Why have Scandinavian countries never accomplished as much as other Europeans? Why are we so similiar to niggers?

Why have Scandinavian countries never accomplished as much as other Europeans? Why are we so similiar to niggers?

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scandinavia created france and england dum nig

low population


We are pretty much half niggers at this point due to immigration

and Russia.
and parts of Italy.
and united the Caucasus for a while
and Built some of the most far stretching and complex trading routes connecting all of the known continents.

We were under Swedish rule when everything cool happened. Our success was their success.

>T. French on 'Swedish' dick sucking holiday


you wud?

Shut up you self hating swede, every other Scandinavian country has become something else than a playground for throwing grenades around. The only thing you invented was imagined your sperm dancing around a pole.

What the fuck kind of shitty map is that? Why in the fuck is Sjælland part of Sweden?

ye literally meme tier
I would never race mix with a germanic...

This. Leave us alone.


what is the 50's Folkhemmet
what are like half of the periodic table
what were some of the most homogenous and prosperous countries in the world for a while
what is snus

we werent close enough to the heart of Christianity during its golden age to be influenced by the Catholic faith the same way italy and spain were

found the american proxy

>I wouldn't racemix with those germanics

>He thinks he's talking to a swede

Go back to facebook where you belong, Jens

Scandinavians are essentially mongoloids, North Western Keltic peoples are native Europeans

Yo check this swede out.


>what is the 50's Folkhemmet

failed socialism that ruined the country

>what are like half of the periodic table

literaly who gives a fuck, finding some elements are not impressive

>what were some of the most homogenous and prosperous countries in the world for a while

key word is "for a while" the vast majority of our history was spent being worse than Africa.



People need to learn the difference between Scandinavia, Fennoscandia and Nordics.

>Niels Bohr
>Tycho Brahe
>Ole Romer
>Anders Celsius

The important questions is why are you cucks giving up on your history?

Scandinavia has created many big companies, Sweden has a lot of huges companys, same as Norway.

Why are our former slaves with an IQ of 85 acting up?

Sweden has the most billionaire per capita in Europe

No, people need to understand about and be aware of blue eyed blodes.


Your greatest achievement is yet to come sir. You will begin the war that rids europe of the islamic caliphate.
God speed.

A small part of Skanderna, the mountain chain end in Finland but there is no mountain in Denmark. Denmark is flatt land with a layer of cow, pig and dane shit and are not a part of Scandinavia in a physical way only cultural.

>Never accomplished ?

Maybe because they didn really go raping Afrika or other Shitskins, wich triggers a golden age?

Be a little more proud.

Because we are letting them.

>You will begin the war that rids europe of the islamic caliphate.

that will be the French, Germany and Sweden will succumb and get conquered

>raping shitskins triggers golden age

what am I even reading?

Denmark is not scandinavian. We are part of central europe.

and so it shall be done.


also, the only viable way to cross over to mainland europe would have been via boat, which can be a hassle, and during (some) winters but that requires crossing through denmark, and they are the most nigger like of all scandis

finns and islandics would have had even worst to cross to mainland europe, which is why they have had much more influence from the mongols and slavs in the east

>failed socialism that ruined the country
it was successful until it was ruined by olof palme
>the vast majority of our history was spent being worse than Africa
yeah no, "good" bait, back to r****t
we've had stormaktstiden, and a very prosperous nomadic lifestyle until civilisation kicked in
we "invented" (for ourselves), or at least adopted farming and cultivation of vegetables and animals, technologies, water-fare, wagons, taming of beasts for our own gain etc while still keeping a very close social bond with the rest of the fellow countrymen
you literally do not find this in africa, even to this date
fuck off nigger, seriously, kill yourself

>Why have Scandinavian countries never accomplished as much as other Europeans?
Well you have accomplished something. Who would poor refugees fuck without your women?


Alot of nordniggers and slavnigger threads today.

glorious norden is literally atlantis-tier to all you shitskins

>t. German on holiday in Denmark

you should kill yourself Tysker

>white hair
>blue eyes

I Mean that slaves bring a lot of money ofcourse. Tradable rescources and free labor

slav means slave just like aryan mean orja in finnish

>this thread

>w-we wuz vikangz!!!
t. Fragile dane ego about to collapse from the truth.
We are not """nordics""", we are not even geographically part of scandinavia.

>nordics don's have any cul-

Gå tilbage til Randers min ven, og bliv der sammen med Ali og Mahmoud, på din lille scooter


French money, finnish, scottish and German mercenaries/soldiers was the reason for that, swedes hardly did anything. During the 30 year war most swedish soldiers where garrisoned up in northern germany and never saw battle due to their low quality.

>and a very prosperous nomadic lifestyle

that's a nice way of saying that we where a bunch of seaniggers leeching of the rest of europe.

