Why so much hate on liberalism

I don't get people liberalism isn't immigration and minorities rights it is political economic and social ideology and it is great in every aspect liberals aren't power hungry hateful movement

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how fuckin detached from reality are you guy?

Are you on drugs or just bad with English (not American)

I live in reality but you confuse me with leftards the American left isn't liberal they don't follow liberalism economicly or political or socially they are a complete fucked up

I'm a White immigrant in the US not a native my english isn't really as good as the native whites

Lurk more newfag

All forms of liberalism is madness.

Fuck liberals!

Why there is no liberal falg here on pol

liberals Economy and politic are what the American right wing follow free market free trade small gov freedom of press and speech all are liberal ideas

I wish true followers of classical liberalism would openly criticize the progressive retards who have infected the body politic. Untill this becomes a regular thing you (liberals) are doing nothing to fight the tyrany of (((the majority))).

People have conflated liberalism with regressive leftism. LEftists do ti because they want to co-opt the term without actually knowing or caring that they aren't liberal and righties call regressive lefties liberal because as far as they're concerned, there's no difference between the two. Both of which are incorrect.

There's not much wrong with actual liberalism by its real definition.

The problem is that these modern day neopuritan leftists that call themselves "liberal" are not actually liberal whatsoever. If they were liberal then they wouldn't chimp out every time traditional values are given a fair shake in some piece of media.



My personal problem with it is everything is not free. Giving free shit to everyone will lead the US into bankruptcy. Wealth comes from production and ideas, not making babies. The idea of an expanding population creating wealth is flawed in modern economics, even to support social programs like Soc. Security. Oh and the Boomers paid for that while the Liberals gave their money away already, or was it just another tax!!

The Democratic party and classic liberalism peaked with JFK. Everything else is some cultural Marxism shit.

Though there are some good dems today like Jim Webb.

>Liberalism is a political philosophy or worldview founded on ideas of liberty and equality. Liberal philosophy generally emphasizes liberty, individualism, and support for limited constitutional government.
>liberty, individualism, and support for limited constitutional government.

Straight from your link. Regressives are authoritarian, collectivist and demand larger government for gibs. They are not liberals.

I don't hate most liberals even though we may disagree on different points. It's the progressive morons I hate with a passion.

>not power hungry
>own 90% of all media
>pay people to riot when they don't get their way

Those are globalists not liberals

I generally despise collectivists, socialists and communists. That's the real danger of our time. The race meme is only pushed to divide and conquer. It's an attempt to reestablish a democrat vs republican type narrative.

Libs might think they are helping everyone but in the end they are helping no one.