The Gold Pill

What comes after the blackpill? What to do when you realise that you'll never unfuck the world or see the establishment brought to justice? What's the point when right is left is middle? Why carry on when the future is so bleak, the enemy seemingly so invincible, your peers irrevocably bluepilled? What is a the bottom of the rabbit hole, if not the endless, hopeless void?

You're ready for the gold pill.

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The gold pill is suicide. Take it op.

Key ingredients:

>reincarnation is real
This isn't the only life you have, it's just a level on your path of soul progression. Life is about learning, and acting upon what you've learnt. Lessons will be learned, or repeated over lifetimes, with increasingly difficulty level, until you get them. Old habits, addictions and vices will revisit you until you overcome them. Bad circumstances may be a result of karma, and are only ever opportunities for powerful self-improvement and understanding. There is no escape from self-improvement; the only way forward is up.

>everyone has a different understanding of what god is
So find yours. There is a spiritual path for everyone, and it may not be the same as your neighbours. Find your own personal way to faith, not necessarily through a corrupted religious body, and you will realise in time that

>god is real
And you are part of a plan. You are not on this earth to enjoy yourself, or to grow and wither and die for no reason. You have a duty; you must find it and act on it. It could be any role, large or small, but it is yours.

>the search for Truth is endless, but worth it
Truth will always be revealed in the end. It’s difficult to hold a lie up. The truth is the truth, and you must seek it, articulate it and uphold it. You will most likely never found out the absolute truth, but you can damn well get as close as possible to as you can. The more we raise the consciousness of the world, the more progress we make on the plan.

>evil dooers will be brought to justice in the end
Those that have blackened their souls beyond repair, will be punished in the end. They will be left, duped and powerless, behind in the dark realms as the rest of humanity progresses.

>we are part of God, and will all return to God in the end
And no action made for the triumph of Love is too small.

Clean your room, change your diet, take care of your physical and mental health. Find god, and start fulling your duty

The way to win is to

suicide isn't quitting the game, it's restarting the entire game from the beginning on a more difficult setting until you stop being a pussy

The cyanide pill comes after the black pill OP

Well what you just described is the blackpill, and it's called the black pill because nothing comes after. World is fucked friend, just learn to love the fleeting moments of joy you can scrounge out of it.

>What comes after the blackpill?
the bible pill.

the world isnt fucked forever

Even though so many things are fucked in this world that you and your family can still find happiness with each other. You don't need wealth, power, or even peace anywhere outside your community to achieve this. The fact that you can achieve this simply by being personally responsible and surrounding yourself with like-minded, virtuous people is the gold pill.

"black pill"
it's kike propaganda to keep you away from the political process

if "black pilled" people are so cool why don't they wield any political power?

stay cucked

Create your own world and leave them all behind.

>What comes after the blackpill?
>You're ready for the gold pill.
All the Goldpill does is make your shit look Gold

there has to be a god

nice thread OP i tink im gonna kill myself now and not reproduce and let the kikes replace me with niggers

let there be light!

Get yourself a 30+ foot sailboat and get gone.

would you say you are more influenced by Jordan Peterson or old European Alchemy? Sounds like like New Age stuff, which I believe has some roots in Gnosticism, asian and ancient religions, as well as alchemists and mystery schools in Europe.

lol, gay

>What comes after the black pill? What to do when you realize that you'll never unfuck the world or see the establishment brought to justice

You begin to realize that it is fruitless to take on a task alone and broken. You realize given the strange nature of what it means to be a human, you are then brought to the righteous conclusion of possiblity/potential. You, never asking to have been born, are brought into a world of strife, evil and corruption. The unborn never ask to be born, but then again, how could you make the world a little less evil if you were never born? The task is immense, nearly too much to bear. So, naturally, you cave. You accept the nihilism and depression ridden anxiety lifestyle simply because it is easy. It is what you want, hell, it is so easy a dog can do it too. To roll over and die, to accept the present and not care for the future. Then you have the audacity to call yourself a human.
To change the world you must start with yourself. You must transcend. You were given a body, a mind, and a soul. So make them all as strong as you possibly can. Why do you ask? We'll don't you know humans are the only animals on Earth that can bargain with the future. Why it is so easy and we have been doing it for centuries. Two simple steps: 1. Prepare 2. Pray
Speak it into reality and so shall it become yours. Once you begin to strive for the perfection of what a human is, your peers will do the same. All the while it continues to spread because it is infectious. A righteous, noble, honorable cause is much better than one of that of nihilism. You ask again, how can you be so sure this alternative is any better? Well, the world would be a little less full of suffering and for that, maybe the future generations will not grow up feeling the same way you did. They might not think of you or nearly thank you at all, but you will thank yourself.

The White Pill. The realisation that no matter how Jewed or Blacked the world gets, your entire existence is to protect your people and advance your race, by awakening your brothers, by having a family, by removing kebab or juden, by prepping to save your community, by giving your life for your people (YOUR people, not some Jewish war or engineered bread-and-circus). The white pill is devoting your life to 1488 and passing this on to your brothers and offspring, whilst remembering the great men and women who died for this for 10,000 years.

Our ancestors had it much worse in many respects and they still fought, loved and died so that you could exist today. You don't have the right to give up that struggle.


Fucking dope man

Ya it's all beutifil and shit but you and I know you a shill working to implement greater Israel

I am no shill, pal.

I find the human experience to be absolutely divine and therefore beautiful.

There is no pill, there is no god, there is no meaning and there's no reincarnation. You and Sup Forums cannot change the world as a whole, all life is futile.

Spend your days as you wish, defend your opinion and dont be afraid to be who you are. Fuck the law and fuck the system.

Is that the Philosopher King?

