ADL Is attacking Ben Garrison for anti-semitism

>The anti-Semitic theme of the Garrison cartoon is impossible to miss and individuals on social media complained about it. That may be why, after the image’s debut on the McMasterLeaks website, Cernovich subsequently replaced it with a cropped version that excised the Rothschild reference while keeping the Soros as puppetmaster imagery, making the anti-Semitic nature of the cartoon somewhat less overt.

Other urls found in this thread:'Wren_Scott

lol when they flinch this hard at a comic with no jews in it.

> yfw ben garrison starts making anti-semetic comics for real

Ben probably is happy for the added exposure now that he's been enlightened on the JQ.

whos above the Rothschild?


>kikes piss him off
>goes nuclear and starts naming the jew


It's only a matter of time. He's getting closer closer to putting a merchant in his cartoons.


Oy vey!

ben garrison was so angry at the anti-semitic edits, but the jews don't care. fuckin' amazing to see. fuck kikes


Post the original fags

It's funny how they scream anti-semitism when someone attacks big bankers when no one mentioned Jews at all

Really makes me think

This is true,
but both Soros and the Rotschilds are obvious jews even to normies


>No jewish stereotype is present in the cartoon, just a man named Soros and a hand labeled "Rothschilds"

really boggles the noggin

> replaced it with a cropped version that excised the Rothschild reference

I fucking said when this came out Ben went full Zyklon Ben. There's no difference between that image and one with a happy merchant at the top. Surely he knew.


>created to end antisemitism

>creates antisemites


Finally. The original. Thanks user


You could literally replace "Rothschilds" with "Trump" and "Soros" with "White Pepo" and change the puppets accordingly and the ADL would be applauding Garrison until their hands bled.

Zyklon Ben strikes again

so the adl is saying that saying jews are jews is a bad thing?

what the fuck is wrong with these jews? This is why they need to be exterminated look at how they mock the people in countries where they live simply because it isnt Israel.

subtle but audible kek

But call him a jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back - "I've been found out."

kek, ADL IS GAY.


>REEEEE Ben Garrison has become one of )))them(((!!!!!

This is what the meme of high kike IQ looks like.

Those disgusting, slithering bipedal anthropomorphic rats are going full censorship with such obvious bias, the whole world will see it.

It's a good thing that they do it, you faggots. If they let Garrissons and alt-righters to roam free, that would be a larping vent, and people would be sitting in front of their screens, cheering for their e-celeb to say the next edgy thing.

They are making sure there's no e-celebs to listen to.

Gee whiz I wonder what could happen. Probably we'll all turn to big liberals! Yes, that's it, we'll turn into queer faggot pansexual trans fat non ableist mudslime lesbian fender fluid niggers!!

Wow, those stories of HIGH JEW IQ are really true! You can't deal with the kike 6D chess!!! FUCK!

Someone give him a quick rundown.

They conditioned black people to be like them. Notice how they flip their shit if they're called nigger? That's something new, blacks didn't always freak out about it. The latest is saying faggot, People never gave a shit in 90s and before that about that word.

>quick, remind everyone that all the people oppressing you are Jews and that you aren't allowed to criticise them!


>that dog with the jew hat and beard



>posting link

>not archiving it

Here you go fucko

it's been a long road, the more unnatural the change the more difficult the meme magic is to cast & maintain. It's good to know what the limitless patience of a few thousand autists is capable of though!

I don't get it. Why is Garrison calling out Patreus?

Oh fuck
The memes
they're becoming real
>tfw Garrison becomes Zyklon

The jews aren't used to playing with the internet yet, information spreads faster than they can censor it.

Draw moohammud.
Muslims attack.
Draw Rothschilds.
Jews attack.

Really makes you think.

>Wow I bet if you totally change the meaning people would think differently of it!


>He even knows about 2^3 chan

Why wouldn't he? They're the only people that are willing to pay him to make comics.


>pointing out a rich jew is anti-sematic

Both Soros & Rothschild are jews, tho.

Also, archive for you faggots

What's his name again?


Well infinity actually does stuff. He actually went on there once too, if I remember right. Even drew a picture to prove it.

>Equally ironically, Cernovich has also attacked McMaster on the grounds that he is ostensibly anti-Israel.

Hm, maybe some people don't regard Jews as a monolith, and thus an attack on some individuals is not an attack on an entire affiliation?

Did you get this on agoraroad?

