Lets start german hate thread.
What's your opinion on them?
Lets start german hate thread
Literally fuck germans
all slavs deserve to die, so they did nothing wrong
another pointless hate thread?
Well ok, Itzek.
Didn't finish the job in 1945
Fuck them.
Nie swiruj ziomek
This desu. Poles and Germans should create a commonwealth stretching from the Rhine to Memel. Everyone wins.
They left out the part where the red army sat and watched it happen.
germans have ruined Europe 3 times in a fucking row, they deserve to die a painful death, but the worms that infest them will probably slither their way to some other country when it dies
No we should not
You left out the part where they laughed and danced around like a bunch of jews after 9/11.
4 times, dont forget about Luter
if they change leader, kick out all niggers and shitskins I don't see a reason not to.
Our current gov sucks and we won't gain any power anytime soon.
Germany at least have big economy, even if their military is bad as some say, it's the best option, for now.
Unless you want to increase trade with Belarus for 1650%.
Just nuke us and take our claay we dont diserv it
Fuck Krauts and the KIDF
t. hans ziegler von reicht
They killed 6 million jews, so i think they are pretty bad. Although they are trying to make up for it now with helping refugees.
Refugees are more like revenge of jews for holocaust
they are ok.
fuck off jew.
Im not jewish
haha fuck you legia, glad your team was eliminated by a non european team again fuck legia
Yeah, fuck legia, Cracovia hooligan here
But still that setting is dope as fuck
>its another episode of credible hatred being used by the kikes to ferment more white deaths while they gain the last remaining white race wealth and completely gain control over us.
You know, bloodlust and strong nationalistic ties are not a bad thing. One cannot undo the errors of the past of nations being at war before the jew menace.
Why not instead just remove ALL the jews first, ALL the niggers and parasites before trying to settle old scores. These things are being used against both of us. We will both die. Just...fucking kill them first and then get back to waging european wars, jesus, its not that hard or is it?
Without the jew, and the arab there are no mudslimes, no foreign hostile religions, no dirty niggers. It can be a clean opposition of strong racial values instead of this degenerate fucktown we are in. Srsly, stop trying to kill eachother for like 5 fucking minutes/
>Cracovia hooligan here
>Im not jewish
Pick one.
Niech ci bedzie
You should know there is no way to remove jews atm
Maybe sandniggers one day but now jews
wtf am I reading?
there will never be any hope for peace with them around. And they are just human, flesh and blood and can be killed you know. Instead of trying to fall back to some desire to kill a bunch of krauts, why not try to go towards this glorious goal of complete jew eradication. Its much more noble, much more just, will save more than just your own nation. It may save the whole goddamn planet.
At some point, many of the nations were at war with another nation, pretty much all neighboring european nations had conflicts with one another. But only the jew possesses the d&c skill to tear open those wounds with his media kikery. Yea it was still recent and yea it was still bad, but its no reason not to re-judge the state of the world today, and to align yourself to fight against the biggest threat.
German culture is vastly overrated and dying. Their history is that of savages no better than white niggers.
Poland football has some crazy antics.
people = good, some are ((brainwashed)) by ((tolerance propoganda))
leaders = ((bad))
modern germans are cucks
nazis were genocidal fuckwits
ancient germans were primitive as fuck
at no era has germany been a good nation
PiS literally sending out eternal polaks to Sup Forums now kek - greetings from BND.
top job you just blew your cover Aaron
Nice flight Kaczynski
>napoleon wars happen
>some jew invests in both sides
>wins bigly
>steals more wealth from whites
>ww1 happens
>jew do the same thing again
>now their wealth is above 50%
>ww2 happens...
>ww3 happens...
do you really want their wealth to be at 100%? Do you really want some slimey ass filthy kike tell you who to hate and who to kill for his profits so that he can black the whole of europe. Shame on you for feeding into blind, controlled rage.
Fuck you polan, you were anexed by us Germans and russian 3 times but still u try to fight ha?
not white
Great people, punished by ZOG
Reminder if your country only exists because Jews wanted to punish Germany, you're not a real country
-b New Reich soon
whats this bullshit about, you subhumans
the ride truly never ends
ITT: eternal polish butthurt
Kill Germans get rekt, cry about it, still Take EU money from us though.
How does europe stop Merkel's ideology of Multiculturalism?
5 times, don't forget about scat porn.
But seriously Id rather See you as Brothers next time.
>UK = Pakistan
Also, why does Merkel look like Trump with bigger tits in that image
>looks at all the rightful German clay they stole, deported the natives and built a bunch of shitty commie blocks over
God slavs are the biggest fucking babies, can see through their fake tough guy act. Malnourished people can't be tough. Going to cry and whine because their GDP is like a single province of Germany's and blame it on Hitler. Would blame it on communism if Russia had an economy to steal from.
Fuck off sea kike
they killed slavs and jews. there's no way to hate them.
they were great bwfore they got cucked because of jewlovers such as poles
Polaks need to die same as jews
>scratch a polak, you'll find a jew
good thread, german fuckers from across the world bitch and whine
Soviets did it you idiot
Great day
subhuman whites - they were the weakest, that why the jews were able to manipulate them
and still manipulate them to this day
fucking krauts - weak minded fuckwits
>Somalia looks like Ethiopia
we will see who will die
Poles where they belong.
