Is jazz going to be okay?

Is jazz going to be okay?
>Getting noticeably fatter
>Cant get her surgery

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These Nirvana lyrics give a glimpse into her future:

Doll steak
Test meat
Look on the bright side suicide

*audible burping sounds*

Wow, xe looks terrible.

Not enough Weiner to invert.

definitely not

Jazz is going to get into hard drugs and commit suicide

Perhaps HE is just now realizing that HE has a severe mental illness.

Lol shes gone through puberty and her grilish teen face is becoming a mans face. Painted mans fae.


>Last 2 digits predict when shim kys

He can make a mangina from his colon.

A boy who threw his life away to end up being a statistic. Legit made me sad

It's actually even worse. He's been on puberty blockers and he looks like that.

He's jewish so it's OK.

Digits confirm. RIP in peace tranny.

He'll either become a walking testament to the dangers of this illness or he'll commit suicide and be an example that way.


I think suicide is ahead.
It'l serve as an example for other freaks.
Or, it would become a martyr to the cause under the assumtion that he killed himself because muh evil transphobya.

if she loses weight she's still a qt

If you look close enough you can see George Zimmerman.

Will get fake tits and end up on shemale tube before killing itself

jazz becoming chaz

quick run down?

I watched about five minutes of that show the other night. Apparently it's aunt is a psychiatrist who works specifically with trannies. It's mother appears to be the real main character and would not shut the fuck up the entire time and was completely fucking obsessed with trans bullshit even more so than the little freak. The father was a dead eyed cuck. Both parents looked white but the freak looks a little muddy to me. Basically I got the impression that the poor little shit was brainwashed by her Marxist mother from day one to become this contemptible abhorrent.

Oh and they wouldn't shut the fuck up about "transgender day of remembrance " which is a holiday honoring the millions of trannies that were murdered that year. I guess because even though homosexuals have equal rights now there are still powerful activist and lobbying group structures in place that need to either dismantle or shift focus, so they decide to just lie and say there's a tranny holocaust going on to justify their own existence and keep the money flowing in. Also saw a couple other young male trannies that couldn't pass even half as well as the title freak. One had suicide written all over his face.

He can at least get top surgery and fix that nose of his


>Both parents looked white but the freak looks a little muddy to me
Their Jews. Do their noses not give it away?
>south florida
>jewish accents
They convinced their boy that it was a girl for the shekels. They have no shame

Color me surprised.


Frankly, the only good show in TLC is 90 Day Fiancée, and I use the term 'good' loosely.

What would be the point? Her assgina won't have any feeling because the penis never developed. There won't be any increased bloodflow or engorgement of tissue that comes with erections. She won't have a clitoris or anything similar to it, other than a tiny baby glans. The prostate will be the size of a tiny pea because it never developed, so even anal won't feel good.

Once Jazz has her assgina surgery and realises "she" will never be able to orgasm, she will suicide.

I feel bad for Jazz, all that shit was done at a young age - before any consent could be given let alone the consequences understood. This was child abuse plain and simple.

What will the kikes do next to top this?

Only in a sick jewified society is this possible.

>jazz getting noticeably fatter

This poor creature is a fine example of the lengths (((they))) will go through to push their agenda. Forced to believe lies, given chemicals that have done permanent, irreversable damage to his body, mind fucked into believing that this is all totally normal. Trapped in a broken body that will never know pleasure the way it was meant to, will never be loved as nature intended. Eventually the chemicals and lies and torture will take their toll and he'll kill himself...and in a final act of disgusting torment they will use his death to further their bullshit agenda more by suggesting that it wouldn't have died IF YOU WERE ALL MORE TOLERANT.

Fuck me, this is depressing.

>the surgery involves slicing your cock down the middle to craft "labia" and ballsack for lining of "vagina"
>kids been on hormone blockers since before puberty
>his dick and balls are the same size they were when he was a child
>not enough material to butcher into pussy shape
Ya know, typical teenager problems.

this tranny shit is starting to hit too close to home for me.

>scrolling through DM the other day

>notice a pic of a guy I knew growing up

>holy shit I hope he didn't get murdered in some brutal fashion, why else would he be making international news

>turns out he has since become a tranny and it was some piece about him being in the army and how he'll be affected by the tranny/military ban

He seemed like a totally normal guy growing up.Played on the football team, has been strong as hell since we were real young, joined the army. How the fuck does this happen?


You are trapped in an asshole's body.

"Her" penis is too feminine to be made into an axe wound so they're gonna use part of "her" colon to make a buttpussy

Gay frog water. Buy a reverse osmosis filter.

i'm a closet tranny but for some reason I have no empathy for other transgener people, least of all jazz and caitlyn jenner

dunno why

Could the guy have been a Chad considering how much his genetics are fighting back?

don't forget the brief stint in porn


Sad, huh? We should pray for them.

do you think he's passable?

