EU wants to know what Sup Forums thinks about it

> Europe is at a crossroads. It is time to decide how to shape a Europe of the future. We welcome your views!

Btw, I immediately noticed that this form is really problematic. Only two genders! Inconceivable!

>only two genders

>Sup Forums thinks


Should I write a really long KYS to them? Because that I what I will be doing.

I wrote them asking when will it be renamed "Europistan", since the name Europe has clear xenophobic traits, deeply root in its colonial, imperialistic and fascist past. Not to mention how non-inclusive it is towards our ever increasing Muslim and POC minorities

Screenshot and post.

Your "burn the world" syndrome makes me moiset, brother/sister/helicopter

the biggest problem of these times are that EU still exists, and it is horrible how EU is still allowed to undermine, disrupt, destroy european countries and their homogeneity and democracy. i hope this failed project soon fails and disappears from this plane of existence

-stan just means land of-, so land of europ?

Here is your flag. You're welcome

Just woken up so forgive my less than subtle ways. I would have problably need something more like 50 thousand characters to describe my full hate on them so I kinda squished some hate, here and there together. Lol probably would get arrested for this as they are such huge whiney cunts but whatever.

notice me sempay!, also bump for the thread.

Nobody will read this. Even I stopped reading after first line. Are you 12?

>When you voice your honest political opinions and now your on a watchlist in 40 different countries.

someone will read it, and when he does, it may or may not ruin his day. Typing in hate is really low effort too. My hate per minute is somewhere near 1000 characters. Most of my brain is geared into that direction lol. Barely took me 2 minutes to type out.

more people should write mean things to them, if enough of us do it hopefully someone of them will kill themselves. Just bully them on their own turf lol.

I was studying central banks trying to see how they work. Okay so the US has the federal reserve and it's headed by the board of governors which consist of a small number of people, not so difficult. But the european central bank? oh wow, it has like four different bodies that head it and each one has dozens of people, it's madness.

>But the european central bank?

Ask a Jew.

You actually think someone's day will be ruined? It won't, they'll just think: wow, look at this pathetic faggot. Then they'll throw your post into trash and Juncker will not even read it so he won't be able to comment it and it won't be heard by public. You just wasted your time and the time of that person reading this. I'm paying for that person with my taxes, so you wasted my money too. Fuck you for being an imbecile.


So you're saying the EU is a waste of time and money???

Why don't you read my post again?

>country: Canada

Total communism. Washed out politicians need well-paying gibmedat jobs, preferably in exile from their own country, so they create new titles all the time. A fucked up commie organization

Are you a jew?

Why are you so keen to demoralize in this thread from posting here lol. People do read it, perhaps not junker himself you dumbass, perhaps some IT nerd who filters this stuff, but they do read it. This is the internet age, people read stuff as they also read this thread. Its not even an argument, just anecdotal what, low intellectual garbage. Jesus, why dont YOU kill yourself.

I am already on a watch list probably so I dont care. Other anons should also post there and try to make someone kill himself, may he be the IT nerd employed by the EU, or someone higher still who may reach a batch.

Still, there is someone under the employ of the EU who is alive and who is not killing himself RIGHT NOW. You must do something to stop this heresy.

most the black people on cnn are meh. but that one mixed guy who is a mighty foe. and eu sucks, sort your shit.

I'm mad because this is actually a good project by EU and worth it's money. It's you American posters hiding behind artificial flags, who are trying to slide it, that I have problems with. Again, you're wasting my money which could be used in a good way. Instead, a person reading this will lose interest and energy to read actual well written posts. And intentions of this project are good. God fucking damn Burger underage faggots!

Fuck no.

>Hey Guys what do you think of the EU?? ( :
>50,000 death threats later
>We have some changes to make / :

Why should some PC cuck's voice be worth more than a shitposter's? Should we vote at all?

>I'm mad because this is actually a good project by EU and worth it's money.
LMAO. Do you really think EU bureacrats give a shit about our feedback? Hell, they don't give a shit about our politicians' promises and you think and online message will affect their decision making process?

eu should be disbanded
its bureaucrats should be thrown into jail
all of their homes, money, jobs, and identities should be stripped from them
they are unworthy to even breath the same air as other humans
they would drag everyone beneath their heels so that we must worship and obey solely their commands above all nations and above our own rules.
they are one of the most arrogant, dysfunctional, disgusting abortions of a supposedly-creative attempt to unify nations against credible threats as they have simply morphed into a different form of mass criminality using political terrorism against its dissidents and socio-economic totalitarianism to enforce its mandates
they are all a bunch of a faggots whose only aspiration in life is to try to rule everyone at a little fancy table while they stroke each other off and commend each other on being the supposed leaders of a world of progress while they rape the lands they profess to rule, strip everyone's rights away, tear down their economies, make everyone more dependent upon them while displacing the very native citizens who propped them up in the first place through massively importing foreign replacements
you want a better world?
stop trying to replace people, stop trying kill us, stop trying remove our ways to self defense, and stop trying to frame yourselves as the gods of this world where all others are mere slaves. everything about the eu is wrong in deliverance


