In [Pic Related] is the Shill Operation being done against the KB Threads/Comments.
It was started on 6/2 & then on 6/3 the London Bridge Attack happened. The Shills had foreknowledge about the Terror Attack due to them being part of the same ISIS Network (That also did the Manchester & Westminster Attacks), which is why they did/started the Shill Operation a day before in hopes of discrediting the KB Threads ahead of time.
Bilderberg (which was going on during that Timeframe), IC “fingerprints” & those in CNN familiar with Doxing were also involved. CNN eventually made a deal with ISIS to hire that ISIS Filmmaker if they Doxed that Trump GIF Sharer for them. The exact same tactic of “doxing a random person (who then deletes accounts after seeing/finding out about the dox) in hopes to use that person’s information to attack someone/something else” was done in both cases. (The Shills really went “all in” after a Red Herring, showing desperation & paranoia)
The Shills put “Deep Drive” CP into the “Frank Memes/Images/Pics” they tend to post. It’s called “Deep Drive” CP because it’s still in the computer(s) even if the images are deleted & special/advanced tech/hardware/security systems are required to spot/detect it. (This type of CP is predominately used for Blackmail & Compromising. CP Distributors have access to it)
“Deep Drive” CP is how they are going to bring down Sup Forums (Hiro & Moderators take note) by “Poisoning the Well” with images/memes that have it. Pedophile Operatives inside Governments/Agencies/Military’s will use it to Compromise everyone (“Good Guys” & “Bad Guys”, Pedo’s are Evil that will spare no one) unless they are stopped beforehand.
They will also try to start War(while also killing Trump’s admin as “revenge” for taking down the Pedo Networks) by say “Russia” put the CP on/in the computers. Pedo’s will use the confusion to hide, escape and/or claim “innocence”.
A wide variety of Redpills on a number of different Topics.
Lincoln Fisher
This isn't the right Frank. I'm confused
Kevin Anderson
I like where this is going
Ian Diaz
Wyatt Nelson
idc tldr sage
Nathan Perez
Ryder Davis
kill yourself this is obviously an australian trying to subvert franks kikery and doing a solid for the entire board
Alexander Ortiz
Shill larper Sage
Luke Hall
Aiden Wright
I am the Real Frank, Don't be confused with the legion of Shills/Kikes/Leftists/Globalists/Spooks.
I don't know what You are talking about, Could you elaborate?
Mason Johnson
Nice tripcode....oh wait
Evan Roberts
who's frank?
Daniel Clark
anon5, please tell me about how mossad tried to save us from 9/11
Henry Brooks
Easton Brown
Sage Wrong tripods shill
Isaiah Jenkins
Shills will try and subvert my Eternal Truths, but I will persist. Sup Forums/Hiroshima/Mods need to take note.
The Shilling will Intensify and nothing will be left in their wake.
The CIA/FSB/Interpol/FBI/ASIO are here.
They know that I know that I'm trying to make You Guys know.
Lucas Campbell
Ayden Gomez
Frank bomb? Bump-shills for boners uhhhh
Austin Mitchell
Gas the Franks. All of them.
Justin Hall
Frank is going to jump shit from HTG and start bitching in 5...4...3...2
Mason Russell
Mossad had access to the Twin Towers in the weeks leading up to the "Planes."
The planes were actually holographic projects from an ancient human technology depot. Mossad agents attempted to deconstruct the projectors which were housed 10 floors from the roof of both buildings. They failed.
Nano-Nuclear-Thermite was used for a "Controlled Demolition," which is why only trace amounts were found in the rubble.
The agents were apprehended in a white van by FBI agents, but Mossad threatened to unveil the existence of Ancient Humans, and thus the FBI Relented and deported the Mossad agents.
I am Frank.
The Real Frank.
Blake Robinson
Hi anon6 post tits
Luis Torres
Daniel Harris
Can you imagine how low you have to be to be the fake Frank? kek
Cooper Diaz
sheeeeeeeeit, Jewannunaki confirmed!
