>22,000 March in Jerusalem Pride Parade Jerusalem Under Heavy Security
>Three Israeli Arabs Sent to Six Months in Jail Without Trial
>Israel Holds 48 Over Temple Mount Clashes After Fresh Wave of Arrests
>Israel Tries to Deport Ghanaian After Wife's Death, Gets Blocked by Judge
>In leaked audio, Jared Kushner calls Israeli measures at Al-Aqsa 'reasonable'
>Israeli forces close entrance to Wadi Fukin for settlement groundbreaking ceremony
>Israel completes construction of separation wall in South Hebron Hills
>4 minors among 30 Palestinians detained by Israeli forces in overnight raids
>Israeli forces detain 15 more Palestinians for involvement in Al-Aqsa protests
>Israeli army places Yatta village under complete lockdown following attack
>Israeli forces erect checkpoint, detain Palestinian in Hebron
>Israeli settlers seize Palestinian family homes in Hebron
>Israeli army enters Gaza, opens fire on Palestinian farmers amid search for tunnels
>Hamas to dissolve administrative committee if PA halts all punitive measures in Gaza
>Israel Set to Resettle Bedouin From Unrecognized Negev Village on Temporary Site
/hlg/ Holy Land General: Fakestine Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>Israeli Politicians Rally to Rebuild Evacuated
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>Israel’s First Arab Supreme Court Justice, Salim Joubran, Retiring
Israel's Top Court Says Same-sex Surrogacy Law Discriminatory, but Defers Ruling
Israeli jews need to have more kids again otherwise the muslims there will start out breeding them
they already are
inb4 mass deportation
Palestinians=> always the "victims"
Blame hamas, and old fatah and poflp
So what do you do for fun in the West Bank or Gaza or wherever you are?
The population growth is about the same, so if current trends would continue we will not be outbred.
>>In leaked audio, Jared Kushner calls Israeli measures at Al-Aqsa 'reasonable'
They're pretty reasonable.
What is this source?
Others: soccer fifa cs 1.6
me: youtube, pepes politics
also christiancucks and secualrs drink and party
You should party man maybe you can meet a qt and redpill her
Its the closest to a non government owned news source we have here
Fake flag why won't you have your country in jordan which is already palestinian
Christian? Wait are you that Palestinian with the cat or was he an atheist.
Wrong, it is the Jews that make themselves out to be victims.
If only
how about we all become jews?
Hold on senpai ill buy a plane ticket quick and come wing man you just make sure I don't get lynched by hamas
بسلاح الحق البتاري
سنحرر ارض الاحراري
و نعيد الطهر الى القدس
من بعد الذل و ذا العاري
في سبيل الله نحيا ونموت : بحياة العز أو موت الفداء
Then who would we Jew?
Álrêst lébe ich mir werde, sît mîn sün ouge siht
Daz here lant und ouch die erde, der man sô vil êren giht
Nice proxy.
mmmm yes very much indeed
Beatiful lyrics.
What do you think of BDS and other college movements like "Justice for Palestine", I would like to help, but rather do it through the Catholic church or something so it wouldn't be gay and I knew it wasn't going to some corrupt faggots. Arethere many Christians there?
Funny one
Why on Earth would you interfere in this Semitic shitfest? Let them throw rocks and bullets at each other.
it makes things worse.
However I support buying fakestinian products over foreign ones as i am a protectionist nationalist
t-thanks senpai
I love how noone even reads the news and disscusses it, instead just fighting about the IPC
What's funny about Arabs and their "muh boycott" is that the kikes actually make Arabs work in their factories, so it doesn't help anyone.
Who would like to discuss this absolute fake news propaganda? Let's have fun instead.
You're right, it seems like a futile endeavor, but there are still Christians over there.
Well that blows. Hope it works out, I'd be pretty pissed if the Jews stole my country.
How are the settlements what is your view of them? And what should be done?
fair point, also BDS is stupid, but protectionism in general is not
If you really want to help Christians in the Middle East you should focus on Syria or Iraq instead. We have some organizations helping them currently on the ground.
