>Probably either edgy teenagers or just shills >Have unrealistic expectations of normies susceptibility to their message >Overall, damage the credibility of white advocacy
Stormfaggotry has only ever helped antiwhites and (((the left))) because it makes a great stereotype for their propaganda. "Oy vey don't be racist like this dumb stormnigger" works in leftist npropaganda. Stormsperging has never helped white people. . . cut it out Sup Forums
Stormcuck is full of stupid mouthbreathing retards that just waste time. I have seen some of the members there say that "9/11 is not important". Well it is because many White Americans were killed, and that event is being used to justify the numerous violations if the constitution as well as the traitorous patriot act. Stormfront is a fucking joke to White nationalism.
Logan Anderson
Sage. We know your divide and conquer tactics shlomo.
Adrian Peterson
Eli Sanders
Colton Gray
>socially maladapted and possibly mentally ill teenagers on an anonymous Inuit Ice Carving forum have illusions of grandeur and are easily impressionable by shoddy information and angrier socially maladapted and possibly mentally ill teenagers and sometimes adults
wow so surprising
The only thing on Sup Forums you should take seriously are the Syrian War analysis threads on /k/, we're actually experts in our fields
Easton White
And you need to pay.
Caleb Watson
stormfront is just as full of shills as this place. it's a honeypot
Brandon Bennett
Show us your (((flag))) (((OP)))
Alexander Foster
I'd rather talk with fascists than neoliberals and unironic commies
Luis Carter
where will i go for intelligent, non-PC conversation?
Jackson Nguyen
less than half a percent of the US pop even know Sup Forums exists, let alone Sup Forums, and it's userbase is smaller than the state of Vermont, why would anyone waste resources and risk exposure, to subvert socially ostracized teenagers?
Robert Fisher
neoliberals get the bullet too btw
Ian Mitchell
Race mixing is the solution
Andrew Hall
No one likes the modern liberal at this point. They've tried too hard to be politically correct and now they've just made themselves look like cucks and doormats.
Logan Collins
Nicholas Kelly
Christian Hernandez
>why would anyone waste resources and risk exposure, to subvert socially ostracized teenagers
to gather data as part of a large-scale social media experiment, and to prevent a culturally influential website from driving popular culture in the "wrong" direction.
Connor Hernandez
get out
Josiah Nelson
for posterity: all liberals will get the bullet
4chans no more social media than the Dota 2 chatrooms are you fool
and the dota chat rooms actually have more users
Dylan Adams
>4chans no more social media than the Dota 2 chatrooms are you fool >and the dota chat rooms actually have more users
Juan Thompson
Back in the oven with you.
Parker Gray
The stormfags have always been annoying as fuck.
But i must admit the amount of autism generation zyklon has produced is just too danm good for me to want to ruin their habitat.
>Sup Forums has been shit tier for quite some time now
that's exactly the response I was hoping for, well done friend
Cooper Long
I honestly don't care. I simply view all "what should we do" threads as D&C, and thus countersignall them as a matter of principle.
Basically fuck off to leftypol.
Andrew Allen
Owen Garcia
Hunter Robinson
leftypol wants you to be a dumb stormnigger
Henry Wood
>Implying white nationalism isn't controlled opposition Wew
Jaxson Miller
im a white nationalist
Jackson Nguyen
>Uses White nationalist meme flag >complains about "stormfags"
Why can't you liberal commie kikes ever do anything right?
Go gas and oven yourself.
Christian Ortiz
The poo is right on this one ,white nationalism always have been controlled op , remember jews are the best nazis always.
Elijah Myers
umfpffpuf feegegeg eogneg g civic nationalisms iss eiene eiesieixxixixx
Luis Diaz
>could give formulated and elegant response >chooses to act like a retarded teenager
you get the bullet too
Zachary Ramirez
Hudson Cooper
Justin Watson
>how do we deal with this ****NEW**** "Stormfag problem?!?!?
well... I'd ask you to answer that SAME QUESTION you fuckboy ADL niggers posted on /new/ 7 years ago...
If you claim that only >stupid, edgy teens who don't "know better" are the only ones who are "stromfags" (ie... against zionism and all affiliated social cancers)
then what of the "teen" edgy "stormfags" you accused of being such **EIGHT YEARS AGO?!?!?!***
They now are almost 30 and have kids and families... (I'm one of them)
What now Chaim??? (You) think you won because you WOULD LIKE TO BELIEVE that you have Trump in your pocket...
just wait and see!
Joshua Thompson
Have you been in a /natsoc/ general? I swear it's 99% photos and info graphs posted by the same people every time. The threads are emptier than a niggers skull
Anthony Taylor
but look at all the sperging in this thread alone
Michael Scott
not an argument
stormsperging helps the fucking ADL
Carson Perez
That was an argument, cockholster. He's saying that natsocs aren't new, they've been here for years. You'd know that if you weren't such a newfag.