Why are females wearing less clothes out in public nowadays, Sup Forums?
First it started with shorter shorts, then see through yoga pants, bra-less shirts and now shorter bra-less shirts. Wtf is next? String bikinis out in public?
Why are females wearing less clothes out in public nowadays, Sup Forums?
First it started with shorter shorts, then see through yoga pants, bra-less shirts and now shorter bra-less shirts. Wtf is next? String bikinis out in public?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's called the sexual revolution and the Jewish Frankfurt school is the root
>Why are females wearing less clothes out in public nowadays, Sup Forums?
They are pushing it through the media and the fashion industry to get men like you triggered and confused, so they can finally say that Islam is right in covering women in a lots of clothing.
>fat weeb in cargo shorts rants about hot girls showing off their hot little bodies for free in public, more at 6!
Think about it.
>Why are females wearing less clothes out in public nowadays, Sup Forums?
climate change
Can't wait until 16 year olds are walking around topless in thongs and sandals then I'll know when we're about to reach peak degeneracy.
Because they want to wrap their roasties around Chad's megacock while laughing at your pathetic perma-virginity.
It's summer and hot as fuck
Neo-marxism maybe?