Nice ID faggot
What's your opinion on the land dispute
>We have some organizations helping them currently on the ground.
Who is we, and what orgs are these?
Settlements and settlers need to fuck off, but the jews can have their 1967 lands
Forgot to remove the meme flag.
The most popular is "SOS Chrétiens d'Orient", but there are some others. I made 200 euros donation last year.
Do you support hamas and other such terrorist organizations?
fuck hamas fatah is the least shitty
He supports Islamic State in Kashmir.
Non political but I really dig the bricks you lads use to build your houses
I might be wrong but this looks 100% Western-made.
no its palestinian christian design, but only old buildings use that brick
also stone is far superior as a building material
I'll look into them
Lol, I've been wanted the Donald cut that stuff off, I hope you can understand
Those are French organizations, don't you have some in your country?
No u
Your doubles speak the truth
That I don't know but I was referring to the particular bricks they use in the region. Really aesthetic
Yeah, I'm sure I will have to check though, the big ones on college I see in the news are all very leftwing/anti-israel
That A E S T H E T I C comes with age. In the beginning the buildings are white
Yeah, they're annoying with their Palestinian bullshit. Constantly crying, like kikes with their Holohoax. It isn't even interesting, I've studied the entire thing and the Palestinian state or people are just a scam, no one should give a fuck.
how so?
> I've studied the entire thing and the Palestinian state or people are just a scam, no one should give a fuck.
To be fair they did take their land no? And they continue to build on it.
Lol dumb kike, shouldn't you be busy counting holocaust victims or something?
Jordan should have their country in Israel.
>If you really want to help Christians in the Middle East you should focus on Syria or Iraq instead. We have some organizations helping them currently on the ground.
You're not fooling me with that flag Moishe, obvious kike is obvious.
The Palestinian people wasn't a thing before the 60s. They're just Arabs, Egyptians, Syrians, Jordans or whatever. About the state, it's pure mess. How can you establish a stable country on the long-term with such a divided territory? Gaza is ruled by wannabe islamists, Egypt hates it, Israel nukes it every 4 years or so, and Judea-Samaria is a huge shitfest divided into several zones defined by hazardous agreements. Also, the whole "occupied Palestine" is pure fantasy. Before 1967, the land was (illegally) occupied by Transjordan. The UN borders have nothing to do with the 1947 borders. They are literal post-war statu quo borders without any sense.
Initially, the Palestinian state (Arab state of Palestine) was meant to be Jordan. And Gaza belonged to Egypt. Arafat himself wanted to include Jordan in its fictional state, but failed (hello Black September) and then didn't annoy Jordans ever again.
Currently, Egyptians closed their border with Gaza because they can't stand this shithole (where the population increases in Africa-like level), and the amount of Jews in Judea-Samaria seems way too high to send them all back to the "actual" Israel.
The best option seems to nuke Gaza and make an Arab state going through the Northen Triangle and Muslim zones of Judea-Samaria. Or nuke the entire region. Or start a new crusade and gas the Semites.
>Northern Triangle
Meant to say Little Triangle
Tad more technical. Both Jews and Arabs are settlers actually, the land was pretty much empty before the Zionist movement became a thing.
>hides his own flag
Interesting statement Achmed
>or gas the semites.
Pretty much this
How many Jews died today?
>Or start a new crusade and gas the Semites.
I suppose this is fair
>I've studied the entire thing and the Palestinian state or people are just a scam, no one should give a fuck.
Nah, you just got fooled by the Jewish fuckery.
You can't just come back thousands of years later assuming that your ancestors were kicked out of a land and that the people already living there are not themselves also descendants of ancient peoples.
For an extreme hypothetical example, if every Palestinian was a descendant of an ancient Hebrew and every modern Jew was a descendant of a Jew (or even a non-Jew Khazar) who voluntarily left the land over the centuries to go do business in a larger city (Baghdad, Istanbul, Cordoba, Cairo, etc...), then what right do those Jews have to "return" and kick the Palestinians out?
