So what the fuck?

The monkey on the image will get a salary of 9 million euros per month, for what? to play fucking soccer
This is the proof that free market is dumb and arbitrary
Did Einstein, Tesla, or anyone else who really helped the human race ever get any close than that???
If capitalism keeps rewarding the dumb and useless our civilization will be destined to ruin

So why not let the state take on wage payments, paying everyone according to their accomplishments, hours of work, effort, etc.?

Other urls found in this thread:


while he is making a shit ton, the owners of PSG are chasing more. champions league titles and crazy revenue amounts from this signing. teams wouldnt try so hard to win things if the people at the top arent making a killing.

Its called supply and demand you dumb fuck. A lot of people watch football = more money in football

go to fucking venezuela and starve, then

Is more people watching football helping our society at all though?

Venezuela is capitalist

Diversion is a pretty good means of keeping the populace quiet. I'd rather have shitheads fighting over whether they prefer the red or brown football team than the red or brown political party.

wait when did the neymar transferred to psg??

Determining who should get more based on 'value to the human race' is an incredibly vague, sketchy subject. If it was legalised you'd see every puffed up highschool philosopher arguing that their poetry culturally enriches the world so they deserve a million dollars pls.

All that matters regarding the sports star is that he puts bums in seats. Nothing else matters.

This is why I laugh at people screeching for equal pay for female sports players, as if their salary is a government pension. Until women draw equal bums into equal seats they're not going to be paid equally. Demanding it too soon is just going to keep their sports scene buried and forgotten.

as if this isn't a money laundering scheme by arab/french royalty, arab teams, it's fucking dumb

>caring about soccer
>caring about some mongrel who doesn't know you exist
>caring about a team that only sees you as a customer

It's France so that's 50 cents a month once taxes are taken.

t. tyrone "lee" o'sullivan the dallas cowboys fan

For 2 euros/year I can dive every game and fuck Bruna Marquezine too. Arabs are fucking retards

Daily reminder that Neymar thinks he is white

>triggered about people making money
>gayfag peace flag

Every time!

What about fighting over the red and the brown teams as millions of migrants stream into the country unchallenged?

>let government decide how much a person's job is worth
>women's studies degrees are now making six figures

Stop worrying about what other people have

only puasy commiys get pised when somone makes what there worth

> I'd rather have shitheads fighting over whether they prefer the red or brown football team than the red or brown political party
And that's how Germany became muslim.

Look up the owner of the team that bought him

It's a Trillionaire sand nigger whose family owns the country of Qatar. Literally own the country. It's a hobbie for sandniggers to buy monkeys for their FRENCH teams they bought from some french cucks for some petrodollars.

France should just disappear, UK too. Western Europe is done.

Not my money
Why should I give a shit?

Also, Petrodollars are the opposite of free market. They're imperialistic aberrations.

This shit has about as much to do with free market as an open wound on a tranny has to do with a vagina.

It's funny because psg still won't win the champions league. They had to blow that money just to keep beating Nice and Monaco

This. Maybe that's why all spanish/portuguese speaking countries are shit.

>Not keeping up with the Bread & Circuses
It is all over the news

I enjoy European scoccer, but the fact that so many Africans and South Americans are allowed to become filthy rich in our homeland bothers me a bit.

>Venezuela is capitalist
That's the most retarded thing I've read in a long time.

The problem is that they are there
Not that they are rich


It is both. Some African who can kick a ball can get an 8 figure salary in Western Europe and are elevated to celebrity status by the masses.

You are right. Quatar is fucking with people. By owning a club like PSG they have greater influence in France and can push their agenda by using soft power. Its more political than you might think.

>I enjoy European scoccer
>but i don't like south americans

Name a good team without south american players

You don't have to be a communist to be disgusted at some nigger earning £50 million a year to kick a fucking ball. We live in truly sick times.

>inb4 muh free market
>inb4 supply and demand

Shut the fuck up. I've heard it all before. Again, I'm not a commie. I believe free-market capitalism is fundamentally the best approach. But this still doesn't sit right with me.

