$20 McCain dies tomorrow

$20 McCain dies tomorrow

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when he kicks the bucket i hope it's a really busy news day and it gets quickly brushed aside because i won't be able to stand all the dicksucking and virtue signalling that will be going on that day. the guy is straight-up piece of shit

I think the reverse will be true. It will be a very busy news day by Sup Forums standards but McCancer will dominate the news. You can screencap this.

If I'm Trump, I'm attacking N.Korea.

No. He dies on Monday. We will have to suffer a whole week.

Shit, one last song for the songbird? How very neocon of you, user.

When he dies McConnell should just call the same fucking vote as soon as his replacement can be flown out from Arizona

Kek alone knows the hour of his doom.

>his replacement
How would that work in the event of an unpredictable death?

He was never sick dumbfucks, it was cover for him betraying America over some pissing contest with president Trump



Archived that

I highly doubt it.

Dream on losers.

He won't last the month.

this 5 says the NSA hacks hilary's car to crash

The governor would pick whoever he wanted and swear him in, it could literally be done before his body is cold.

God I hope so.

If same repeating numbers mccain dies on september 23rd

Let's play the "act out the ideologies you believe in, in a financial setting, with pre-nuclaic honor" game.

Post your wallet ID, I will donate 0.250 BTC (yes really) per correct guess, or trips+higher to all psychic or lucky anons.

Someone archive bread and quote me. Wall

> Street insider Gives Back To Poor Negro Haitian Crochet Board Users.

It doesn't work like this. It works with D I G I T S

Based. Thanks senpai. Do you sleep?

This is my biggest fear, actually. That the brain cancer thing was all a ruse. His scar seemed awfully suspicious, but I'm not a neurosurgeon.

to the contrary, the reason he did so well in the '08 election was that he has absolutely no staying power in the media.

he would say and do ridiculous shit, but we would forget it by day's end.



I'll bite:
>McCain diagnosed with dead tomorrow morning
>Trump furious
>begins digging deeper about GATE, ayy lmaos and Crystal Balls
>announces on live tv to an audience of thousands, "there is no god, we now worship government"
>roasties and degenerates are rounded up and sent on suicide missions to North Korea
>McCainalds is opened in towns nationwide
>ayy lmaos show up and nuke the planet
The end.

Well, praise kek....

Not soon enough.

By the grace of Kek, he croaks.

Happens at noon.

maybe these digits will help

hail kek



Trip say yes


These digits will confirm


wouldnt matter. strom therman was dead for a decade and cast votes regardless of his ability to breath. it wasnt until some one forgot to put him back in the freezer that they knew they had to pronounce him dead finally

Digits comfirm

Why? Did he piss off Hill-dogg?