I believe that Europe would be best geared towards the future if the European Union adopted a more national socialistic mindset. Close the borders to third worlders, especially from Islamic countries. Also, make it public knowledge that the white ethnic Europeans are not having enough children, while also creating incentives to do just that, such as tax release if the woman has high grades (say top 25 %) in high school per birthed child. Also remove whatever barriers the Europeans might encounter when trying to achieve a higher birth rate of white European babies.

This will ensure that our culture remains roughly the same as it has, and our values will not shift as rapidly as it is expected to do today, seeing as demographics are essentially destiny in terms of societal development. Whatever goal you might have nowadays, should come secondary to the point mentioned above, because enabling a safe and predictable future for our children is why we govern anything in the first place. If there are no European children, the is no Europe to govern.


>My appeal:

It is my belief that Germany, and Europe as a whole, should face a redirection of path. Some paths are more clear and some paths are less clear and no path is perfectly clear. One thing is certain though and that is wherever our current path is leading us, is not a good place.

Europe has a long and decorated past, much good and much bad and it is our duty to learn from the past what is good and take that into the future, not to scrutinize in the past what is bad, and punish ourselves endlessly. We currently are losing our traditions, our religion, our culture and our people. Every country on Earth, should persevere and struggle first and foremost, to protect and support the people that have built it. Germany was built by Germans, and as such, Germans should be the primary target of care as provided by the German government. Only once a country has satisfied the provisions of its own people, should it seek to help others. This may sound selfish, but it is not. Selfishness is providing for your people with another people's fruits contrary to their will, which is what happens now over the world.

It is every European government's duty to analyze every course of action it plans to take, and if that action is likely to harm, displace, or lower the quality of life of its ethnic population, it must seek an alternative course of action. The European Union should improve the lot of all European countries. Although I am German, I disagree with the disproportionate amount of control afforded to Germany in the union, and I disagree also, that our government has enforced certain actions regarding refuge and immigration that have been the direct and undeniable cause of untold damage, pain, destruction and dis-cohesion.

I plead that Europe can come together and face the difficult truths of what is happening to our people and land recently, and pay the heavy price of making it right, regardless of the difficult petty political landscape it will create.

Nobody's voice is worth more than someone else's. However, if you're trying to shitpost, fuck off, I'm paying for that, you have the whole internet for that, shitpost on Sup Forums.

Nobody gives a shit what Americans think. You wrote in English so your post will be spotted as shitpost straight away and will go to trash anyway, as I stated before. Nevertheless, you're still wasting my money, nigger.

>Do you really think EU bureacrats give a shit about our feedback?
Europe isn't USA, and our politics isn't Israel's Jew politics.

Also, I can confirm though, that Slovenian EU bureaucrats in fact do give a shit about my feedback. They also don't act against their voters like in the case of let's say Burgerland.

my EU beurocrats do not give a shit, except 3 guys: Korwin, Tarczyński and that guy with moustache

Well then, sucks to be you.

sucks indeed

yes satan, (aka jew), I am totally somekind of american shitposter.

lol I am actually dutch inhabitant. So who cares about you. I encourage others to also shitpost in this stupid fucking ass thing online.

I think I know what you are, you are that IT nerd who is doing outreach on online forums and communities. The EU kinda does have that.

Do you see how meager your power is here though? A random shitposter like me has a thousand time more power than you. This whole collective is more powerful than you even though we get payed nothing.

Maybe you really should kill yourself you know. It would be best for society.


thought police incoming in 3..2...1..

>You wrote in English so your post will be spotted as shitpost straight away and will go to trash anyway, as I stated before.

It clearly says that you have the option to write in English or your language. I'm Italian, so I assumed it was better to write in English since it's universally understandable

>Also, I can confirm though, that Slovenian EU bureaucrats in fact do give a shit about my feedback. They also don't act against their voters like in the case of let's say Burgerland.

Lucky you. I'm pretty sure that other anons from anywhere in Western Europe (at least in big countries like Italy, France, Germany, etc.) can probably confirm that our politicians don't give a shit, nor do our EU bureaucrats

EU should be based around the concept of white power.

>you are that IT nerd who is doing outreach on online forums and communities
I'm not the one hiding behind fake flags.

