Okay, I used to hard core alt right, browse Sup Forums, post on /r/the_donald and all that jazz. I was anti-immigration...

Okay, I used to hard core alt right, browse Sup Forums, post on /r/the_donald and all that jazz. I was anti-immigration, anti-Islam and pro white nationalism. This was last year when I was living in northern Ontario. Small, shitty town mostly white. Then I started university for sociology at York University.

You know what? I met tons of people from various people. Nothing scary about them. Just as Canadian as you and I.

And I also met a lot of Muslims. Let me tell you, Muslim women are fucking sexy. Definitely not like how it is on Fox News potraying them as ISIS.

I actually smoked up with a Pakistani Muslimah girl, she's chill as hell. I even got a date with an Arab girl soon. Can't wait.

Oh btw Muslimahs tend to be highly attractive and sought after. They also have conservative and family orientated values.

So all that talk about a Muslim ban... trust me you're missing out Ameribros...

Pic related

Other urls found in this thread:


>What is end game of the red pill

It's like they don't even try anymore.

Taqiyya doesn't work.


Get outta here canuckold

islam is for niggers

Go make dindu babies and get high then you filthy degen.

Who cares?

wew lad that large rump roast would be swell with a side of toast.

Right Wing Safety Squad advising all anons viewing this thread to follow the instructions of this image in order to combat /leftypol/ slide/bait threads such as this one. After the requirements are met, hide and ignore this thread. Regards, Right Wing Safety Squad.

>Posts on the_donald
>White nationalist

As far as bait goes....not bad

You made it out into the real world. Congrats.

>Muslim women are fucking sexy
With the small exceptions that about 80% have genetic defects from inbreeding.
If you want to destroy your genetic line take a woman from the Middle East.
Schizophrenia and physical defects are guaranteed

Go back

>babbys first time to dip his dick in an ethnic dish
yeah we have Latinas, I'm not impressed with your sand devils

That's it only pure American maple syrup from now on. If I see any Canadian maple syrup its being dumped the fuck out.

>at fucking YorkU
what a moron

and sure, they're not like the ones you see on fox news but they'll surely back those radicals if the situation allows it.

the lobster sides with the crab, always.

never let these hostile sleeper elements seep into your society feel welcome.

>nothing scary about them

What about the fact every place Muslims become the majority is a bad society without exception? South Thailand, phillipines, Central African Republic, Kosovo, even turkey now. And have you given every single non huwhite there an IQ test?

>Muslim women are F Ing sexy

I dated a paki once, she was hot. I'm telling you, no ring you buy is going to go round her finger. They are extremely against interfaith marriage, and the one I dated was secular liberal AF. And let me tell you, the hijab does its job.

Little surprise that you're a leaf.

As a fellow university student, I could not agree more on the muslim girl part. It`s tearing me inside knowing that they are reactionaries at their core.

They need a beating. Asterfurallah

DGWA {doing Gods work, user}

fuck off reddit

OP's pic is making me think twice of my nofap game.

>yfw meet dad

>York University

shitskin detected

if you were smart you would go to UofT

I r8 this b8 7.5/10, would copypasta.

And genetically defective
did you forgot that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>1 post by this ID

>I met tons of people from various people. Nothing scary about them. Just as Canadian as you and I.
why are you lying you fucking leaf? your prime minister has decreed that they are in fact more canadian than you.

You werent ever really WN or redpilled, shill

>lost his virginity to a non-white and suddenly wants to commit cultural genocide

Do you have more pics of this thick hijabi? Or a sauce or something?

Dont touch our women you cum stained devil

Hottest girl on the fucking planet is this little Egyptian hellraiser I know named Rita. She's an absolute sweetheart and I love her to pieces. But all Muslims must be banned from this hemisphere regardless. We won't run out of hot ass and we will have less terrorism.

Fuck off redditfag moslem cunts are ug-

As I fin I doubt that my genes could be made any worse.

>hard core alt-right
Why are leafs so bad at comedy?


Wanna know who goes to York?

stupid people.

it's literally a school for idiots.


Nice pasta


I have not immediately recognized that you suffer from a mental disorder.

>Muslim women are fucking sexy.

They cut up their pussies and literally fucking kill them (possibly you as well) if you try to date them.

>Let me tell you, Muslim women are fucking sexy.
bait or not this is true.

op is a such a shill



Written like a true """""Canadian""""" immscum piece of muzshit.

Is brapposting haram?

American Here.

Can confirm. Muslim women are far superior to pasty ass American women.


>Hah I smoked with a Muslim girl and she was totally cool so you should like open your borders to every third world savage

>muh women

Women are meaningless. If the world was full of women there would be a hell of a lot less crime and violence this is a fact. The problem is women bring their men. Their brothers their fathers their grandfathers and those are the people who you can't stand. Violent rude and criminal.

