Has almost halved in value in the last week
Bolivars per US Dollar:
>7-27-2017 =9787
>7-31-2017 =11185
>8-1-2017 =12197
>8-2-2017 =14760
>8-3-2017 =16790
>Today =18989
Has almost halved in value in the last week
Bolivars per US Dollar:
>7-27-2017 =9787
>7-31-2017 =11185
>8-1-2017 =12197
>8-2-2017 =14760
>8-3-2017 =16790
>Today =18989
Other urls found in this thread:
>it wasnt real communism
So how much do Venezuelan Lolis cost?
W..wwee haven't tried socialism or communism for real yet guys
t. Increasingly nervous Bernie supporter for the 50th time in a decade.
Socialism has always been shit when you go full hardcore
Socialism itself is shit. They just want to steal your money
Reminder that WoW tokens are most valuable than Venezuelan currency
Some random historical rates
>6-23-2010 =9.92
>11-26-2012 =16.59
>7-21-2013 =31.91
>1-18-2014 =72.25
>2-11-2015 =190.75
>7-3-2015 =501.21
>4-12-2016 =1138.46
>10-7-2016 =1092.73
>12-28-2016 =2875.43
>2-19-2017 =4229.94
>5-29-2017 =6079.87
(((( Ricardo Lopez)))) (spanish jew) and ((((Rotshchild))) are doing this together also the bbc are running a massive propaganda shitshow on the world service.
Notice how they starve these people and they openly admit this is what they would do to america in the event of an EMP if you look it up.
Grow amaranth.