Fuck the planet cuz wind turbines are ugly

>Fuck the planet cuz wind turbines are ugly

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Wind turbines are fucking everywhere and they make me REEEE

It's not that they're ugly, it's that they're horribly underpowered memes.

I hope you like smoke then.

I don't live anywhere near a power plant. Besides, solar panels that look like normal roof tiles will come on the market soon and make most external power generation unnecessary (plus, power cuts as a result of fuckups in the grid will be a thing of the past).

Smoke is civilization. You cannot have one without the other.

these two dudes died trying to keep this piece of shit operational so it can be severely inefficient furthermore.

They do where i live.

You're going to be waiting for awhile

It's powering ahead here, though (g-get it?).

I would like to have more wind turbines in my country but it is not windy here. Only Black sea shore is suitable for wind energy. Hope chinese will build the largest solar power plant in Europe in the Chernobyl area soon.

Smoke is the industrial era. Who needs a civilization, that fails to improve its tech?

The Jewish-Electric Cabal will not control our lives for much longer

>nuclear power vents


Looks like you got the wind and waste biomass down. Chart's old but probably not much has changed.

wind turbines are inefficient, they kill birds and make people sick

Only the Chinese would go into Chernobyl to install solar power. SEND THE CHILDREN

I stood underneath one on a windy day recently. Came down with ebola the very same day.

>banning old technologies before a suitable one replaces it
>being duped by the moneygrubbers that make a killing off "green" energy

Smoke in huge amounts, yeah. But since the humans discovered how to make fire smoke is among us

I wonder if your grandchild will like his third leg.
Nuclear power is not that clean either, radioactive waste needs to be kept someplace safe for a VERY long time, and things don't always go as intended, same with the control rods.

Wind turbines are a fucking scam once you start looking at the carbon costs of all the spare parts and those spare parts get used as per planned maintenance schedules.

I think wind turbines can be pretty aesthicallt pleasing. I don't see them that often though so my view may be a bit warped. But the ones in Aria are nice.

>don't support nuclear the only viable alternative because bigoted white male energy

>Picturesque landscape

Some people love the decaying post-Communist architectural style... They need help.

>be in Spain
>have a fuckton of free wind
>still this is not fully supported

>killing these beauties

that's all steam you cock sucker

in uk it's more like 3%, but what you said isn't really a response to what he said.
if we can get enough power from solar roof tiles that look normal and don't cost more than a few year's electricity to install, take-up will be fast.

lol is this post from the 20th century or something?

>Cheap commie engineering
Wew I can't imagine why shit hit the fan.

>I hope you like smoke then.
That's not smoke retard, that's steam. Learn the difference.

I would support nuclear energy but I cannot. People are too stupid and corrupt to operate such complex systems as nuclear plants. Even japanese, not talk about slavs.

>t. big oil

Unless you're fucking careless like in Chernobyl, everything goes as fucking intended. That's why Three Mile Island is still running smoothly

What happens when the wind runs out?

Then the problem becomes dispatching the power. Net metering won't be allowed much longer or it will become fare less favorable.

Shilling hard tonight share blue? Is the office cold over at Democrat HQ Kiev?

it isn't, ameritard

people die building and maintaining shit.
compare it to the number of deaths from chernoble or the 1000 deaths a year in oil and gas drilling.

It's fun to watch them fail though


>uneducated white niggers complaining about power plant "smoke"

Cooling tower steam is not smoke, which is most of the discharge from that plant. Plus that 1 plant is equivalent to 100's of that wind turbine in terms of yearly power output.

Wind farms are a horrible waste of space, solar at least makes sense to cover up roofs that are already required on buildings. Wind turbines use new, empty land for a shit-tier level of economic output. Off shore wind farms are the only wind plants that are worth.

Were the workers at Fukushima careless, too?

Looks like they are kissing.

Just put lights on them, who the fuck does not like Ferris wheels at night time?