Justin Bennett
Three K's a day keeps those niggers away.
If you're 100% European descent aka white and you hate filthy niggers, dirty spics, ugly kikes, arabs, furfags, gayfags, commiefags and all other scum on the earth (including weeaboo degeneracy!) as much as we do, you should join the Moon Central Discord Server. Introduce yourself in #introductions to get unkiked!
1, 2, 3, 4 I declare a race war! Join us and hang a nigger today!
Sieg Heil
Mason Garcia
You don't have the level of schizoid autism that Frank has to larp entire conversations with yourself with 7 different sockpuppets.
Kevin Harris
honeypot pls go
Jordan Perez
frank seek help already and stop shitting up the board
Jose Phillips
>wrong trip >wrong flag 0/10 b8 m8 >in all fields
Benjamin Mitchell
This is me user.
I am the real Frank.
I am in Australia researching the origins of Ancient Humans, who I believe were birthed from a combination of Welfare, Petrol Soaked Rags, Excessive Centrelink Benefits, and copious cheap Liquor & Beer.
Shills will ignore this.
William Collins
My hdd is encrypted so idgaf.
Nolan Gonzalez
take down the pedos before they take down us. got it.
Dylan Hill
Jaxson Morales
are you the OG toothepaste doxxer?
is it true you are in possession of the rarest franks, including the FB screenshots? praise be. Please give us leads so we can dig deeper on this spine beetle man.
Brody Ramirez
There's way too much weird shit going on surrounding Anon5 for me to believe he's just some larper.
Cooper Allen
how new are you
Nathaniel Wilson
Holograms. The planes were super ancient projecter holograms? Well fuck me thats the best one ive heard yet.
Jace Hill
So many anti-Frank shills ITT. Where are you at Frank? I'm in Melbourne, let's meet up. I am the ancient human that you seek.
Jaxon Wright
This is all very entertaining and amusing.
Hunter Hughes
>Anonymous5 !!9O2tecpDHQ6 This is the correct tripcode. >Anonymous5 !!9O2tecpDHQ6 This is the correct tripcode. >Anonymous5 !!9O2tecpDHQ6 This is the correct tripcode. >Anonymous5 !!9O2tecpDHQ6 This is the correct tripcode. >Anonymous5 !!9O2tecpDHQ6 This is the correct tripcode. >Anonymous5 !!9O2tecpDHQ6 This is the correct tripcode. >Anonymous5 !!9O2tecpDHQ6 This is the correct tripcode. >Anonymous5 !!9O2tecpDHQ6 This is the correct tripcode. >Anonymous5 !!9O2tecpDHQ6 This is the correct tripcode. >Anonymous5 !!9O2tecpDHQ6 This is the correct tripcode. >Anonymous5 !!9O2tecpDHQ6 This is the correct tripcode. >Anonymous5 !!9O2tecpDHQ6 This is the correct tripcode.
Sebastian Adams
You are an Aboriginal?
Thomas Baker
This thread is abit too much. I can't handle of this knowledge, it's like a bomb of knowledge.
Kevin Mitchell
is the earth flat?
Luis Robinson
Michael Garcia
This is an Impersonator Thread. It is part of the Shill Operation that was Exposed:
Leftypol admitted to being behind the WH user impersonator who did that "27th" thread & admitted to being behind the E-Celeb threads. They also admitted they replicated my typing style to make people think it was me: & [PIC RELATED]
Get of my trip or I'll put deep cover CP on your computer with some of these Frank Pics the illuminardi gave me
Ryan Howard
Shills don't want this information getting out.
Ayden Cox
That is one ugly motherfucker, for real Looks like a pedophile in the making
William Bennett
your not the real frank, just a lowly fake frank.
Alexander Torres
What the fuck is going on in this thread
Thomas Richardson
I wouldn't say all that.
his online activity has been pretty extensively doxxed in other threads.
Owen Powell
Blake Bell
Thanks user
Evan Allen
Rev up those proxies and start having conversations with yourself Frank.
