects basic light, as this occurred after the nervous system evolved, the creature would have different sensations during day and night from this protein triggering the nervous system in the presence of light. That is how the primitive eye came to be such that it could develop.

facts appear into reality to fit theories not the other way around. This is how existence works. One day the system will re-align and a new theory will come up and the facts will miraculously change to fit that paradigm and on and on.

That's adaptation, retard.

6-7 days is not exact, it is a figure of speech



In the science, Evolution is a theory about changes: in the Myth it is a fact about improvements. Thus a real scientist like Professor J.B.S. Haldane is at pains to point out that popular ideas of Evolution lay a wholly unjustified emphasis on those changes which have rendered creatures (by human standards) ‘better’ or more interesting. He adds, ‘We are therefore inclined to regard progress as the rule in evolution. Actually it is the exception, and for every case of it there are ten of degeneration.’ But the Myth simply expurgates the ten cases of degeneration. In the popular mind the word ‘Evolution’ conjures up a picture of things moving ‘onward and upwards’, and of nothing else whatsoever. And it might have been predicted that it would do so. Already, before science had spoken, the mythical imagination knew the kind of ‘Evolution’ it wanted. It wanted the Keatsian and Wagnerian kind: the gods superseding the Titans, and the young, joyous, careless, amorous Siegfried superseding the care-worn, anxious, treaty-entangled Wotan. If science offers any instances to satisfy that demand, they will be eagerly accepted. If it offers any instances that frustrate it, they will simply be ignored.

Again, for the scientist Evolution is purely a biological theorem. It takes over organic life on this planet as a going concern and tries to explain certain changes within that field. It makes no cosmic statements, no metaphysical statements, no eschatological statements. Granted that we now have minds we can trust, granted that organic life came to exist, it tries to explain, say, how a species that once had wings came to lose them.


It explains this by the negative effect of environment operating on small variations. It does not in itself explain the origin of organic life, nor of the variations, nor does it discuss the origin and validity of reason. It may well tell you how the brain, through which reason now operates, arose, but that is a different matter. Still less does it even attempt to tell you how the universe as a whole arose, or what it is, or whither it is tending. But the Myth knows none of these reticences. Having first turned what was a theory of change into a theory of improvement, it then makes this a cosmic theory. Not merely terrestrial organisms but everything is moving ‘upwards and onwards’. Reason has ‘evolved’ out of instinct, virtue out of complexes, poetry out of erotic howls and grunts, civilization out of savagery, the organic out of the inorganic, the solar system out of some sidereal soup or traffic block. And conversely, reason, virtue, art and civilization as we now know them are only the crude or embryonic beginnings of far better things--perhaps Deity itself--in the remote future. For in the Myth, ‘Evolution’ (as the Myth understands it) is the formula for all existence. To exist means to be moving from the status of ‘almost zero’ to the status of ‘almost infinity’. To those brought up on the Myth nothing seems more normal, more natural, more plausible, than that chaos should turn to order, death into life, ignorance into knowledge. And with this we reach the full-blown Myth.

C.S. Lewis

the big bang theory was invented by a catholic monk you retard

I like the idea of evolution. It means that instead of simply being handed our position as the dominant species on the planet, we earned it. We fought and clawed our way up out of the muck over millions of years. we beat out dozens of other hominids species and a few truly human ones like Neanderthals to become the last Men standing. We're here because we were smarter and more adaptive than all the others. Not because of divine favor. We're here because we earned it.

Evolution is adaptation over a long period of time resulting in such variations that two creatures can end up looking nothing like eachother

>facts appear into reality to fit theories not the other way around. This is how existence works. One day the system will re-align and a new theory will come up and the facts will miraculously change to fit that paradigm and on and on.
That sounds an awful lot like Cultural Marxist bullshit, user.

Erm sweetie, actually atheism doesn't say anything about the creation of the universe. Most atheists just admit we don't know where the universe began. The big bang describes events soon after the creation, not before and not during it.

Christians > Catholics

True. However its not just a catholic bible that says that, its all of the bibles.