Germany is a disgusting, unholy chimera that will forever threaten peace in Europe.
Versailles was far too merciful. ""Germany"" should have been divided into small powerless states, and parts of it annexed by their neighbors. It's people should have been worked (to death, if necessary) to repair the damages they did in the victors' country. It's entire economy should have been coopted to repaying Germany's debt to Europe.
Germans are not people. They have proved this time and time again, and are still proving it right now. They are a weak minded race of beasts, easily manipulated by any entity that wants to use them, gladly becoming it's armed arm in the hope of getting some power, some gratification.
The work of a schizophrenic jude
Germans are the best society man has ever produced. Germany is literally peak human.
Fuck off, kike.
Poland had existed both before and much longer than this expanded Germany/Prussia.
Go smoke your weed or something, faggot.
>Germans are the best society man has ever produced. Germany is literally peak human.
Top fucking kek
Same shit every time.
How many times we have to tell you suevi, veneti, lugii are slavic people.
You're both retarded, those are Germanic tribes.
They existed there before Slavs left modern Russia/Belarussia during the Great Migration.
Sorry that history happened, dude
but germans are subhumans
The Rhine is the natural border of France.
What would have any of your drivel changed? You won both wars in the end and Paris is still full of niggers. Your death comes from within and you point the finger at your neighbor. Even with Germany gone around 1900, France would still be full of niggers because the "early" democracies are the true cucks of Europe.
Go back to your cuck shed pierre and imagine your non existing gf getting baguette'd by Jamal.
France is the rightful clay of Spain.
>rightful german clay
Those are all bordering tribes described by the Romans. First of all you're assuming a lot making any clear distinctions, but that doesn't change the fact that Goths/Vandals/Burgondians/etc were in what is now modern Poland.
The Goths and Vandals were beyond the Vistula.
The Venedi were in modern day Kaliningrad and the Venedi modern Belarus. Lugii southern Poland/Ukraine, and the Suebi were a Germanic tribe that migrated to northern Spain.
Do you honestly think there weren't Germanic tribes in Poland prior to the Great Migration, or are you just nitpicking in the hope you'll get to apply cognitive dissodance?
Oh you mean the Franks? Dutch people?
The Dutch people that ruled over modern France and were proud of their pure Frankish bloodline, like during Charles the Great (Frank)?
Yeah, I guess in that case the Rhine is a good border.
shut up rightful german clay the poles should feel honored to welcome us with flowers. truth
kultiviert u
nd geschissen
>Germanic tribes existed before Slavs arrived from steppes
That must be have been a nice genocide since no single german survived. Meanwhile slavic lands occupied by "germans" still are full of slavic people, names, folk etc
get in your head that theory that vandalii, suevii, lugii were germanic was just unfounded propaganda
hell yeah fuck the krauts for sure. I was stationed in Germany for 4 years. On the way back home from Berlin, I passed through Dresden. My car took a shit on me. I spoke moderate German, I had to stop at 4 different places until I stopped at a McDonalds and found a teenager who would help me. I am not an obnoxious American, I spoke German with them as much as I could, but no one would help me because I was American. Once ADAC finally came, he was of no help either. He pretended he couldn't understand a word of German I was speaking. I had to call one of my Berlin friends (all my other german friends were bavarian and i wasn't fixin to make the situation worse lol) to play translator over speakerphone.
Fuck (most) of the krauts and especially fuck Dresden. Town looks like fucking shit STILL. Nagasaki got a fucking atom bomb, what's your excuse?
Ahahaha, you're claiming the Vandals too now?
There's surviving Vandalic, and it's a Germanic language.
Again, all the tribes you say are mistaken to be Germanic, mostly are indeed Slavic. But they're on the borders. Germanic tribes existed past the Vistula, does that bother you? Does it bother you you're fairly new to your land?
Fucking german subhumans are destroying europe again.
>living together with autistic ordnung ordnung germans.
sorry, no. i love my freedom too much.
>The Venedi were in modern day Kaliningrad and the Venedi modern Belarus. Lugii southern Poland/Ukraine, and the Suebi were a Germanic tribe that migrated to northern Spain.
Even placement you have wrong, since Ptolemy's vistula is odra
Lugii are the same as Veleti
Semnoni are ploni
Silingi are miltzani
and you compare minor tribe of suebi with suevi who "covered most of germany".
same with later term sclavi they too "covered most of germany"
>Do you honestly think there weren't Germanic tribes in Poland prior to the Great Migration
I know that.
there wasn't any great migration.
east germans are the worst subhumans
this is perfect
Do you know that calling all the people located there "Germanic" comes from the ignorance of Romans who called them merely "neighbours"?
It's not based on anything but that because genetics shows otherwise i.e clearly distinguishable border between different peoples located on the elbe
>>looks at all the rightful German clay they stole,
Fuck off and die you clay stealing and civilian murdering fucks.
indeed. i actually got along with all of southern germans, mostly bavarians but also whatever germans live west of there. frankfort germans are also very helpful.
but good lord the more north you get the crazier it becomes. cottbus was cool tho. americans freak out when i say a town the size of cottbus has a swimming pool that has fuckin PENGUINS hanging out. i touched one despite the signs like a thug.