>opinions on the greek orthodoxy?
>any practitioners?
> is it worth pursuing as a greekfag
Pls respond senpaitachi, preferably greeks
>opinions on the greek orthodoxy?
>any practitioners?
> is it worth pursuing as a greekfag
Pls respond senpaitachi, preferably greeks
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Yes it is worth pursuing. Especially if you are Greek.
Why? What is special about it over regular catholicism or christianity? I am seriously considering practicing a religion
Orthodoxy is the only way to go if you're a Christian.
I was raised Catholic but became atheist as a teen. Now in my early 30s, I attended a few Greek Orthodox services after reading the very good pic related. I also abided by their fasting rituals for several months. Recommended. The fasting is reasonable and clears the mind (it's essentially "don't eat for pleasure" a couple of times per week). The services unfold at a slow, meditative pace, those in attendance are dressed up, and the churches are beautiful, like Catholic ones.
Greek Orthodoxy is the only one that hasn't changed the words of the new testament or practice of Christianity for 1.700 years (since Christianity was legalized).
It is essentialy pure Christianity without bending to the fucking pope.
You sound lost
Pretty much, just don't go halfway lukewarm Christian if you desire progression/happyness.
Use philosophy as your tool to master your material world and perception of it and Religion to find your spiritual answers. Two of the same but that's my general advice and outlook.
Happy to answer questions about the faith
Φίλε μου, είσαι Έλλην Ρωμιός, απόγονος των Βυζαντινών. Φυσιkά kαι είσαι Ορθόδοξος. Άλλωστε είναι η πιο ελεύθερη μορφή Χριστιανισμού!
not lost, my parents were just garbage and lost their tradition, I'd like to bring it back, though im only greek on my fathers side, my mom is italian but i dont like italian culture.
Could you point me in the right direction?
I dont speak greek, but I will learn down the road.
Greek "Orthodoxoy" is a religion invented by the Medieval Greek Empire. It's a construction used by the Emperor to control religion in his realm. It's even worse today, with all its top clergymen having to be approved by various Mohammedan states such as Turkey. It's not as bad as Protestantism, but that's not really saying much.