What was he thinking in his last moments?

What was he thinking in his last moments?

>I hope they don't find out my mother was a new when all is said and done

Thank god im not canadian

I'm a knight come sit on me lance boy

"Villa Paranacito is so beautiful this time of year..."

> a new
a gnu

Probably all those good memories of living in Argentina.

*a mew


That doesn't look like him at all.


Nothing, because he died senile in Argentina

kike bastards

"I fucked up"

Who doesnt?

He died in Argentina bleaching thicc latinas
Probably drifted away thinking about how cool his life was



>*record scratch*

Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how we got here. Well it all started in 1889...

>"Father forgive them, for they know not what they do."

>a new

Pic related kek

He really should've dropped the retarded moustache. I bet people wouldn't hate him as much if he had done.

>Shouldn't have dropped secondary school...

"I've played Adolf, Magneto, and Gandalf, but i regret not being given the title roll in Annie."

Wew lad



"South America was nice."


"I hope I won't be worshipped in the future by weak beta white boys..."


he looks like a slav. Also: he had brown eyes. Stop bullshitting it with photoshop.

It was a 'souvenir' from his time in WW1. A full moustache wouldn't fit in the gas mask. So he had to do it with a smaller one

No, he had deep blue eyes. If you look through a bunch of the interviews of women who knew him they all bring up his captivating deep blue eyes.