Kayden Rivera
If this was the case, wouldn't someone have found these deep drive images
Andrew Bailey
This and checked
Brayden Lewis
We will actually never know if it was a real "shill attack" or just a bunch of people fucking around. This thread confirms this.
James Baker
Tell me about this man.
Lucas Lee
This is fucking retarded and isn't even possible. Stop dramatizing hacking and/or cyber security, it is nothing like you think it is.
t. your friendly neighborhood Sup Forumsentooman
Leo Anderson
If you're not on Sup Forums 24/7 you're not going to know what's going on in this thread it's about 6 layers of larping deep right about now
Kevin Jenkins
Valiant Thor is CIA disinformation.
Aboriginals are the real Aliens/Ancient Humans/Precursors.
Matthew Johnson
I know for a fact that's not true.
Xavier Howard
Lmao Australia finds a way
Ryder Allen
Ayy lmao.
Jackson Rogers
hook me up with some dope "Deep Drive" pics frankie
Jayden Parker
Here you go user.
Beware of Imposters and Shills ITT.
Isaiah Sanders
this is actually brilliant
Jeremiah Sullivan
Gavin Jenkins
Please refer to:
Joseph Ward
I like Australia Frank better than New Jersey Frank
Kayden King
Joseph Nguyen
top zozzle
Caleb Mitchell
Nolan Thompson
holy shit lmao ahahahahahahah
Nathan Anderson
Based aussie
Jayden Rogers
His threads are really like this
>everyone is frank >actual frank attacks every who disagrees with him
Hudson Edwards
Thank you user.
I will continue my Sacred Battle against the legion of Shills/Kikes/Spooks/Globalists/Leftists.
Sup Forums will know the truth of the origin of Humans, and how they were birthed from Petrol, Alcohol, and Incest.
Their Technology shall save the Earth. Nuclear Holographic Boomerangs are the key to FTL travel, Space-Time Continuum Manipulation, and Godhood Ascension.
Shills will Sage this.
God Willing, I shall inform the Masses.
Nolan Mitchell
Youre actually retarded or a fucking shill. Fuck off
Brayden Martin
Charles Richardson
I'm really quite amused
Jacob Anderson
Anyone ever checked out Frank's uncle/dad twitter? This explains the spinal implant fascination he has
Gavin Nelson
>muh shills
You're so basic, Frank.
Jace Perez
So what are they waiting for?
Ryder Perry
That's his dad's twitter.
Dominic Davis
Oh god oh man check out /htg/ I got Frank to link to posts with his mom's dox. Screencapped btw :3
Daniel Turner
What the fuck is /htg/ my anonymous brother?
Nolan Thomas
G'day schlomo
Thomas Garcia
A wonderful place where anons investigate the grand pedophile conspiracy by looking at roofs on google earth and putting dots on maps.
Samuel Stewart
Here's what I want to know:
Who were Anonymous0 through Anonymous4? I missed those seasons of this show.
Gabriel Johnson
>he doesn't have Frank's entire extended family on file It's kind of disturbing to see alternate versions of Franks. Maybe he is an insider after all
Jaxon White
Another fifty billion dollars down the drain. Each. I have a bunch actually, some of them actually live pretty much right next to me, even moreso than /ourfrank/. I just figure that I shouldn't drag all of them into this, and that it's not fun to blow my load of frankposting all at once.
Ethan Walker
>Penguins fan wtf? I love Frank now!
Jayden Moore
Oh fuck that place mate. Just a rebranded EWO that fuels cunts like Frank with their bullshit. Authorities and officials for sure have paedos in their ranks, but cartels and other subhuman gangs in Brazil, Thailand, and even Spain are the real perpetrators. That thread is full of schizofags just like Frank.
I mean Me, I am Frank.
Shills ITT.
Zachary Evans
His parents seem like decent people. It's a shame that Frank turned out the way he did. >I'm Frank Me too.
Jaxson Sullivan
In the end... >je suis Frank
Mason Lopez
>It's a shame that Frank turned out the way he did