Why did Germany flood Europe with shitskin "refugees"?

What was their endgame?

Cultural Marxism and eternal Judaism

They were running perilously low on anti Semitic mouth breathers, due to their stupid whore fraus refusing to breed

75% of German scientists do not have children. Intelligent people will be as rare as rocking horse shit in future Germany.

Chancellors without children do not give a shit about what happens Germany after they are gone. Like a suicidal death cult.

German men just aren't into fucking their women so have to import people to impregnate them.

because of the 6 gorillion

Stupid people are easier to control.

Because of you and your Polish death camps. Germany has taken the blame for your "wrong-doings" in WW2. Fucking greasy Slav.

To try and ruin Europe, like they always do

So Sup Forums had something to talk about. It's all one huge distraction.