It's no use, Christan have spoiled-child brains who can't imagine not having an answer to a question.

if you don't believe evolution you are completely, objectively retarded. it's not a theory, it's fact. you can go to a museum and literally look at the morphological similarities between a T rex skeleton/chicken skeleton with your own eyes.

i can...................................

No, cultural marxists use this fact (that there is very little that is truly objective) to demolish moral structures, but that's just a destructive implementation. We could use it to build up whatever we want if we saw fit to do so.

Did you Watch the video?

The wishful thinking and speculation of evolutionism (It is no where close to a real theory like cell,atomic,etc..) is a desperate attempt to rationalize the unbeliever's rejection of God. Its the only game in town for them and the reason why it is held as an absolute fact and should never be questioned.


The drama proper is preceded by the most austere of all preludes; the infinite void and matter endlessly, aimlessly moving to bring forth it knows not what. Then by some millionth, millionth chance--what tragic irony!--the conditions at one point of space and time bubble up into that tiny fermentation which we call organic life. At first everything seems to be against the infant hero of our drama; just as everything always was against the seventh son or ill-used step-daughter in a fairy tale. But life somehow wins through. With incalculable sufferings (the Sorrows of the Volsungs were nothing to it), against all but insuperable obstacles, it spreads, it breeds, it complicates itself; from the amoeba up to the reptile, up to the mammal. Life (here comes the first climax) ‘wantons as in her prime’. This is the age of the monsters: dragons prowl the earth, devour one another, and die. Then the irresistible theme of the Younger Son or the Ugly Duckling is repeated. As the weak, tiny spark of life herself began amidst the beasts that are far larger and stronger than he, there comes forth a little, naked, shivering, cowering biped, shuffling, not yet fully erect, promising nothing: the product of another millionth, millionth chance. His name in this Myth is Man: elsewhere he has been the young Beowulf whom men at first thought a dastard, or the stripling David armed only with a sling against a mail-clad Goliath, or a Jack the Giant-Killer himself, or even Hop-o’-my-Thumb.

We watched your damn video, I know because I'm down 10 IQ points.

Chairman HR MaoMaster needs to go, he's a Soros puppet.


He thrives. He begins killing his giants. He becomes the Cave Man with his flints and his club, muttering and growling over his enemies’ bones, almost a brute and yet somehow able to invent art, pottery, language, weapons, cookery, and nearly everything else (his name in another story is Robinson Crusoe), dragging his screaming mate by her hair (I do not know exactly why), tearing his children to pieces in fierce jealousy until they are old enough to tear him, and cowering before the terrible gods whom he has invented in his own image.

But these were only growing pains. In the next act he has become true Man. He learns to master Nature. Science arises and dissipates the superstitions of his infancy. More and more he becomes the controller of his own fate. Passing hastily over the historical period (in it the upward and onward movement gets in places a little indistinct, but it is a mere nothing by the time-scale we are using) we follow our hero on into the future. See him in the last act, though not the last scene, of this great mystery. A race of demi-gods now rule the planet (in some versions, the galaxy). Eugenics have made certain that only demi-gods will now be born: psychoanalysis that none of them shall lose or smirch his divinity: economics that they shall have to hand all that demi-gods require. Man has ascended his throne. Man has become God. All is a blaze of glory. And now, mark well the final stroke of mythopoeic genius. It is only the more debased versions of the Myth that end here. For to end here is a little bathetic, even a little vulgar. If we stopped at this point the story would lack the highest grandeur.

I asked him but ok

>Could the theory of evolution actually have been an attempt to unite the World under one World religion?

Da fuck? it's the Christian mongrels who wish for a one world religion.

>There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Therefore, in the best versions, the last scene reverses all. Arthur died: Siegfried died: Roland dies at Roncesvaux. Dusk steals darkly over the gods. All this time we have forgotten Mordred, Hagen, Ganilon. All this time Nature, the old enemy who only seemed to be defeated, has been gnawing away, silently, unceasingly, out of the reach of human power. The Sun will cool--all suns will cool--the whole universe will run down. Life (every form of life) will be banished without hope of return from every cubic inch of infinite space. All ends in nothingness. ‘Universal darkness covers all’. True to the shape of Elizabethan tragedy, the hero has swiftly fallen from the glory to which he slowly climbed: we are dismissed ‘in calm of mind, all passion spent’. It is indeed much better than Elizabethan tragedy, for it has a more complete finality. It brings us to the end not of a story, but of all possible stories: enden sah ich die welt.

