What're you Sup Forums? Im an agorist personally

What're you Sup Forums? Im an agorist personally.

Lol this chart is like the full spectrum of autism

Anarcho-Egoism is the only real one.

Get outta here commie.all forms are real comrade.


now fuck off and die in a fire

No thank you comrade. im fine where i am.

>calling someone a commie when communism is OG anarchism

You could of just said you had autism

More communists have died at the hands of my people than the number of members your meme movements will ever have

Marx later retracted his statement and i dont have a problem with anarcho communism just statist communism and violence.

You are communists fag and we dont want to kill anyone.

Well I hope you also don't want to ever enact your stupid beliefs because you never will.

Why is Egoism teal?

Its voluntary asshat.

i didnt make the image.

Agorism is the same as ancap, or a part of it. Agorism is a strategy in which people undermine the power of the state by taking part in the underground economy, evading taxation and "starving the beast".

It has worked in many instances in the past, for example in bringing down socialist regimes in Eastern Europe. The underground economy was omnipresent and it rewards the individual by providing him a superior product than that of the state economy, in more quantity, without waiting as much, and etc and not paying taxes for any of it.

It can be summarized as "revolutionary capitalism".

pic related

Actually no ancapd want to retain the corporate structure of Modern capitalism white agorists want a decentralized system of independent contractors aswell as voluntary co-ops.

>calling communism anarchism when anarcho communism is an oxymoron

>mutualism is voluntary gommienism
What kind of a fag wrote that shit, I am not an anarchist but If I had to pick I would go with mutualism

Forgot to add that Agorism also takes some parts from synthesis anarchism where there isnt a "true anarchism"

All forms of anarchism are true anarchism.

It should say Voluntary socialism.

Agorism is more of a method than an ideology. For example, I am an ancap, but I support agorism as a means of supporting anarcho-capitalism. It's kind of like how you can be a commie, but although you don't live in a communist system you can still work in a coop and commune to support your ideology. Same goes with Ancapism, you don't live in an ancap society but you can use agorism to support your ideology.

Egoism has always looked really interesting to me.

i see it as a seperate ideology due to its differences.

>Actually no ancapd want to retain the corporate structure of Modern capitalism
You pulled that out your ass.

But then again...

No i didnt Ancaps do want to retain the corperate hierarchy. thats one of the ain differences.

What i mean by this is they want to retain a Manager/Employee hierarchy while agorists want to abolish that .

Anarchy is fucking retarded.

And so are you :)

>implying anarchism will ever be viable
>Implying everyone will magically become kind and compassionate enough to make anarchism work

Kys OP

The only one in that chart that is actually good is Primitivism. Drop the "Anarcho-" prefix because it's just there to be edgy. Primitivism the form of societal organization that humans were literally naturally selected over millions of years of evolution to live in, and it's the only way to absolutely guarantee a lack of dysgenics in the population in the very long term. It's also a form of "government" which survived and was stable for like 1 million years without any real social problems whatsoever, prior to the rise of the Farmcucks who ruined everything forever.


do you have any idea how valuable copper is?