Get rear ended by spics in parking lot

>get rear ended by spics in parking lot
>get put to asses damage
>fender slightly fucked up, nothing I can fix myself
>look up, see them laughing
>tell them to pull over
>speed off
>follow wetbacks while calling it in
>they drive to their shitty trailer
>whole family illegal
>6 of them detained, deportation proceedings started
Did I do good Sup Forums?

i want to believe

>nothing I CAN'T fix myself
Sorry, phonefagging atm and didn't proofread

Can someone post this story from the spics perspective?


>come illegally
>damage someone's property
>think it's funny
>realize their in trouble
>be autistic and go home
>get family deported by not having an ounce of respect

I bet you reversed into them 'by mistake' didn't you, you crafty fucker.

Nope, was parked.

you did fantastic, OP.

Yes you did, they aren’t supposed to be here, the fact they ran shows they aren’t the type we want coming in. Good job.