
Great News Yassss!

not a man

All fucking fags must fucking hang

That thing needs to have its throat slashed open.

Probably gonna mutilate him too.

Female Mental patient that believes shes a man gives birth to a child and the state doesn't take it away
More at 11

at this point real life is funnier than any comedy could be

Yeah probably, before it was their body their choice. Now it's I know what is best for you now undergo this sex change because I said so. Slippery slope doesn't exist though right?

dog isn't "transgender" and didn't have a "sex change". whoever posted that is making the news fit an agenda. do you think this is some slippery slope shit? lol.

you will not find a vet willing to perform a "sex change" because 1. they're not insane and 2. veterinary boards are not gonna have this non medical nonsense bullshit.

He's already probably mental ill.
Just think about the different chemicals that have been pumped in to the womb of the tranny.
Poor kid, didnt even get a chance to live a normal life.

The slippery slope has to start somewhere and it already started rolling almost 12 years ago.

well ain't this just tolerant and progressive

Literally a walking abomination

Brasseye is now reality

Imagine being from 1700 and coming into the world now and being shown these articles KEK

woman pretended to be a man while giving birth to baby

This is just proving that a woman who turned man still a woman.

Trans BTFO

why do they presume the gender on the boy?
are they really that stupid hahahahaah

>man gives birth
what the fuck are arnold and danny doing now

Inshallah brothers.

fuck off faggot nobody needs to be a dunecoon to want to rid the earth of your filth

You know what's funny? I didn't even realise that the leftism was right in the title, I just read it like it's normal. This is conditioning at its best


Poor dog won't understand for the rest of his life where's his wiener.

Only in america

Whatever hormones that bitch took to get that facial hair probably fucked up the baby too. It's a shame

OMG that's both terrifying and brilliant at the same time...