What does not make sense to me is how they are able to recoup the operating cost, it must take a ton of electricity it to turn those heavy ass blades. I know fans are cheaper than AC to run because of momentum but to try to scale that savings up is really nonsensical.

Throw a third of the money that would be spent on the Paris climate accord at developing V and VI generation reactors powered by thorium, problem solved.

Nuclear power is the future. I still don't understand how some people are against it.

>Environment friendly when the waste is disposed correctly
>Completely safe when operated correctly

True, but the tech's getting more efficient constantly
>they kill birds
As much as literally any structure with a comparable surface area would
>make people sick
As opposed to coal plants?

If you are about to die might as well do it with a face full of man tongue.

I wish it was real because fuck this gay planet but its not

>placing a nuclear power plant in an area prone to earthquakes

>56 direct deaths
your point is?

it this is a coal plant, which it very much looks like it, it's not just steam but particles and co2 too.

Also onshore wind turbines on decent places are still more profitable than offshore turbines.

Furthermore it's not a wast of place but can be rather efficient. You can still grow any crops you like on the land, or build the turbines near highways, where nobody likes to live anyway. All you lose are a couple square metres for an entire turbine.

Then it should suggest you that humans are quite often careless, and you should take this factor into consideration.

>the tech's getting more efficient everyday




Bruh that powerplant looks aesthetic tho

With that nigger logic then everything should be take into consideration for human error.
I guess no more driving or eating with forks since they pose potential threats.

There is no 100% safe location for power plants. Even if you'd find some spot which would be safe from any kind of natural disaster it'd still just take a few clever terrorist with a big bomb or a plance full of explosives to create huge damage

that pic is beautiful
the feels

>With that nigger logic then everything should be take into consideration for human error.

taking human error into consideration if the consequences could be the death of millions sounds pretty reasonable

What is that effect called?
I saw it looking through a telescope once. I thought it look beautiful but blew mind because it didnt look like a planet

Put them in northeast Ohio
>outside hurricane range
>outside tornado alley
>no earthquakes
>no one would bother to blow up Ohio
Only thing that could stop it is a lake-effect snowstorm, and even then it would take a lot to prevent people from getting to the plant

they're not wrong. wind turbines DO spoil the view, and so does every other ugly skyscraper and apartment building.

except they're wrong in thinking that muh meanie poopieheads are halting progress, there are hundreds of these fucking things in bc and alberta. BC doesn't even need them, wind turbines are still a meme, there's no fucking point when hydro takes care of nearly 100% of the energy demand here.

wind turbines are wealth redistribution. if they were actually better than all the other forms of energy production, they wouldn't need to "create jobs" because they wouldn't require so much maintenance.

More people die from wind power per unit of energy produced than nuclear. Sad!

>What does not make sense to me is how they are able to recoup the operating cost, it must take a ton of electricity it to turn those heavy ass blades.
You do know wind moves those blades right?

Solution: kill all humans so nobody can negatively affect the climate

>Nuclear power
>not cleanest fuel based-power
Yeah, lets just pretend that we cannot shove the couple of pounds of waste a mile underground and then not worry about it

>if the consequences could be the death of millions
Im sorry whens the last time millions died from nuclear meltdown?
Oh yeah thats right...
Never you stupid turkroach


15% renewable?

thats a lot, impressed

If all the nuclear power plants in the entire world simultaneously went critical in the most volatile way possible, less than a million people would die from both the direct and indirect results.

People really are afraid of what they don't understand.

>solar panels that look like normal roof tiles will come on the market soon and make most external power generation unnecessary

Solar works best on sunny days when there is generally little wind.
Wind works best on windy days when there is generally little sun.

So the combination is gold.

Still needs a night energy source though.

its called a light on the firmament

Genesis 1:14-15
14And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: 15And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

>ignoring hundreds of millions of people drive
>probably billions use forks
Its dangerous! Even though its effecient and useful we have to stop using them!

it's due to index of refraction changes in the atmosphere. if you take pictures of buildings in broad daylight even a few km away with a very long lens, or telescope, you see the same thing.

