Well, Sup Forums?

Step back from the keyboard for a minute and reflect on this hypothetical situation.

The white ethnostate is finally established. A fascist government comes to power with a mandate to quell degeneracy, promote a homogeneous society, and increase white birth rates among other things.

Political leaders announce that new policies will be introduced in order to remove non-whites. You begin to witness the incarceration and deportation of millions of innocent people due to their race.

People are burned alive, turned into bars of soap, and their skin is made into lampshades as was done in the Holocaust.

Would you stand up or would you be complicit, knowing that to do what is right could cost you your freedom or even your life?

Other urls found in this thread:


it's a big jump to wanting them turned into soap. false equivalence

mass deportations =/= turning browns into soap

Not really. Do you think the Nazis were turning Jews into soap the first day they came into power? Probably not

is this the if we can't come you might as well make us soap argument.

I would let it happen just like muslims aren't batting an eye when terrorists strike western targets.

Chabge white to black and you have toronto. Just leave the shithole

I'm not sure what you mean. Just curious as to how Sup Forums would approach this moral dilemma.

I've never been to Toronto

Ain't nobody wanna use that nasty brown soap anyhow
I'd be complicit, and I'd stand with my nation. What's wrong for you is right for me.
>tfw OP is even more faggoty than ever
