The roaches blew up the Parthenon

>mfw i was reading about explosions and I just read that in the 1600s the Parthenon was STILL TOTALLY INTACT until turk fucking roaches blew it up when they used it to store a shitload of gunpowder

I didn't even care about the Turkish until now. Now I fucking hate them, they had to go and blow up something FAR more beautiful than anything they could ever create.

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Yeah, they were fuckin tards. I read somewhere that Greeks and Armenians had to do 99% of roach art just because there weren't any roaches capable. Even their anthem lel

It's not like I needed this one additional reason to hate roaches, but okay, noted.

We deserved it desu

FUCK, they did the SAME THING to the Propylaea



fuck wh*Te people and their buildings

cry more fag

When is your pussy president gonna nuke these faggot roaches already. I'm sick of waiting

Shut up Somali nigger

it was the Venetians. accidental mortar strike. Read more history

Post obligatory mad Mo the molester

Does it matter? Our infidel flag flies on their crecent everyday.


Destroying old buildings is bad enough but mudshits have been responsible for the destruction and stagnation of culture. Wherever Islam spreads it means the end of all culture, literature, theater, dance, food, architecture, history and folklore, new and old of that place, and it's all replaced by the same shit from every other place it has spread to. Islam is the antithesis of multiculturalism and it's a lesson everybody on the planet should have learned by now from 1400 years of history.

>the venetians used the parthenon to store gunpowder

no they didn't, it was the roaches.

He didn't do it when they killed our pilot, he didn't do it when they killed our fucking ambassador even though he had every right to in both cases. I'm starting to think he's a roach in disguise.


boo hoo

Yeah man the Parthenon was looking good fairly current in history. For being a 4000 year old thing it just died only 400 years ago. Crazy right

Wow. I'm surprised you can even use a mouse and keyboard, what with the thousands of years of your ancestors, (who were all cousins) fucking each other to produce increasingly warped and mutated spawn, leading up to you.

Noone cares what you say or 'think' with your compromised cognition, you degenerated proto organism. You're so inbred you're basically not human any more.

those are Armenians you AMERIBRAINLET
they're killed by Azerbaijanis aka Turks

now fuck off

All of that past history has to be destroyed for the new religion od Astana

Basically zergs from Starcraft. Everywhere they spread , the surroundoing environementsturns into literal shit

>is he dead yet
Gosh Turks are sure retarded. Just like that coup that was destined not to go anywhere

Haha Turks will be outbreed by kurds
hehe :DDDD

>something that had been standing for 2000 years, built by Man, was nearly destroyed because brown people are some of the stupidest fucks on the planet