Allahu Akbar! Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a Muslim board

Allahu Akbar! Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a Muslim board

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How do I summon a succubus?

Is ISIS getting ready to rob a bank or something?

Salam Alaykum wa rahmetullahi wa barakatu!

I can do this all day you subhuman roach

Wa'Alaykum Salaam.

Lol don't even know pol a Christian board

chr*stianity is shirk

Day of the spike, coming soon.

Christianity is largely dead though. Unless the Sup Forums users are from Africa, the USA or Poland. Islam is the new religion that white people have.

not necessarily, it's beginning to grow in places like china, however, what can be said is heavily monitored by the government


>Palestine flag
>anit muslim

lol. We both know its not

Mudlimes wouldnt let me drink or get a gf or smok weed and i had to pray 5 times a day so i left it

>get tired of fighting the jew so you become the jew


Kys Palestine. I was ruling for you you bitch, arab shit munafiq, there's a special place in hell for you
You want me to support I*rael you bitch?


Muslims wouldn't let you be DUDE WEED degenerate so you quit, typical.

>wahh life is so hard wahh muh porn muh bacon muh weed
die degenerate

He's a typical beta male.
Most of murtads from every religion are like that too

الاعاقه مشكلة كبيرة في يومنا الحالي وهذا الشخص دليل على حجم المشكلة

no i quit when my firend started threatining me because i was pro gay marriage and weed

I'm sorry that I don't let an imaginary skydaddy thought up by a schizophrenic pedo doesn't dictate what i can consume

No, that was cringy, shut up.
>i was pro gay marriage and weed
and your friends were very right to threaten you. Smh you're the kind of filth found in every diaspora, you're an insult to the palestinian flag, move to israel since you seems to be a complete slave of degeneracy

>it was cringy
Arguments 10/10

Also in this specimen we see the typical muslim sees society in a manner which disregards human rights.
I hope when the EU collapses mudslimes get deported as they should be

don't listen the the frog, he's just mad his country is going to shit and there's nothing he can do about it

(((his))) country
I think you're making this african seem more honorable than he is