All professional athletes dope, skill is not as important is it was before. I do not mind the skill, but since sports are a release for tribalism and nationalism, it promotes multiculturalism and diversity.

Quatar owns more property in London than the Queen. Makes you think about how and why the mayor is muslim.

Maybe it's just a reminder corporate sports of any kind are overrated and you shouldn't support them with your time or money. It's the free market, you don't have to care you fucking loser.

This guy signed a 325 million dollar contract 3 years ago

If the state doesn't intervene, then what will stop these free-market aberrations? I'm not even mentioning the other problems...


Again its not my money
Why should I care?


The kids who never played a sport complain about the jocks that use to fuck their gf. Stop being pussies I doubt any of you faggots could run for 90 min straight like the Brazilian monkey posted above. Just because you're not good at something doesn't mean it doesn't have value. Physical health is important and sports encourage that. Fucking neck beards. Stop complaining and go play pro sports if it's such an easy task

Calm down monkey.

You can be happy that th French soccer league is a Deadzone, even the Italian and German leagues are more interesting.

Whiter than u...

>People don't spend their money on things I think they should, so slavery is the answer.
Kys op
Billions of people love soccer. It's a way of life for many. It makes living in a shit hole nigger hovel bearable. That faggot makes that much money because people fucking love the sport he plays in.
Your wishes are irrelevant, you myopic cocksucker. You're the self-centered bigot incapable if empathizing with others, not the free marketer.

because it is unfair that a useless ball kicker gets that much and a useful person in society doesn't

Huh, it's almost like the free market is filled with fucking morons whose pinnacle of achievement boils down to whether the team they like wins or not. It's time to cull the normies.

he's right, you couldn't run a base without dying

them digits...

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahaha- breaths in -hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

If you do not understand the problems with holding third worlders who kick a ball at such a high status, your supposed "whiteness" didn't help much with your intelligence

Bayern Munich

Lol, they couldnt even do that this season, even with all those money arabs are literally the worst at everything, including managing a football team.

t. American.

Enjoy your cuck sports.

>my government = all government ever
Not an argument

Do you plan on using your money to be the sole pillar that keeps society from collapsing?

Not "unfair". Harmful. Destructive.

Glad you can reach such a conclusion, boy. Again, if you do not realize that professional sports are bread & circuses and a release for nationalism, you are not very smart.

People are voluntarily spending their time and money on what they want to. That is the definition of fair, retard. Unfair would be some stupid commie scrote-sniffer pointing guns at people to redistribute their resources to where the scrote-sniffer deems it warranted, imploding civilization in the process.

No, it's not. That's at most 300k a week, meanwhile he gets double that.

>imploding civilization
>by doing the thing that is the very essence of civilization
Calling it communism isn't an argument, slithering little snake.

If you think free enterprise is what is collapsing society, you have a room temperature IQ.

And asserting that tyranny is what drives civilization likewise is not an argument, dickshitter.


Lmao I'm not some ignorant retard like you. Doubt you could even understand the tactics or plays Neymar has to learn to play at his level or the amount of working out he has to do to stay in shape. He's held up to that level because he's good at what he does. Maybe if you were good at something you'd get recognition. Sadly just being white doesn't cut it. Fucking millennials like you don't understand what working for something feels like huh?

btw IQ is directly correlated with reaction time and etc. To be good at sports you have to have a decent IQ. Espically soccer. Id be on your side for a sport like football for example where they pay guys just to over eat but soccer is not the same at all.

Kindly off yourself, normie


The things that (((free enterprise))) permeate and allow to fester throughout the society is what's collapsing it.
But I'm gonna ask you again. Do you plan on using your money to fix it?

Tyranny is authority being used contrary to the interests of the people.
Appropriate digits. The founding fathers also used your dishonest assertions to justify their treason. A shame they're completely baseless.

Bro you sound stupid I know you've never even played at a college level at anything cause if you did you'd know sports are a market just like everything else. Not some controlled pony show. God you're a neckbeard


>keeps society from collapsing?
Why does society need more money to keep from collapsing?

