If niggers had much smaller crime rates equivalent to asians and whites would you still hate them?

if niggers had much smaller crime rates equivalent to asians and whites would you still hate them?

Of course. I hate Asians and they already have Asian crime rates.

They'd still be retards, but at least they'd be non-violent retards.
So, no, I wouldn't hate / fear them as much.



I'll hate them as long as they're the most arrogant, self-centered fucks on the planet. I don't really care if they shoot each other over petty shit but it's tiring seeing their #Blackout #BlackPower #BlackIsBeautiful circlejerks everyday

what a retard

What was the point of this post

>If niggers weren't niggers would people still regard them as niggers?


boy you're in for a harsh kick on the ass from reality when you become the minority that's not protected like the ones around you.


I don't hate blacks because of their appearance; I hate them for their nearly universal atrocious behavior.

>If X was no longer X what would you think of X?
Gee user what an insightful question.

Less crime, more intelligent, less gibs? then, yes, I would still hate them

no one gets you. but I get you

No because then they wouldn't be niggers and would actually contribute to society.

*blocks your college acceptance*

If they still didn't speak English and kept popping out 8 kids and living on welfare, yeah

ding ding ding

If rabbits had steel wings would you ride them to the moon?

Sounds like Japanese mythology to me.

Niggers are unbearable arrogant braggarts. They are scum.

What would the US crime rate be if we didn't have blacks?

If I farted rainbows would you still try to find the pot of gold at the end of it?

>White (Hispanic)
Gets me every time

A Leaf!