Say. Their. Names. All young, innocent children slaughtered in the name of white supremacy.
I'm sick of debating virgin Nazi fucktards, so I'll just say this: Black Lives Matter. Period. End of Discussion. End of fucking story, white boy.
Say. Their. Names. All young, innocent children slaughtered in the name of white supremacy.
I'm sick of debating virgin Nazi fucktards, so I'll just say this: Black Lives Matter. Period. End of Discussion. End of fucking story, white boy.
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literally whomstdve?
> Tenesha
> Vonderritt
> Darrien
Lol the number of whites killed by niggers this year alone wouldn't even fit on a shirt. Apples and Oranges cuck.
thread theme:
That's all the names they could think of after hours of research... and they are all very questionable.
Mike brown... for example -- the whole shit show was a farce. all the blallistic evidence supported the Officer and all those bullshitting 'witnesses' were lying through their teeth... yet nobody was charged for creating a phoney incident.
When you actually look at these cases they are very flimsy. Blacks are involved in criminality and deal with police way too much.. end of story.
This 'open season on blacks' meme is just that a silly meme. there is zero rational, statistical, basis for it.
angry chimp noises the post
More like the last week or so. Niggers are so completely out of control in this country it's insane.