I grew up believing in this Myth and have felt--I still feel--its almost perfect grandeur. Let no one say we are an unimaginative age: neither the Greeks nor the Norsemen ever invented a better story. Even to the present day, in certain moods, I could almost find it in my heart to wish that it was not mythical, but true. And yet, how could it be?

>desperate attempt to rationalise
Understand this, if nothing else, rationalising this world is a whole lot more complex than 3 letters G O D.
>cant be questioned
As a former christian, I'm well aware that questioning is discouraged within the faith, and encouraged outside the faith.

What makes it impossible that it should be true is not so much the lack of evidence for this or that scene in the drama or the fatal self-contradiction which runs right through it. The Myth cannot even get going without accepting a good deal from the real sciences. And the real sciences cannot be accepted for a moment unless rational inferences are valid: for every science claims to be a series of inferences from observed facts. It is only by such inferences that you can reach your nebulae and protoplasm and dinosaurs and sub-men and cave-men at all. Unless you start by believing that reality in the remotest space and the remotest time rigidly obeys the laws of logic, you can have no ground for believing in any astronomy, any biology, any paleontology, any archeology. To reach the positions held by the real scientists--which are taken over by the Myth--you must, in fact, treat reason as an absolute. But at the same time the Myth asks me to believe that reason is simply the unforeseen and unintended by-product of a mindless process at one stage of its endless and aimless becoming. The content of the Myth thus knocks from under me the only ground on which I could possibly believe the Myth to be true. If my own mind is a product of the irrational--if what seem my clearest reasonings are only the way in which a creature conditioned as I am is bound to feel--how shall I trust my mind when it tells me about Evolution? They say in effect ‘I will prove that what you call a proof is only the result of mental habits which result from heredity which results from biochemistry which results from physics’. But this is the same as saying: ‘I will prove that proofs are irrational’: more succinctly, ‘I will prove that there are no proofs’. The fact that some people of scientific education cannot by any effort be taught to see the difficulty, confirms one’s suspicion that we touch here a radical disease in their whole style of thought.

Isn't it obvious?

Could the theory of evolution be an attempt to unite the World under (known by the ones trying to spread the lie) a false one world religion

But the man who does see it, is compelled to reject as mythical the cosmology in which most of us were brought up. That is has embedded in it many true particulars I do not doubt: but in its entirety, it simply will not do. Whatever the real universe may turn out to be like, it can’t be like that.

Of course evolution happens.
Things can change over time, but i am not questioning that. I question to the extent things evolved.
>I do not believe all life evolved from microorganisms. A blue whale isnt related to a starfish, just like humans arent related to trees.

Atheism pushes the evolution narrative, just as they push the big bang. According to science something can not be created from nothing, and yet they tell us every atom in the universe just popped into existence.
There also isnt just nothingness,.no matter how small things still go on, look at the head of a pencil, if you magnify enough its not solid but atoms, magnify more sub atomic particles, more tachyons that supposedly pop into and out of existence.

Science doesnt know all

Of course it's a lie, you gullible retard.


No. Religions are the ones that try to unify the world under their religion.

oh men, you nailed that shit pretty hard


Surprised you only triggered one satanist
>Sup Forums is full of nonbeleivers, and they will all burn with the jews
All nonbelievers will burn eternal with gods chosen race, who betrayed gods only son
-Book of mormon page287


Dinosaurs were created by the advanced civilizations pre-flood. They played God and created abominations.

>functional eyes in a species
what is smell
what is taste
what is hearing
what is perception of balance
what is literally any and every sense besides reacting to chemical composition of primordial soup

Probably not.

This here is a huge nail in the coffin of evolution denial.

It's a silly lie. Can't believe I fell for it myself.

wrong I can see a clear motive
Suppose (((someone))) wanted to dissuade people from believing in the bible. What better way than to claim science completely contradicts its first book?
You clearly do not know just how much the Jewish peoples' hatred of Christ extends.