(((((he))))) is gonna kill himself and we'll be blamed for it for "bullying" (((((him))))) into it

Get your testosterone up and your issues fixed and start working towards what you want in life (family, status, power).

this dude is 17 years old now, normal kids have been jerking it for about 5 years

has anyone ever informed him of this? do you think he even knows what an orgasm is? does he even have any sexual urges?

I hope """she"""" makes it to 18 and posts dique piques of """her"""" micro penis

i'm gay and i hope he dies. trannies are fucking gross abominations.

Who says anything about having to wait?

low self-esteem

did he get burned / played hard by a girl in his past?

what was his success rate with women?

I would say a lot of these nu-trannies become transvestites because they think it will increase their odds of getting laid, somehow.

I don't think that it is a coincidence that the large majority of trannies are hyper sexual, as well.

So who do you think molested Jazz?


>Is jazz going to be okay?
its a 60/40 chance

Her mom has the crazy eyes. I'm going with her

Can he even cum? He's been on hormones so long I seriously doubt it

probably because you're mentally ill like all trans trash

So they're really going to do the colon thing, aren't they?

Jazz hasn't been okay for a long time.

>taking hormones that go directly against your DNA and make you ever more delusional
>wanting to be a woman
>having a literal axe wound
>calling it a "vagina"
>having to fight your body's natural attempt to heal it
>calling yourself a "woman"

I'd dilate his wound if you know what I mean. :^)

So faggotry is gene suicide but it gotta go to the extreme of actual suicide after genital mutilation and brain numbing hormones

>Cant get her surgery
That's good. Fake vaginas are fucking disgusting.

>muh 6 gorrilion trannies
I laughed for the entire thing. Fuckin trannies are the new jews.

And yeah the mom is insane, a Dr told her straight out that Jazz taking the blockers so young is what fuckin caused the micropenis, but the mom got mad & argued with the fucking Dr that the blockers saved Jazzs life.


Grooming her son made that woman wealthy and popular. That is why she did it. I can't believe that the Reimer experiments by John Money are being repeated IN FUCKING PUBLIC.

Maybe because they're just doing it for attention.

Also depends what you mean by "tranny."

Well, at least we can be secure in the knowledge that we've earned our reckoning.

She still has a baby brain because they blocked her puberty.


I'm fairly certain I clicked on that image before. I'm not doing it again.

>has anyone ever informed him of this? do you think he even knows what an orgasm is?

I'm sure his mother told him all about it. "An orgasm is when a dirty, dirty penis gets hard and ugly, and spits out icky goo. It usually happens when bad, wicked boys are raping sweet little girls. You don't want your penis to spit goo, do you? No, of course you don't. Now take your hormone blockers, your or penis will get big and hairy and no one will love you."


And trannies deny this too, I sent this as a reply to Laura Kate Dale on Twitter and I got attacked by a bunch a trannies, forced to delete my messages and got the account locked for a week


Send this

I think its more like form of mass hysteria. Like in these two videos.

>did he get burned / played hard by a girl in his past?

I wasn't really close friends with him so idk about his dating life.

one "red flag" if you would call it that, is that I remembered he was in gymnastics as a kid, which i thought was kinda fruity. Do people still consider men in gymnastics odd or was that just me? Either way because he was in gymnastics as a kid he was strong as fuck by middle school. We once had one of those presidential fitness test things, and we had to do push ups for a certain amount of time or something and he went the whole way through doing them without quitting. some crazy amount. He only had to stop because the teacher told him to.

There was also one big meetup in this park after school where a bunch of kids boxed just for fun, and everyone was there to watch. He was one of the fighters and beat the shit out of his opponent.

Do you think it was like some internal thing where he tried to appear as manly as possible to make up for his deep down illness where he thought he was a chick? It makes sense to me.

as my psychology teacher called it "Dr. money and the boy with no penis" how could they not look at the story of David Riemer and see it as a warning


You must be retarded if you fell for this. Obviously that OP was being facetious, do you really think he went to his tranny girlfriend and asked to take a pic to ask Sup Forums what's wrong?

>mfw Alex Jones acts like a looney to lowkey sell real products

I want him to die. Watch some videos on that thing. His parents should be fucking executed for allowing it. It makes me fucking sick.

> I'd dilate his wound if you know what I mean. :^)



Ummm, no sweetie. Try again.

"She's" as passable as Micheal Obama is.

What a fucking slob!

When you confront liberals with Money, they immediately change the topic.


I like Blues better.

Jews are some fucked up bunch.

They will not think twice in giving their own children in order to push degeneracy to the goy.

Penis goes into fat poo poop hole, like a real lady, m'lady.


Holy shit.... this post x1000.

Here's the tl;dr version because it deserves more views:

>Kid lied to about his gender since birth
>Can't reproduce because of chemicals since childhood
>Has a micropenis and can't get surgery
>Will kill himself eventually and Jews will use this to further their agenda: "You should of been more tolerant to trannies"


Or maybe they actually believe the shit they peddle? It's almost like they're human, and have various motives.

>Puts in a lot of work to appear female
>Gets fat

Just like a real woman!

give me a quick rundown pls