Even Britain thought the idea was ridiculous during WW1 but they gave in to the kike pressure.
That is a good point. Most countires are just messes created by sykes-picot, but there were general outlines of areas and prvinces, like what was called palestine (the area shown in the pic), and also greater syria was more of a country that any other thing, besides, jordan was a shithole filled with bedouins until palis mass immagrated, but yes,
your point about a palesetine and israel not existing as countires is correct, however that does not excuse them being kicked out of where they had lived for millenia
also palestine was a thing before the 60's, but palestine as it exists today is a product of sykes picot in 1919 or something
It's pretty much Islam tendency to destroy the local history and people and then calm muh oppression, I hope they get genocide tbqh
Jokes on you, I don't give a shit. The Jews living here might be non-Semites Khazar, just like the Palestinians (Philistines) might no be Semites either. As long as we can get rid of them I really don't bother with all these "my ancestors lived here and sheit", the modern context is clear and easily understandable.
You're getting way to technical, using abstract ideas such as countries and borders, etc.. This is all a Jewish trick to circumvent basic morality. They use technicalities and semantics to falsely justify their practices. The term Palestinian actually refers to people who are native to the land of Palestine, not an actual country with borders. Today Palestinians try to make it into a nationality thing but it just makes it more confusing.
We're not talking about nationality, we're talking about an Arabic speaking population that was kicked out of their ancestor's homes and still being dispossessed to this day.
>however that does not excuse them being kicked out of where they had lived for millenia
Didn't happen. The Nakba is basically Arab leaders saying to Arab people to leave until they liberate Palestine (which has, as you stated, nothing to do with what we call Palestine today) except they never did.
There were massive Arab immigrations to counter the Zionist movement in the land, as the kikes were buying more and more each year.
At first they wanted the entire "Israeli Land" kek, would've been like Israel+Jordan. They had to make concessions to concede 75% of the land to create Transjordan and then to divide their planned "Jewish state" into two zones.
What's quite ironic (but also uchronic) is that if the Arabs did not attack in 1947 they'd have probably outnumbered the kikes slowly but surely and could've even lived in their state without much problem. But you know, it's never easy with these people. And I don't think it will ever be
Kek, I swear all you cut dicks cry muh oppression like anything, what About the practices that these Muslim do, the whole Islamic world shares their pain by using them as a propaganda but will never allow them shelter in their own countries, as the Frenchie said we should gas the semite cause their is no real difference between the two of you
but they were living there for thousands of years
Sorry kikeman but the birthrates aren't equal, kikeland's birthrate is only comparing the rates of arab israelis to other kikes. Plus the only jews that are having a fuck ton of kids are the orthodox jews who aren't willing to serve in the military and avoid taxes. Secular kikes have the highest emigration rate and lowest birthrate even among the western world. Its only a matter of time till the cannites take back their ancestoral homelands.
Hey Hinjew, everything you know about history is bullshit. Jews like to claim that the history of that land is entirely Jewish but the truth is that for thousands of years all sorts of people lived in that land along with the Jews, they weren't the only ones there, even during the time of the ancient kingdom of Israel.
At least ever since the Assyrians invaded the kingdom of Israel, the official language in that land was Aramaic, not Hebrew. Even after the Babylonian, Persian, and Roman period the official language was still Aramaic and Jesus himself spoke Aramaic.
The truth is that a large portion of the population were non-Jews who spoke Aramaic as their mother tongue.
But what's Palestine? Do you consider, as the PLO used to do, that Jordan should also belong to an hypothetical Palestinian state?