Dear low-payed idiot reading this, as it seems the EU is facing eventual collapse and so it will need to assure its immortality by building a monument.
I suggest this monument to be a black African refugee, who swears he is Syrian, raping a blonde, blue eyed, 18yr old girl. This monument is supposed to illustrate the triumph of multi-culturism which the EU brought to Europe in the recent years. There should be one of these in every city, to remind the people of their overlords.

>It clearly says that you have the option to write in English or your language
>I'm Italian
Good job sucking Anglo cock. This is why Western Europe is going to shit.

You think that the under paid sandnigger from Brussels that they hired (with my monetary contribution btw) to read this bullshit feedback can understand Italian? You'd be better off writing in arabic imo

this flag is worth more than the dutch, or the european flag.

Finland doesn't have thought police.(yet)

Based Finland.

If you assume that a sandnigger is in charge of Italian posts in Brussels then there really is no helping you. We'll have to close our borders with you then.

but we have international thought police and european thought police!

My best attempt at a story.

lmao, you think they hire a person for every country? 99% of the feedback probably goes straight into the trash.

The EU has to DIE. It's sole purpose is for the EU elites (beurocrats) to have control over everyone and get rich. not to mention the illegal and clandestine affairs the elite participate in, pedophilia being one of them. You are importing the 3rd world for profit. they are easier to control and would welcome a welfare state. Unlike the native europeans who are smarter. You guys are traitors and the whole world is waking up and ready to rebel and overthrow if necessary. I don't think you have any idea what you guys have done and what is about to happen. There is a worldwide network of militias, spies, hackers, and leakers working to stop the global elite. you will not win.

I wrote in finngolian, hoping to get a response:

Kansallinen identiteetti ja populismi eivät ole ilmestyneet tyhjästä, ne ovat nousussa koska niiden kysyntä on suoraa seurausta unionin toimista. Ilman suoraa demokratiaa ja lähipoliittista vaikutusvaltaa elämme täydessä diktatuurissa. EU:n täytyy kääntää suuntansa ja palata alkuperäiseen rakenteeseensa, vähintään kolmenkymmenen vuoden takaiseen tilaan, jolloin se oli lähinnä euroopan yhteinen tarkkailuelin ja keskustelunavaaja. Lapsikin ymmärtää, ettei Brysselistä käsin voida saada aikaan erityisen hyvää asemakaavaa rovaniemeläiseen pientaloalueeseen. Mikäli EU suhtautuu jatkossakin nousevaan nationalismiin uhkana, suhtautuu se myös omiin kansalaisiinsa vastaavana uhkana. Suurin uhka eurooppalaiselle elämänlaadulle ja kulttuurille sekä rauhalle ja demokratialle onkin tällä hetkellä EU itse. Ylettömäksi paisunutta ja kallista mutta turhaa byrokraattista organisaatiota tulee leikata ainakin puolella ja valta tulee palauttaa sinne missä kansalaiset ovat, valtioihin ja kuntiin. Kukaan ei tule koskaan tuntemaan etityistä nationalistista ylpeyttä unionista, varsinkin kun se tuhoaa kulttuurit ja identiteetit, joita on hiottu vuosituhansia, muutaman vuosikymmenen kuluessa. Emme tunne esimerkiksi espanjalaisia osaksi omaa identiteettiämme, vaan haluamme sensijaan kunnioittaa heitä ja heidän historiaansa omana väestöryhmänään. Ajatteleminen heistä osana harmaata massaa on eurooppalaisten mielessä rasistinen viharikos heidän edustamiaan asioita kohtaan. Muutosten on tapahduttava nopealla aikataululla, sillä Eurooppa tulee nykytilassaan ajautumaan umpikujaan alle vuosikymmenessä. Status quo -hallintorakenne pitää muuttaa sellaiseen, joka vastaanottaa jatkuvaa palautetta kansalaisilta ja reagoi nopein toimin sen mukaisesti.


Jotain nykyjohdon vieraantumisesta ja toimimattomuudesta kertoo sekin, että Brysselille oikeiston nousu tulee aina jonkinlaisena yllätyksenä, vaikka kentälle jalkautuneelle valveutuneelle ihmiselle ei tuottaisi ongelmaa ennustaa sitä etukäteen.

Only a brainlet slav would actually defend the EU. Probably a muzzie shit-skin. Kill yourself.

KYS faggot kid, stupid story about your imaginary friend.
Just tell them they are sucking jew cock like i did and name myself after apache H64

I suggested their develop the suburbs like in US so whites would have somewhere to go when they flee the nigger infested cities.

