Why is it that poor people have children before they are ready?

Why is it that poor people have children before they are ready?

What on earth possess them to bring another life into this world only to suffer alongside them in poverty when they could instead build up some savings so they could at least accomodate their basic needs like a roof over their heads.

What do you all think about this?

Fluffy thread? Fluffy thread.

Sex is fun for poor people.
They really have nothing better to do.

Low IQ, bad education (especially on things like birth control), laziness, poor (condoms cost money and when you're in poverty you'd rather eat at McDonalds than buy condoms

Sex is "free" for poor people so they do it a lot

Okay but can't they like use a sock or gain some awareness of their situation?

>Why is it that poor people have children before they are ready?
Because a lot of them aren't very well educated and there's the government benefits you get because of them.

They probably are not pussies who think absolutely everything needs to be perfect for them to make kids. They're working for our future and continued survival, you're not. You're the problem.

Okay sex is free but kids aren't.

Are their IQ really that low that they can't measure the risks vs the rewards?

dunno, but me and my wife waited until i finished my education. started trying 6 months before i was finished. got preggers right away. 3 months later spontaneous abortion and breast cancer diagnosis....i'll be damn lucky if i get to have kids (with her anyway)...

if you have a good wife and you want kids, go ahead. i sure regret not going for it sooner

Most were probably fine before they had kids. Many people have kids then become poor because they weren't as prepared as they thought they were.

Other reasons include not graduating high school or having the kid out of wedlock. That combination of events makes life very difficult for people who don't know how to manage their money.

Oh yea let's postpone children so me and my wife can focus on our careers.

3 abortions because ''it is not the right time'' later and they die childless.

Fuck off faggot, you are the problem.

I know it's hard to understand but some people can't understand or think logically.

Think about people that rob liquor stores. They do it because "GIMME GIMME" and they see free money. That's it. They don't compute the fact that they'll probably end up getting years in prison or that they won't really make much money off of that even if they do successfully rob it.

People who have kids that are poor don't use condoms, they don't logically think out what it takes to raise a child or how they'll destroy the child's life being raised by a fucking idiot.

What brings a refugee to rape before he faps? Are you retarded? They don't plan, they fuck around. End of story.

They rather rely on social benefits than work for money

Sorry to hear that bro, I hope things improve for you and your wife.

>Why is it that poor people have children before they are ready?

1. Seeing as they are poor, they already have poor decision making skills, this extends to having kids.

2.The state will pay for them anyway, may as well exploit a broken system

3. They don't care. Their religious/biological need to have kids outweighs any downsides they know they will have

Poor people have limited access to family planning and sexual education
Poor people can't afford protection (they have the highest rates of STI's) and can't abort
Poor people can't afford other forms of entertainment
Poor people aren't thinking about the future, they are stuck in poor shitty jobs, maybe completed high school with shit grades. Why do you think they will think about the future about sex?
They live in shit neighbourhoods, where it may be likely one of them will be killed by stabbing.
Their housing is poor so they suffer from all sorts of health problems so they pump them out so they can get one of them as healthy
Poor people need welfare and support ASAP.

being poor I assume is correlated with being dumb
being dumb is correlated with unsafe sex

having many children causes you to be poor

unthinking people have kids

smart intelligent whites take it more seriously

niggers breed like rabbits, niggers are poor

keep going

In rural areas, children are an asset. In slum urban areas, yeah they're taking their old ways into a setting where children aren't as valuable. The Catholic Church isn't really really helping with the vilifying all birth control under any circumstances.

Because even poor people today are better off than working class people from 100 years ago.

Poverty is relative.