Also, another funny aspect, is that "Palestinians" now living in other countries like Syria, Jordan or even Iraq are still, 70 years later, considered as "refugees" and get special aid from the UN
A bunch of Beduins, also mostly nomads, populated the land, only Jerusalem and some small towns (none with Arabic names) had inhabitants
The few families who actually lived here for "thousands of years" (wew) probably returned now anyway, and live better than in any other Muslim state
RIP knafa is great
And? How does it make a difference, all of you make the point that the Jews were kicked out, now they are kicking you out and you are crying muh oppression what exactly separates you
they weren't jewish names either
also theyw ere nomads, then they formed villages, then villages grew, then more villages popped up. It wasn't just only bedouins for god knows how long
I don't know if you know AFP, it's a worldwide French news agency. During the last conflict in Gaza everyday we had a report about how Israel killed cows, snakes, zebras or whatever, or how the Palestinian food was delicious, etc.
It's actually a paradise
> Jokes on you, I don't give a shit
> continues to spew jew propaganda fake history.
Enough Moishe.
First of all it was the British who told the Arabs to leave their houses for their safety and to return in 72 hours. Even before this happened, for up to 6 months prior the Zionists were taking over Arab cities and expelling their populations. Go look up Plan Dalet and don't use wikipedia.
Jews have been terrorizing and stealing land from the Arabs since 1882.
Just a reminder that Palestine will return and Israel will implode thanks to demographics because we, Arabs, have been blessed with horniness
Just a reminder that Palestine is Islamic but must protect the Christian residents
Just a reminder that every murtad must be wiped out Palestine or sent to Isnotreal or savagely beheaded as we do not allow cucks in Palastina.
Hebraic or Greek/Latin yeah
I don't give a shit about their ancestry debates, I only talk about the contemporary issues, and as I'm not a Semite neither an Arab/Jew I simply like to study the conflict as I'd study the Syrian war or anything else
>First of all it was the British who told the Arabs to leave their houses for their safety and to return in 72 hours. Even before this happened, for up to 6 months prior the Zionists were taking over Arab cities and expelling their populations.
During the Nakba which is a consequence of the 1947-48 conflict the Brits already left the area, you know. It's the Arab leaders of the neighbor countries who were confident in their victory who told them to go away (and many came back a few years or decades later despite their defeat)
>Jews have been terrorizing and stealing land from the Arabs since 1882.
Kek, if I'm a Jew you're certainly a Muslim
Not everyone finds this topics as important as you do, you know. I only care about my homeland, my country and Europe, no more. Arabs killing Jews, Jews killing Arabs, it's win/win anyway. But it's good to know what's right or wrong in this bullshit
>all of you make the point that the Jews were kicked out,
Hindjew, what's wrong with you. I never said the Jews were kicked out, and even if a portion of them were kicked out, they weren't kicked out by their neighbouring peasant inhabitants, the ones that got kicked out were kicked out by the conquering powers, Assyrians, Babylonians, Romans. Ironically the only ones who didn't kick Jews out and allowed Jews to return were Arabs and Persians.
Damn you Indians are dumb.
The point I was making before is that the region was already of mixed ethnic identity centuries before the Arabs even arrived.
Don't forget palestinians have a stronger source of white just like most of the levant.
When you actually talk about facts he just answer "hmm seems a bit technical lad"
In Arabs head: Jews shouldn't be here, they aren't legitimate, we wuz the indigenous people and shiet
Always the same shit, and when you say something different you're a kike
You have to admit that Israeli posters at least can be funny
Have you ever had falafel?
Is it any good?
>The point I was making before is that the region was already of mixed ethnic identity centuries before the Arabs even arrived.
It's still quite mixed today. In Israel you have like 20% of Arabs and perhaps 3% of Christians, something like that. On the other hand, Palestine isn't diverse enough :DDDDD
>kicked out
So you are ready to share it with the jews without chimping out?
Yes its meh
Well, I heard it was getting quite popular in India...
I haven't seen falafel in India, i lived is Lebanon for 2 years thats where I experienced them
Why does India seem to love Israel so much? When I see some tweets coming from Netanyahu or something you always have comments saying "INDIA LOVES ISRAEL" or stuff like that. Is it because you also struggled with Muslims? Or perhaps military cooperation? I've heard you signed some agreements