>I'm getting laid, your argument is invalid

>sociology major
>expecting to be taken seriously

>pic related
8/10 trolling

Deposit $00.002 shekels shareblu.

Copy pasta shill thread


I once fucked an Arab """girl""". She was the hairiest, most disgusting girl I've been with and still more "attractive" than these pics. Lost erection partway through and only got it in the first place by thinking about white girls.

I was in a relationship with a brown girl once. I considered giving up my ethnostate dreams for her. I actually loved her.

Feels bad, man.

Also.... Bbbrrraaapppppttt!!!! Bbblllooorrrrppppppfff!!

>American Here.
Ahmed Can confirm.Muslim women (like my cousin) are far superior (trained to serve) to pasty ass (self-confident) American women.

Those are going to remain as dreams regardless of your actions therefor you should abandon them.

> been at sea for 4 months
>see new cuck trudeau meme

thanks burger

Fucking leaf

Fucking commie

We lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.

>when the hijab is for Allah, and the booty is for Abdallah

>75 dollars a week
>OP is a NEET poorfag and a CTR corporate slave

Lol of course.

You wannabe commies are the most pathetic low lives on planet earth. I have more respect for literally any other group of people, racially, ideologically, etc. than you cancer cells.

Nice try, Ahmed.

when her parents kill her for dating a white guy you should come back to Sup Forums and tell us how you feel then

This thread is an indicator that we're being raided.

Enza Denino

Maybe you'll get honor raped



So the Muslims that ignore the Koran are degenerates?
Wow, they are terrible on both sides.

Its good. Step by step we are marching towards liberation of humanity form reactionary moralism.


It seems you're getting a taste of the real red pill. Lefties and Sup Forumsacks are both dumbasses and don't know how Islam always finds a way to turn an enemy to a friend. After 9/11 despite all the bad portrayal of Islam in the news it still garnered a ton of new converts. Why? Because those people sought out why Islam is being targeted and wanted to know more. Everyday I visit Sup Forums and less and less it's realizing how correct Islam is

Women being sexy doesnt mean they get the respect they deserve or the oportunity to become something better, at least in the middle east. Do you know what would happen to the woman in the pic in an muslim country? or are you necrophile as well? Do you want that to every body that disagrees with you, hell sure they want it.

Good, good eat more propaganda and lead yourself to the truth.

How is that attractive? Please explain



>used to be hard core alt right

okay then, well you are the 1st ever then my friend

Implying no lips isn't the way to go.
Actually I'm considering it. Will keep the clit everything else goes though.
Your one of those Mexican intellectuals I see.
The hottest ones end up like Ester and save the jews by marrying kangz. All the hot ones belong to the rich hadji harems.
How is that not getting what you want.

Based black guy here. I have a Muslim gf and this guy is right my fellow American brothers. Muslim women are really sexy. Their semitic traits take the attractiveness of white women but give them the improved brown skin and Indian facial features. We are muts anyway. Your ancestors used to watch as their women got BLACKED by superior African seed. The only reason this was temporarily halted was because black women got jealous and started her civil war; just look at Harriet Tubman.

Anyway this will only improve our diversity and make us all beautiful. One day we will all be beige just like my ancestors intended but tragically never saw fulfilled because their experiments went wrong and made some pale cave beast. But finally we get to complete our evolution and take our final cell form.

we wouldn't be white if our ancestors watched their women "get blacked' you fucking moron

Post more muslimahs

Nope. Felt nothing, except joy that so many disgusting Muslims died screaming in hellfire paid for by my taxes. Your shitty bait has failed, sage.

Actually basically one generation of outbreeding totally destroys the possibility of there being negative effects due to inbreeding. However inbred mates make unsuitable partners.

>I was living in northern Ontario. Small, shitty town mostly white
Then you're a fucking idiot. Most people on here live in majority-black shitholes. Also, there's levels to this shit. i.e. living around indians isn't as bad as living around niggers.

>proclaims to be "redpilled"

kys nigger

I'm also surrounded by different people but that doesn't mean I fall into degeneracy

>judges all muslims by interactions he had with them in one of the best universities and cities in Britbongistan.

What did he mean by this? Go to Birmingham or London if you wanna see real muslims it's not pretty.

just wait until your Small, shitty town is full of them

Pump amd dump my dude

Fuck off shill

wtf i love islam now

As someone who actually has first hand interaction with muslims i can say to you that this is pure bred bullcrap

Muslim girls wont have sex with your "hang out" with you smoking. Ever
Unless you marry and convert to sand coon cult

Thy literally will get disowned by family or possibly killed

Heck they even asmit that olenly if you ask them.

So yeah

Kys and sage

pic related is repulsive , go to work tyrone

>a date with an Arab girl
In your dreams leaf. Probably another paki or maybe a lebbo.