Aus/pol/: fuck archiving edition (They're all abc anyway and archive messes up he videos)

>Sydney terror plot: How police dismantled alleged Islamic State plan hatched on home soil

>Sydney terror plotters 'tried to blow up Etihad plane, unleash poison gas attack'

>Trump-Turnbull transcript: PM defends refugee deal after opponents point to 'gaping holes' exposed by call

>Marriage on the rocks in divided Liberal Party

>Stalemate over Martin Place homeless tent city as Clover slaps State Government with demands

>Northern Territory Indigenous employment scheme axed after alleged rorting

>Police corruption taskforce branded 'sloppy' for charge mix-up with former Queensland union boss

>Former soldier Dane Andrew Pilcher found guilty of murdering ex-girlfriend in Townsville with kitchen knife

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this is the bloke who killed his ex

First they came for our history, and now the kangs come for our women.

Like being exposed to Australium, the natural Australian starts unconsciously behaving like those abbo fucks.

I wonder how much it costs to spy on would be sand nigger terrorists. What a wank.

That said I had a kebab yesterday. But only because my KFC is still shut. Got a craving for a 3 piece box that demands to be satiated.

who has the gif of that of that guy socking the roo that tore up his dog

We started behaving like that because we made it so good so there was no need to do anything more. Then it got shitted up.

Can we somehow save Melbourne?

Keep up the good work based Aus Bro!

I have a plan.
Hear me out, we start importing more niggers