I swear to G-d, if an American makes fun of Canada for being cucked one more time on this board I am going to swim to Seattle and start killing Yankees.
America hate thread
Jaxon Cruz
Other urls found in this thread:
Bentley Cook
>going to swim to Seattle and start killing Yankees
Dominic Wood
fucking cuck leaf
Chase Bailey
Good. Tyrone is coming over and your wife needs you out of the house for a few days
Levi Baker
america is whiter than canada, you have no right to talk.
were like only 20% non white max. latinos are white, and mixed with whites create pure whites
Ian Gray
Jew detected.
Charles Gray
this is now a leaf hate thread
Jaxon Ross
More proof that America's self image is based on lies.
Gavin Sanchez
You cucks aren't white
> Thou ist not more aryan than I
Carter Bennett
a leaf?