>we "invented"


> farming and cultivation of vegetables and animals, technologies, water-fare, wagons, taming of beasts for our own gain etc while still keeping a very close social bond with the rest of the fellow countrymen

you see this in Africa but not in Sweden. We do not have a close bond to our countrymen, we never talk to each other and are always distant. We are the most selfish and individualistic people on earth.

literally serbs 2.0

But Sweden managed to get its old capital burned to the gound. I bet that counts as quite the achievement by their current standards.

>Serbs think they have a trashy drinking culture

that's cute

>Trying to save face

Look at this shit I'm not even gonna read

Thats Denmark, we're not cucked, we were close

So you be sayin we wuz white n shiet?

>Made Russia
>Successfully besieged Constantinople and only spared the city for a tribute

Blue-white swastika is divine in every way. Black-white-blue is also relatively nice.

This needs to stop.

Is this a low tier bait or what?

>We are not """nordics""", we are not even geographically part of scandinavia.
what are the danish isles you continental faggot? Jutland only got danish through conquest as it is indeed filled with nothing but central Euro German niggers.

>w-we wuz vikangz!!!
never claimed that Tysker. Denmark is not part of central Europe and any geographical book or publication about the subject will confirm this. Denmark is an island nation you idiot.

Denmark is cucked to near death, have you been living under a rock for the past 5 years?

>t. someone who has never been in serbia or the balkans in general

The claims nordcucks resort to when confronted with their inferiority get's cringier and cringier.

You were always neutral and relatively peaceful.
While constant war in central europe was the cause for technological advancements.

Nice proxy there m8.

If you're not fully conversant with your own history then better not display your ignorance publically.

Finland, Iceland and the Faeroe Islands are not Scandinavia, kind Sveabög.

Sauna. One thing disproves your 'nothing' already. Fuck off and die before I get sober and think of more.

Neither are we.

Yep, confirmed du bor faktisk i Ishoj ved ik om du er perker eller plastikperker
billede eller confirmed perker

Black people have actually accomplished things....

>inventing Sauna


good, stay mongoloid.

It never will

i've been to split and dubrovnik. didnt see much bidla public drinkers but maybe i was just in wrong areas.

uh, carolus linnaeus is swedish

Just a retarded immigrant or self hating swecuck, most likely. Even if he says
>haHAA I was baiting you all along
I won't believe it

i need a quick rundown

Between 1580-1721 I think Sweden had like 40 years of peace.

Also, Sweden contributes more to science per capita than almost any other country, and this is hard science, not feminist dance theory.

Whatever goes on in the balkans is nothing compared to the degeneracy that people get up to here every weekend. We are some of the most sloppy disgusting drunks in the world.


German vacationing in Denmark confirmed, know your doing bad, sorry for your inferior complex.

you need to go to little towns and zagreb
go on the beach during the night, at least 100 people will sit there and drink wine and other shit
people don't act like niggers in dubrovnik just because of the tourists

what the shit did Celts actually accomplish, aside from being run over by Romans and Germanics?


You lumped Finland in your retarded meme so I'm just telling you how wrong you are. If you want to speak about Sweden alone, make a cucks-only bread.

you forgot the swedish hong kong slice

>He keeps trying

you only do that during the weekend
we do it every day bro

Awesome dream swedecuck

>and are not a part of Scandinavia in a physical way only cultural.
.. and yet, all Scandinavian languages stem from Old Norse, Norrönt, also known as Dönsk Tunge -Danish Tongue.

you speak Danish, just poorly, kind Sveafart.

>We are some of the most sloppy disgusting drunks in the world.
Is your post related to what is historically achieved or the current level of degeneracy? On the latter I don't disagree, but make up your mind and don't shift the goalposts.

stay mad brother

>Keltic (European)
>the origin isn't even from europe
lmao, try harder you ugly shit
also, what did kelts actually accomplish besides being somebody's slaves?

I was arguing with a swedecuck about Swedish "accomplishments" you inbred mongoloid. Learn to understand context.

Binge drinking in the south is nothing like the complete fuckfest up here in the north. Alcohol is the only thing we have up here.

The scandinavian identity was literally something made by Danes. We invented that term.

Just ignore the shitposters

Speak for yourself, Swedecuck.

Since he has successfully baited all the Nordic peoples here, I'll show you this.

Who is Carl Von Linné
What is a dynamite, pacemaker, wrench, 3 point seat belt, boat propeller, bearing, respirator, zipper

i guess thats true
i would do that as well if i were you

>We are not """nordics"""

Danes, as in Zealanders, are North Germanic whereas Juts are North Sea Germanic, or Ingvaeonic.

>h-han siger sandheden! T-TYSKER!!!!!

>Sweden has no identity or any traditions
>Except Ramadan
>This has been stated multiple times by high ranking Swedish politicians and even their prime minister

I didn't even wanna do this, but fuck it