Hey fellow alt-righters. I took the red pill and it certainly was a hard pill to swallow...

Hey fellow alt-righters. I took the red pill and it certainly was a hard pill to swallow, but thanks to the likes of Sargon of Akkad, Shoe0nHead, Armored Skeptic, TJ Kirk, lacigreen, boogie2988, LeafyIsHere, and others, I have been enlightened and now know how truly evil the left is. My question is where do we go from here? I am trying to red pill my mom, my dad, and all of my family and friends, but we must do more to stop the left from spreading its influence.

Is this bait or pasta or both?


so based, redpilled. yeah

Pretty clearly bait user

shill thread meant to cause massive uproar and spent fuel while better ones slid down the cattalogue

>S A G E

do not answear such threads user

Keep your energy for meaninful threads

What is that golden statue supposed to be? I see him in a church pamphlet.

This is my only and favorite bait thread. You suck for always 1-posting/low-replies, yet I still like it.
Imo, it's actually useful, due to the sheer influxes of new users that are genuinely like this. Reddit/SkepticCucks should be properly red pilled on the RQ/JQ. Worst this does is draw attention to that fact, and maybe irritate the oldestfags a little, my opinion.

Sage negated. OP is based. Maybe you should fuck off


>I'm "alt-right"
>I watch "rational skeptics" like Sargon of Akkad

Pick one


This might just be my autism kicking in, but compare OP to pic-related.

>the reddit uses the future tense "we're ABOUT TO save civilization"
>pic-related uses the more assertive present tense "We're MAKING america great again"

What are these plebbitors waiting for? have to count their upboats first?


Alt-Right is identitarianism and Sargon is a retarded edgy centrist skeptic faggot, complete opposites.

Horseshoe theory is bullshit but anyone who wants to enforce their ideas on someone else is authoritarian to some degree. The 'similarities' that lead people to believe in horseshoe theory are just the marks of authoritarianism. This is why people compare communists and fascists. I do think that fascists understand this better than communists though.


This post is b8 but I'd remind you there are legit faggots like this who are on this board right now

Fuck this is some cringe right here


10/10 made me reply


>fuck you dirty kike
whored out greedy fucking trashcan