>Kansallinen identiteetti ja populismi eivät ole ilmestyneet tyhjästä, ne ovat nousussa koska niiden kysyntä on suoraa seurausta unionin toimista. Ilman suoraa demokratiaa ja lähipoliittista vaikutusvaltaa elämme täydessä diktatuurissa. EU:n täytyy kääntää suuntansa ja palata alkuperäiseen rakenteeseensa, vähintään kolmenkymmenen vuoden takaiseen tilaan, jolloin se oli lähinnä euroopan yhteinen tarkkailuelin ja keskustelunavaaja. Lapsikin ymmärtää, ettei Brysselistä käsin voida saada aikaan erityisen hyvää asemakaavaa rovaniemeläiseen pientaloalueeseen. Mikäli EU suhtautuu jatkossakin nousevaan nationalismiin uhkana, suhtautuu se myös omiin kansalaisiinsa vastaavana uhkana. Suurin uhka eurooppalaiselle elämänlaadulle ja kulttuurille sekä rauhalle ja demokratialle onkin tällä hetkellä EU itse. Ylettömäksi paisunutta ja kallista mutta turhaa byrokraattista organisaatiota tulee leikata ainakin puolella ja valta tulee palauttaa sinne missä kansalaiset ovat, valtioihin ja kuntiin. Kukaan ei tule koskaan tuntemaan etityistä nationalistista ylpeyttä unionista, varsinkin kun se tuhoaa kulttuurit ja identiteetit, joita on hiottu vuosituhansia, muutaman vuosikymmenen kuluessa. Emme tunne esimerkiksi espanjalaisia osaksi omaa identiteettiämme, vaan haluamme sensijaan kunnioittaa heitä ja heidän historiaansa omana väestöryhmänään. Ajatteleminen heistä osana harmaata massaa on eurooppalaisten mielessä rasistinen viharikos heidän edustamiaan asioita kohtaan. Muutosten on tapahduttava nopealla aikataululla, sillä Eurooppa tulee nykytilassaan ajautumaan umpikujaan alle vuosikymmenessä. Status quo -hallintorakenne pitää muuttaa sellaiseen, joka vastaanottaa jatkuvaa palautetta kansalaisilta ja reagoi nopein toimin sen mukaisesti.
Is this really Finnish? Wtf

:( u hurt my feefees.

Have a pretty sheila.

well, that was worth the 10 minutes to now be ignored.

i really hate the EU. Their boasting how, after pumping 1.2 trillion Euro in the economy, killing my nations pensions, their is some small economic recovery. As if we're all so stupid.

I also said the Commision shouldn't hold so much power over the nation sates, and that the Commissions only goal is to expand their power over the nation states, and expand the amount of nation states they have power over.

But i guess asking them to give that up is like asking Hitler to give up the Third Reich.

> National identity and populism have not emerged from scratch, they are on the rise as their demand is a direct consequence of the Union's actions. Without direct democracy and political influence, we live in full dictatorship. The EU must turn its course and return to its original structure, a state of at least thirty years ago, when it was mainly a joint observer and a debater of Europe. It is to be understood that, from Brussels, it is not possible to create a particularly good urban plan for the small town of Rovaniemi. If the EU continues to perceive rising nationalism as a threat, it also perceives it as a threat to its own citizens. The greatest threat to European quality of life and culture, peace and democracy is, at present, the EU itself. The exaggerated and costly, but unnecessary bureaucratic organization needs to be cut at least half and power will be restored to where citizens are, states and municipalities. No one will ever know the kind of nationalistic pride of the Union, especially since it destroys the cultures and identities that have been milled for millennia, within a few decades. For example, we do not know the Spaniards as part of our own identity, but we want to respect them and their history as a separate group of people. Thinking of them as a part of the gray mass is a racist stigma for Europeans in their minds of the things they represent. The changes must take place in a timely fashion, as Europe will be in a deadlock in its present state in less than a decade. The status quo governance structure needs to be changed to a person who receives continuous feedback from citizens and reacts with the fastest response.

Yes. The Spurdo spärde XDDXD fäggod bergele -thing is just a far-fetched memetic means of communication, often internationally mistaked as true finnish.

Eto Dom Taxyep friend.
That is Russkie for 'This is a letter to you my friend'.
I'd just like to say I'm glad Britain Brexit was delayed, Farrage is a idiot, please assassinate him, anyway.
The thing is muscles are kind of like knives you can't bin.
Remember Europa, don't cross that line.

I did it short sweet simple.

I think every EU politician should be tried and hanged for treason against it's people for importing shitskins that invariably help destroy Europe's culture.

brexit isn't delayed you mongoloid.

I kek'ed hard. Brilliant

I made fun of them for thinking techology will drive change in the next 1-5 decades and not changes in european society.
I basically described in great detail what they have done by selling out to islam including future projections of population numbers for several cities that will be islamic (berlin 20 years is majority islamic as are several uk and swedish cities) and that Europe will have at the latest in 3 decades several "lebanons" on the continent and i congratulate them on being this dense, blind and naive...