>How does other people pursuing their interests help ME?
It's not about you

Where did I say Neymar is a bad soccer player? I said holding third worlders at a celebrity status is a reason why nationalism will never be more than a fringe belief. Most men who would be prime for nationalism, will never accept it because they take out their aggressive tendencies in passionate sport watching. Those teams have roided up nonwhites who said men look up to. The fact you have to consistently claim you are intelligent, does not make it seem like you are.

You speak for nobody but yourself.
You do not own people to do with as you please.
You and all parasites like you will be purged in fire.

I've been here longer than u. Funny to see an an-cap diagree with sports. You think in your an-cap dream world theee won't be por athletes?

Boy, you are either notwhite, a troll, or both


You are baiting a bit too hard, it is starting to become obvious.

If you follow supply and demand and insist on the demand coming from the free market, how else? You would have to fight fire with fire.

demand for what?

>People are voluntarily spending their time and money on what they want to.
"their money", like interests, speculations, tax money, money laundering, work labor exploitations??

How do you know who I am or who I own?
>calls me a parasite
>in the same breath, argues that he should get to live in society, enjoy all the protections and luxuries provided by that society, but not be forced to contribute anything in return
Your slime is showing, Schlomo.

Where's your evidence that countries who watch more sports have less nationalism? You've obviously never been to a baseball or any type of sports game because nationalism is a big theme. Just admit you're bad at sports and that you're a salty mf.

For example American watch hella sports yet they have more nationalism than the French for example who I assume don't (cause they seem like faggots)

He didn't say "me" you sports-watching neanderthal. He said us.

>retarded monkey trying to justify watching other retarded monkeys waste time doing nothing of value whatsoever to humanity
Literally kill yourself. The world would be far better.

Although Tesla may keep a million shekels comin in over a few years, that ballkicking nigger will keep billions coming in for a decade or two.

Healthy culture, to offset the degenerate culture.
Honest business, to offset the dishonest business.

Reminder that lolbertarians are LITERALLY on the autism spectrum and thus literally subhumans, and are nearly as destructive to humanity as marxist liberals are.

So you want the government to tax soccer teams and pay for these?

Yeah, civic nationalism. Most men who are not nerdy or neets are into sports, big time. Club sports are tribalistic and national teams are the only time it is appropriate to be a nationalist. As I said, when you look up to nonwhites. why would you support a ethnostate?

I don't even watch sports so I could care less. I think they're a waste of time but I have played at a pro level and it's not some pony show. The people at the top play at the top because they made it to the top. I thought pol was libertarian it legit doesn't get more free market than sports

Well, fuck, you might be right.

> I played professional sports
Nice. I made $450k working as a Wendy's chef last year.

"The government"?

>why not let the state

Because contrary to commie beliefs the state is incredibly wasteful. Its either 9 million dollars a month to a useless soccer player or 9 million dollars a month to enrich high-ranking bureaucrats and their cronies.

Try selling the latter to the average citizen especially when feel-good publicaly funded policies are uncovered to be corrupt profit-schemes.

> national teams are the only time it is appropriate to be a nationalist.
You mean like German "national" team which consists of niggers, turks and poles?

>so I could care less
How much less could you care?

>I thought pol was libertarian
There's a contingent of autism-spectrum subhumans that infest the board, but most are able reason beyond it.

I don't think people look up to athletes. They admire them like you would a horse who has just won u a bet in a race. Then again I'm going off my personal feelings. If the national athletes were as good as the monkey they wouldn't have to import monkeys. Blame the whites for not taking the time to make themselves as athletic as Neymar. Not Neymar

Yes, exactly. The only time it is (((socially appropriate))) to go "my country is the best, fuck the rest" is for national sports teams and those teams are full of nogs and nonwhites.

The fix to everything you just said is transparency, and doesn't address what a wasteful drain and ultimately destruction to civilization pro sports is.

I meant college level not pro necessarily.