>15 point difference between White and Black IQ
>15 point difference between White and Jewish IQ
Are Whites to Jews what niggers are to Whites?
>15 point difference between White and Black IQ
>15 point difference between White and Jewish IQ
Are Whites to Jews what niggers are to Whites?
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ever notice any similarities between the way blacks always complain about whitey keeping them down to the way Sup Forums talks about the jews?
No. Unlike other high IQ groups (whites + SE Asians), Jews have never built any civilization whatsoever, and instead have spent the last 3000 years bouncing around other civilizations, leaching off of them.
Jews are to whites what niggers are to whites.
Jew isn't a race.
That's like saying postmen have a higher IQ than whites. Stop falling for the Jew is a race meme. Jews in America are a different race to Jews in Israel.
Askenazi jews are, even in the most blue-pilled sense, recognized as an ethnic group. And 2 million of them live in Israel. You have to be born from a jewess' womb to be a jew, that's how the jew thing works. They're all related.
No, above 100 means you function as a regular human in society. Whites also treasure intelligence, and have historically listened to them, and have to a lesser degree than other races forced the really intelligent people to do manual labor. And Jews in general are not smarter, it is the Ashkenazi Jews who got the proper brainpower. And Asians schools cheats on every iq or international tests there have ever been. And they force intelligent people into hard labour unless they are rich.
>15 point difference between White and Jewish IQ
Ever notice any similarities between the way blacks always complain about whitey keeping them down to the way and the way jews always talk about "muh holocaust"?