Why should I, as a devout Catholic, have any affection for the United States?
This whole country is an anti-Catholic cesspool. All the Founding Fathers hated the Church. Stupid Protestantism has underpinned and undergirt the nation from its very foundation. Freemasonry is woven deeply into the foundation of this country. I barely even need to bring up particular Jewish influences that are stringently anti-Catholic. The entire compendium of the United States seems precisely engineered to be as opposed to the Church as possible.
So why should I have any love for it, as a Catholic? Why shouldn't I want this country to fall, in one way or another? I might say that's God's justice being done. I might say that's the Church getting the last laugh, as it always does--as WE always do.
Catholic Church will cease to exist within 15 years.
Laugh or cry, your choice.
Adam Sanders
Catholic here. The Vatican is a synagogue of satan. Any American Catholics who support it haven't read the bible and follow blind like sheep. Find Jesus
Brayden Campbell
Op, the founding fathers may have hated the church but they were still christians. The catholic church is cucked today. Be a lutheran evangelical like me
Lincoln Jackson
Go back to the Vatican you papist mong. This is a protestant country.
Samuel Perez
cucktholocism is just as disgusting as mohammadeism or kike talmudism
Camden Perez
couldn't have said it better myself this whole country started as an embarrassing protestant hissy fit and never really stopped being that
Michael Cruz
cucktholics worship the same god as the muslims according to catholic dogma
CCC 841
>The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day
>The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day
>The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last day
Cooper Morales
That was protestanism has been saying since its foundation half of millenia ago, try harder you dumbstick
Jackson Barnes
catholicucks are not christian
David Young
catholicuck perverts changed the 10 commandments so they could have their idol worship
William Myers
dude, all christians worship the same god, also jewish and arabs do too, everything else is juts about interpretations and prophets
Andrew Jenkins
>muh tradition
Michael Garcia
Why the picture of the heretic? Francis is about as Catholic as he is Muslim. The novus ordo church is heretical and it's leaders are usurpers.
Caleb Sanders
you don't. Being a Catholic and a good capitalist like the Prot founding fathers is essentially impossible
Cooper Evans
You already don't. Look what your leadership does at the southern border.
Austin Nguyen
Catholicucks and muslims worship devils
William Nguyen
True, Catholics should go. You were never supposed to be here in the first place
Sebastian White
daily reminder if you are monotheist you are into the same shit
Nolan Howard
>Why should I, as a devout Catholic, have any affection for the United States? You shouldn't. Everyone here is just reaping what they sow. The media, the government, even the people are degenerate. They make pathetic and half-hearted gestures about God and religion but then keep on ignoring every single commandment on a national scale. Is it any wonder that the place is falling apart? They even elected a man who's divorced and remarried THREE times and makes an arrogant living lying and cheating others. Hundreds of churches and "Christians" go around praising him as a moral example and wonder why their bizarre brand of religion and prosperity theology (the literal idea that God WANTS you to be greedy and rich and if you're poor it's because you're a bad and sinful person, so make sure to write a check to your local megachurch pastor so he can make another payment on his Mercedes-Benz--I mean, save your soul!) is dying. Well, maybe now that they've elected the quintessential American they'll be able to see their own mistakes and failings for themselves and turn away.
Failing that, at least they'll self-destruct and serve as an example for the rest of the world as what happens when you worship and idolize greed.
Matthew Howard
catholicucks have to go back
Luis Torres
John Nguyen
The individual who calls himself "Cardinal Dolan" wrote this against white Americans when Mr Trump announced his candidacy. Mr Dolan is the highest ranking Vatican official in the United States.
Cooper Hall
Nathaniel Roberts
>every single commandment
Catholics don't even adhere to the true commandments. You're "commandments" are a pervsion of scripture. A lot of talk from a church that is anathema.
Easton Sullivan
cucktholocism is cancer
Lincoln Taylor
You have to go back.
Charles Wilson
There is NO Christian who should love the U.S.
We have respect for the governing authorities and no more.
Brody Stewart
Isaac Murphy
Easton Nelson
Jonathan Morris
Alexander Peterson
You have to go back..
Joshua Campbell
Connor Long
>vatican religion >christian
Christian Adams
Lucas Green
because 90% of Sup Forums is cuckservative
Landon Long
David Smith
catholicucks are the ultimate cuckservatives
Nathan Cook
Jack Martinez
That's were your wrong.
Hunter Jackson
The majority of Americans love their gluttonous politicians and lawyers more than they love God, they await their tax returns more excitedly than they do their church visits. It's sad.
Jayden Mitchell
Elijah Scott
Anthony Foster
Isaac Evans
Jonathan Martinez
Nolan Baker
then get out nigger.
Jaxon Hall
Jose Clark
Kevin Jones
The founding fathers where freemasons. Fuck them and fuck all heretical protestants.
