Hey Sup Forums I'm from reddit specifically the r/The_Donald. A lot of you are angry because we left Reddit and mostly come post on here. The only reason I come here is because SJW/Feminsit from the shitredditsays subnreddit are harassing mods and taking over subreddits one by one. I come here seeking refuge. I mean no harm and I'll try my best to assimilate. Please don't hate me
Hey Sup Forums I'm from reddit specifically the r/The_Donald...
Parker Reyes
Asher Flores
Fuck off nigger
James Carter
Fuck off we're full.
Connor Wilson
Christian Gomez
You could have joined without making a gay /thread, I've been here for 12 years and I have never asked permission too joined, I just belonged.
Nathaniel Clark
Why not just take Reddit back from sjws instead of coming here
Kevin Campbell
Jordan Butler
>I'll pretend to be from t_D and you pretend to be from Sup Forums and tell me to fuck off
Hi shareblue.
Henry Gomez
You just proved my point
Alexander Nelson