Idea for the Alt Right
Idea for the Alt Right
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>implying I want to help degenerate retards who got addicted to crack
Yeah I don't think so. Getting on them in the first place is bad enough, if they don't have the resolve to get off them on their own then the only treatment worth giving them is a lead pill, take two and call me in the morning.
Just not sure that this should be the priority at the moment...
Why would I waste time and money on a degenerate when I can buy a bullet for 12 cents and solve the problem in under 1 second ?
I thought Ted Kaczynski hated leftists
> They would work on opening rehab clinics
If they did the ADL etc would sue them and shut them down.
The whole point of being lax on the drug trade (constantly pushed by libs) is to negatively affect whites.
Those whites are often in their grasp mentally anyway.
Nah, drug addicts need to wake up and kill their dealers. This should be considered a lesser offense than murder but self defence. Prison is a rehab.
Silly Ted, empathy is for women. Might makes right 14/88 kill the weak amirite duderinos :D
>rehab clinics
with gas chambers