Jonathan Gomez
you nigger filth you wop/sandnigger/taig you'll never understand what a disgusting thing you are
Jose Phillips
Adam Allen
Jonathan Cooper
>leaf shouts at the mirror
Robert Powell
Sup Forums sure has a lot of protestant cucks, huh can't you fucks at least go orthodox or whatever?
Jose Cruz
Levi Carter
You just want the US to fall so the evidence fathered during the investigation into your kid diddling will burned along with the country.
Jace Martinez
I am not catholic. I am atheist, yet I would believe in "God" (or any faith) if any true evidence was presented.
The Catholic Church should have no affection for the United States. It is a moral cesspool.
Brayden Perez
not protestant
Blake Thompson
You're not an American unless you are a protestant.
Parker Green
the catholicuck church is a den of pedophiles and murderers drunk on the blood of the saints
Robert Barnes
Is Baptism big in Sweeden? I always thought that everyone was either atheist or Lutheran.
James Foster
>This whole country is an anti-Catholic cesspool Because America is a JEWISH country.
Thomas Price
Catholicism has been able to not die off by expanding into Africa, holding down roots in South America, and desperately trying to gain ground in India and China. The Church is completely fine with us being eradicated; why wouldn't it? We're all equal in Christ after all.
Who the next Pope is will decide the fate of Catholicism. There's three choices: >Amplify; Francis isn't Progressive enough, we need a gay Jewish transvestite Pope >Retreat; A Kosher Conservative is brought in, just conservative enough to make the edgy teenagers who are now grown up put some money in the collection pot >Bunker Down; A Nigger is elected. He's an actual theological conservative but he's, y'know, a Nigger and will work with the Liberals, Leftists, and Progressives to flood Europe with his African Brethren.
Anything else would require massive amounts of change. We're talking Anti-Pope schism type change here.
Hudson Brown
Nathan Gonzalez
*Are baptists big in sweeden?
Hudson Diaz
Gavin Bailey
>Freemasonry The catholic church is infested with freemasons, hence the pedo-rings.
Nicholas James
>catholic love
Alexander Ward
I’ll use this opportunity to redpill anons on Pastor Anderson.
Look at some of these and tell me that he isn't /ourspiritualleader/
How can you be a "devout Catholic" and not be a Sedevacantist?
Gavin Ramirez
if you are catholic you should be more concerned about the fact that our true pope (Benedict XVI) is locked in a basement somewhere, dehydrated and afraid while this Marxist Jesuit is parading around as the Pontiff.
Eli Edwards
I'm Catholic but he is a really entertaining, and yes, Godly man.
Evan Morales
This fellow American gets the grand picture. When Christ returns, he will not be congratulating the "Pope" but deliver swift vengeful judgement on those who have blasphemed against his holy word and order.
Austin Phillips
Fuck off, Jesuit.
Dominic Green
Nice spam. You have all that ready in notepad lmao
Sweden is a pathetic shithole
Jeremiah Gomez
This country was very anti semitic up untill WWII Try again, faggot
Jackson Morris
it fits perfectly with Sup Forums .
Austin Johnson
Bro, you're Christian. You're welcomed and loved by America.
Western Civilization needs you now more than ever.
Adam Adams
I challenge you to read about the Jesuits. From what I hear they love to tear down the Catholic values. IN other words the same globalist stuff that infiltrates all ways of life is trying to influence the Church as well causing it to unstable. It starts with this Pope too. He is not John Paul 2. Just saying, the Catholic Church is in dire straights.
Ayden Stewart
Fallen away catholic here. My grandmother, a devout catholic fears that the church is filled with communists. Is there any truth to this?
Isaac Anderson
cucktholocism is proto-globalism
even the fucking word, catholic, means universal, global
its even in the fucking name
Isaiah Brooks
Stfu, or I'll send Gods spider to demolish your hillbilly church.
Joseph Young
Jews worship their father satan, and muslims worship lucifer. Real christians worship the triune/trinity god. One god doctrine is anti-christ.
Mason Miller
One question I keep asking my self though is Catholics used to be conservative because we were true Catholics. Abortion made them conservatives by default. America still held on to many values that the Church held on to as well.
Nolan Wilson
I agree. It's not he time for denominational battles, though it can be fun.
Isaiah Wright
So this is what Ingmar Bergman meant by spider god.
Adam Carter
Yes. They are responsible for all of the destructive changes from the last number of decades. They want to destroy the Catholic faith and they have come pretty close.
Benjamin Turner
america used to be conservative because it used to be christian
catholicucks were always a minority
modern catholicucks are "true" catholicucks, all their modern dogma fits into their insane worldview of papal infallibility
remember that catholicucks and jews are on the supreme court, they are the ones that legalized abortion etc.
Isaac Long
OP is probably a Latino faggot Get out of my country, spic
Hunter Thompson
because catholics in los angeles killed hillary. don't let all the retarded evangicucks and protestant jew lovers sway your opinon.
Kayden King
What if he's a [spoiler]mexican[/spoiler]?
Parker Anderson
catholicuck church has always been a lost apostate church but at least they were conservative before vatican 2