General Betray Us, is friends with Lt. General McMaster

>Mike and Molymeme are implicated
Ooooooh nooooooo

I think you're missing the point
>ADL only cares when Jews are accused of anything

that is supposed to represent islam

>These people have control over the YouTube.

>It's funny how they scream anti-semitism when someone attacks big bankers
they are totally without any semblance of self-awareness

>ben garrison was so angry at the anti-semitic edits,
This is why it took me a bit to understand this story.

Ben is being called a nazi now....they must have seen the Sup Forums edits and confused them for legit....I swear to god Ben makes 2 cartoons, and one is exclusive to here.

Id be shocked if he doesn't make ADL memes in the future

Punished Ben
Cartoonist denied his Reich


Why do the Jews do this shit? It just makes more people hate them. Literally 99% of people I know, even people who are far from being conventionally racist people will laugh at Jew jokes, and use Jew as a verb for shitty behavior towards other people. They are literally just setting themselves up to get holocausted.

Aryan Defamation League

Fucking damnit (((ADL))) don't even try to hide it

Kind of a "yeah no shit, Sherlock" point to be making.

>attacking bankers and stock market manipulators is anti semitism.

oy vey, that means occupy wall street was another shoah

not to most people. The ADL postures itself as a general civil-rights organization. They're called the anti-defamation league. Most people would assume this includes defamation of anyone.

that rabbi behind the anonymous mask lol

Thats like black lives matters. Except it's Jew fame matters.

Read that as #CreateHateForAFreeWorld

They obfuscate literally everything. They are sent into frenzy when anyone reveals that any institution is Jew-ran

>Oy vey goyim quit pointing out we control you its anti-semetic!

I always see the edits In exact same fashion at pretty much the same time, I'm wondering if he just puts some on Sup Forums himself

>yfw leftypol start making ben garrison edits to *remove* antisemitism

>a political comic that's just stating line of command is anti-semitic


How come Jews are so fucking powerful and no one can stop them? Seriously

>they are totally without any semblance of self-awareness
Immoral people are usually that way

The goyim pretended to be something special, while we were actually their moral superiors. And what made us superior was precisely the disrespect and hatred they lavisged so willingly upon us!

Fuck me.

I've come across alot of people who seems to think that any criticism towards globalism is just concealed antisemitism.

Reminder that the ADL is an Israel hating group

The ADL is no stranger to strange alliances with Islamist groups through its Interfaith Coalition on Mosques which harasses local communities into acceding to the construction of Islamist institutions. But under its new leader Jonathan Greenblatt, an Obama associate, the organization has also been opening doors to anti-Israel groups across the spectrum.

>when the NGO says your 1st amendment is illegal

Working on it.

no one who's actually familiar with them takes the ADL seriously. even democrats keep their distance because they're so racist against arabs and muslims.

When radical anti-Israel hate group If Not Now targeted Jewish charities for harassment, the ADL told the stealth BDS group, which has ties to open BDS group JVP, that “there’s more we agree on than disagree on.” A follow up ADL tweet was openly directed at a JVP member. Greenblatt’s press release described members of the anti-Israel hate group as “part of our community” and claimed once again that If Not Now and ADL shared the “same goal”. No less a figure on the left than Eric Yoffie, a persistent critic of Israel, had written that, “IfNotNow is not a pro-Israel organization. It does not deserve the support of left-leaning American Jews.” And that was coming from a J Street supporter.0

The ADL has always been a sellout organization, but under Greenblatt it has become much more comfortable talking to haters of Israel and the Jewish community than to victims of anti-Semitism. Donors to the ADL aren’t funding the fight against BDS or anti-Semitism. Instead they’re underwriting generic left-wing activism against prisons, borders and single-sex bathrooms under a Jewish brand.

Before heading the ADL, Greenblatt had been the director the Aspen Institute, an organization with close ties to George Soros. The previous ADL boss had condemned Soros. Its current boss was his man.

>They are sent into frenzy when anyone reveals that any institution is Jew-ran
Sure, because it's the truth. jews hate the truth, they prefer we remain in the dark

>any criticism towards globalism is just concealed antisemitism.

Zyklon Ben's at it again!

Reminder that the ADL used to be anti-soros until recently when it got in bed with Obama

There is literally nothing anti-semetic about this cartoon.

>Scott’s longest relationship was with Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger
>cause of death to be suicide

>Naming individuals is anti-semitism

ha ha, oh wow.

They've really jumped the shark.

>Cernovich subsequently replaced it with a cropped version that excised the Rothschild reference
Cernobitch confirmed kike