Thoughts on this?
Thoughts on this?
These people are thankfully a minority, they just have a loud megaphone.
The pendelum is swinging. No quality people believe this. They are desperate these days
If my son is gay I'll make him have sex with my wife till he turns.
Why did he equate being disabled with all of those other things? Same with autism except I would consider autism to be a disability and autism spectrum disorder, like aspergers, to be a form of psychopathy as it originally was classified as.
or maybe you dont want your kid to have a shitty disabled faggot tranny life
Why does my child have to fit into a label in today's society in the 1st place? Seems like the statement undercuts itself.
That profile pic looks odd.
Somebody please post the pasta about "this is what keeps parents I'll at night". Because if you're a parent, and your child posts some stupid ass shit like this mong did then you failed society.