I said tech's getting more efficient everyday. I didn't say there wasn't a hard upper limit. Literally every form of energy generation has an efficiency cap until and unless we start breaking physics.

Wind is still fucking 100% free and functionally unlimited making efficiency comparisons between the cost of materials, construction, and upkeep for a windfarm vs a fossil fuel power station a fucking no brainer. The buy in cost is higher to get comparable energy output, but taken over a long enough term, wind farms will always be more efficient than fossil fuel power stations.

>Im sorry whens the last time rome fell forever ?
>Oh yeah thats right...
>Never you stupid turkroach

t. Roman in 450 A.C

Things go well until one day they don't anymore, amerilardo

Atmospheric turbulence.

I never said anything about banning particular energy sources.

Yes. The investigations found that there were clear signs of negligence and cutting corners. Even though there was an earthquake it should not have melted down.

This is one of the dumbest analogies I've read

You have to first install solar panels, then the number will increase.
Solar panels (with batteries) are really a cool thing to have on your house, you can be completely disconnected from grid and still have power.

its just atmospheric distortion goy

>If all the nuclear power plants in the entire world simultaneously went critical in the most volatile way possible, less than a million people would die from both the direct and indirect results.

You have any sauce for such a kind of statement ?

Wind turbines are fucking garbage. Expensive, underpowered, and with an unstable output that cannot be scaled up to meet momentary high demand. The last two make it entirely unviable as main energy source.

Hydro is the only "green" power source save for nuclear that has any value, and it's still limited by geography. Nuclear is the only universally valid "green" main energy source.

>coal, nuclear, hydro
Not viable
>wind, solar
Cost effectiveness
>coal, nuclear, hydro, wind, solar

In all aspects, wind and solar are fucking dogshit.

>THICC chimneys sticking from the ground
>releasing hot water vapour that cools birds when it reaches high enough


>pole on the ground
>noisy metal blades swinging around it annoying wildlife and humans around it.

Thank you.
I dont recall every getting the effect when using my telephoto lens but ill have to look out for it

It fits perfectly, dummy

How many wind turbines does it take to create the energy output of a nuclear reactor? Surely the wind turbines don't take up that much space, right?


Wind is at least economically viable now.

ie: can compete on the free energy market without government subsidies.

Why deny companies who just want to make a profit the right to do so, just because you have feels about clean energy?

So we shouldnt build big empires either?
What the fuck can we do in your stupid world.
Not equivocal anyways.
I thought krauts were supposed to be smart

just ignore the disco balls in the sky it usually interrupts what nasa wanted you to believe


make sure you use a good goy telescope too that we made to make you believe in a universe

This one is: People dying from car crashes or dying from forks somehow were even close to the million which i dont think they are, you're analogy is still shit.

People dying in car crashes is still a phenomene you can measure and take in consideration. You won't have a sudden loss of millions of people because of car crashes and streams of refugees, which could make your society collapse.

Maybe it's viable in Denmark and Netherlands where distances between plants and customers are short and the plants don't freeze in the winter.

>Rome falling to liberal degeneration is the same as ending millions of lives through a slow and agonizing radioactive rot
I agree.

Wind turbines actually look pretty cool.

Not being an idiot?

Just look into all of the securities and fail safes that are built into nuclear power plants in the US. The largest plant in the US, Palo Verde, if went critical, the only people who COULD die are the ones inside the plant. There is so much fucking concrete surrounding the place you would need to drop a MOAB on the fucking thing to open it, in which case, its in the middle of fucking no where, so the fallout wouldn't even reach anyone.

Maybe a lot more people would die in China, but thats because there are a billion of those idiots, so who cares if shit happens there.

Wind turbines line the blue ridge mountain and they look cool as hell

forgot pic