>trusting scientists
Motherfuckers just talkin' and getting me pissed.

What happened to all those ahtiest vloggers a few years ago?

No because the guy who discovered it (Wallace) refused to publish his findings because he was a Christian and didn't want to hurt his religion.

This only brings up further issue with the theory of evolution. Not everything can be chalked up to a genetic mutation, as
1. The mutation has be able to be passed to offspring'
2. Creatures that undergo mutation, even beneficial, are not always likely to survive and pass on those genes. This makes the likelihood for this to occur extremely low
Also worth pointing out is that cells being light sensitive does not directly lead to eye development in a way which would let the organism develop a system which would allow them to actually see changes in light. For example our skin cells are light sensitive, yet we can't see through our skin in any way.

A mutation would have to occur in a way which would not only allow cells to detect light in an advanced way, but also allow the brain to perceive these changes and allow us to see them. Otherwise, these light detections would be no different than how our skin reacts to light.

"the human eye is too complex to have evolved piece by piece"

Here is are eyes in different stages of evolution, all found within animals alive today. Proof of evolution.

Are you that NASA debunker guy?

Christian logic: There must be a god, so it is mine.

This monkey skull looks like a nigger skull
>Evolution is proven
Niggers arent Europeans, if anything youve proven niggers are monkeys

throw seven billion k100 dice three times
how many series of 3x90< you will get?

It's not a lie. It's actually been the biggest help in proving the races are different.
If you're religious, that's fine but stop taking the Bible so literally. Who's to say God didn't use evolution as a system to create life?
Even relativity proves that time to God doesn't necessarily equate to what humans understand. 7 literal days to God could have been 10 trillion years in the universe if you account for possible time dilation. Fuck, from God's perspective he's still on the 7th day of rest just watching his creation unfold.

The only reason you don't believe in evolution is because your religion is retarded.
Mine isn't, so I believe in guided evolution.

If that drawing is proof of evolution then my picture of a bible is proof of god.

>mutations don't happen
>mutations aren't observed
>mutations haven't been confirmed
What are deformities, what are viruses who mutate(like common cold), what is your immune system that adapts to it? What are different types of dogs bred by humans from wolf?


Yea, fish that crawl up in your fucking dick and attach itself inside it was created by god. It's part of his grand plan. Why and how? Lel dude that's just the devil talking God knows what he is doing lmao.

Also bless you ol' man, for making carnivorous animals a thing. You couldn't just have made us all herbivores. Nah we needed the violence anyway. Also thank you for the platypus.

Same people who told us polar bears would be extinct, and new york city under water.
The same scientists are trying to say there are 500 genders
>Ohh, that right, dont bring that up.
>PC/SJE scientists are why people dont believe them anymore

Strange how geology, biology, astronomy, chemistry, chemistry, and paleontology all support evolution due to all these different fields' evidence lining up with one another. It's almost as if evolution is the most solid theory of all of science.

So god made koala bears evolve so that they'd have to eat their parents shit and catch their parents chlamydia from the shit?.


All of those "eyes" exist today in various species.


Charles Darwin was not a Jew, he was a devout Christian who hated himself because of what he was discovering since it started to disprove the classical notion of God they held at the time. Imagine what kind of insults were hurled at the man. He himself was led by the thrill of discovery, not some evil plot to usurp Christianity. Jesus Christ sometimes I forget there are literal autists on this board.

>flaps wings quickly
peep peep
>fluffs up slightly
peep peep whistle
>splashes in birdbath
>eats a french fry
tweet tweet screech
>flies into window
tweet peep tweet caw
>sits on power line

Atheism is a religion.
The belief that life sprang from dirt is one of its tenets.
The belief that all life will one day end is one of its tenets.
It has an alpha and omega. It is a religion.

Silly Christcucks thinking they're smart


It is strange, for an examble some fossils have carbon 14

>Here is are?
God please fix this man
I have 4 male goats, one is bugger and stronger than the rest so he will mate and pass his genes on while the others don't. What's so hard to understand?
It might not describe how life came up from the begining but it's only a matter of time and is not an argument against it