It is but the balance is broken and this is why the systemic reaction ... Now take your pen and start writing fag cause all hand needed on deck

Meaningless drivel. Human existence will only be beautiful if whites continue. Chinese are cruel and care little for the environment. Vedic Indians are slighlty less cruel than their cousins. Negroes are literally orks. Jews will jew anything to get their slave goyim

Only whites care about the long term. The best art is white. Nordics lead the world in human rights, environmentalism, animal kindness.

We must secure a future for our people.


Good luck steril fag

In India, there is a cow that produces gold in it's urine. You can tell which kind by the hump on their back. Inside that hump is a nerve that transmutes gold and other precious substances from the Sun. Now, drinking cow pee for it's myriad of benefits is nothing new, but THIS RARE BREED holds the key to ascension and harmony with the dharma. Like anything holy in this world, it's numbers have been declining and are being replaced with impotent spawns. It must be reclaimed for the Aryan legacy. Truly, wee drinking is the final golden pill and I say that with all sincerity. Shalom and namaste, brothers. See you on the final battlefield with the gods themselves.

I'll be honest with you, this is where I am. I'm a Christian that feels like we're in the end times of the end times. Satan is very powerful and pulling a lot of strings. And there's nothing we can do to prevent a lot of future problems in which most of our population dies. The history has already been written and revealed to use through a lot of scripture, not just Revelations. But even though I believe 'the end if neigh', so to speak, I still have t responsibility to make the world as good as I can today.

So yeah, it kind of sucks.

>You're ready for the gold pill.
>buy when prices dip a little after all time highs
fucking jews every time.

The bogpill user. The bogpill.

The lore of the golden nectar goes deeper than any of you can imagine... With it, victory is gauranteed.

Shoot, I should have added that "the end has been written and ultimately it's good news because Satan and his minions and those under his control, loose".

more like the jew pill

the dadpill

no but seriously, the blackpill leads you to nihilism and depression about a broken world

the dadpill is realizing that, but still actually fucking trying to do something even if it does seem absurd

there is no more central purpose to biological life beyond reproduction



I get that the dynamic between men and women is completely fucked in the modern era and that its not easy, but women are women, always remember that

find purpose, find reasons to reinforce that purpose, embrace the absurd, its the only way things will ever get better, do your part

we live in crazy times, It won't just be you, the paradigm shift is coming, its either truth and purpose and exuberance, or watching decay and delusion

Do what you can

I like dat Green Pill. It suits.
Now if we can convince the Brown Pillers to take up their lightsaber and stop being a collective of nihilist asshats, we may have a chance to overwhelm to obstructions of evil.

Fool, you dare call the humanity of us drivel. You are so soaked in your aspirations that you fail to see the beauty in all peoples. Universally all peoples should continue to retain their identity lest they cannot continue to be beautiful. Your hate is solely validated on you inferiority complex as a failure of a human being. The idols you continue to study would have forsaken your disgusting manner and you would be damned. Although, you already are. That is why you must collectivize peoples as a whole. There are plenty types of white people, but you may only concern yourself with them all, because you yourself lack identity as an individual, therefore you must become a face in the crowd. You will fail and will continue to fail because you look with your eyes and not your soul.

On top of all that you are a flag poster, I would tell you to consider death, but you are already the husk of someone that once was.

What color is stoicism?

Why kys? soon you'll all feel Mohammad's dick. I mean it's horrible sure but at least you all won't be virgins anymore.

>well son you were born because i'm a weak faggot who needs a purpose to justify my continued worthless existence
You're the last person who should be reproducing.

Truly this. The unborn are not your slaves, they are your seeds.

what is a man without purpose?

I don't disagree with this though, my intent is to nurture and make the world a place world living for my child, its just a coincidental positive feedback loop that the child works as inspiration for that end


Currently taking such pills.
Much improvement to come.
And though they are hard to find and laborious to swallow I will continue.
Because I too have dreams.

Justice is a social construct

>right is left is middle
What do you even mean?

>future is so bleak
It's really not. There's a reason nothing in this world is perpetual.

>enemy seemingly so invincible
To beat your enemy, all you have to do is eliminate their security. Then they'll be too distracted trying to save their own skin to do shit.

Are you that drunk on depressive indifference nigger? You sound like a jaded faggot.

>What comes after the blackpill?

When an user comes to the realization that HE is the bearer of truth in a world full of lies and deceit; and that it is his duty to spread the word and save as many people as he can.

>my intent is to nurture and make the world a place world living for my child, it's just a coincidental positive feedback loop that the child works as inspiration for that end

Do not plant your seeds before you till the field, user. You need dedication before obligation. Make yourself deserve a son, an heir to your name, before you validate his entire exist upon that which it is, your coping mechanism.

OP, if you need a purpose (everybody does), then consider /ggg/
You learn valuable skills, and you get to fuck with niggers. And if you're successful enough, you're even helping the community.

More like GoldbergPill

>Justice is a social construct
Truth is justice
A noble purpose. You must tell a slave he is a slave because he often forgets. You can't blame him, he can only feel his chains when he moves.

the breadpill

>You're the last person who should be reproducing.
Honestly with an attitude like that your the one who would probably beat the offspring you rape into existence...

I regret the justice part, but the rest, I stand by.

Satan is loose. Too many big shits. Many such cases.

>When an user comes to the realization that HE is the bearer of truth in a world full of lies and deceit; and that it is his duty to spread the word and save as many people as he can.


good post


If you shit gold, you'd be fucking rich.

The gold pill is learning to live a wholesome, successful life in a society that is collapsing around you. Focus on yourself and family and not live a degenerate, worthless life.

The "Eldritch" Pill is far better & more Interesting.

[Thread Archives: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/]

They say to turn on the tv to hear the "truth".....

i lolled, comrade
