Abominations like picrelated are actually encouraged by Christ and Jews and islamists. Kike religions are all blupilled and literally equate to prepping the bull.
Reject all kike religions including Christianity
This is basic Marxist theory, even though you muked it up with your retardation. The idea is religions are in place to preserve social stratification. The caste system in Indian hinduism, and Confucianism, should also be mentioned.
Fuck off, Satan. You will never prevail over Christ.
OP family portrait
Nice try.
Your assertion shows you know nothing about the Jewish problem or why they do what they do.
Off the ovens with you.
>praise Muh Jew god, goyim
>love and forgive your enemies, the Jews :^)
>don't make money goy, stay poor because only poorfags make it into heave--yeahh let the Jews handle your cash for you :^)
>everyone is equal in (((god's))) eyes
Fucking kidding me?
Prove me wrong you literal retards.
I said go fuck yourself, Satan.
The kikes made your bed I giess, now sleep in it. I want nothing to do with my those asswipes
>Being this much of a bootlicker.
kill yourself.
I never was one, and never will. The whole thing of going to church and pretending you care or believe in that shit makes me cringe just when I think of it.
I cannot conceive most people that claim being christians as nothing but larpers, with the exception of the very gullible.
And no, I am not an atheist nor pagan or any other meme shit. Not that any of that would matter though.