I'm sorry you lost your mining job but Trump isn't going to magically make coal cheaper than natural gas

I'm sorry you lost your mining job but Trump isn't going to magically make coal cheaper than natural gas.

The free market doesn't care about your feels or white homeland.

>cut off sales of hookah coals from other countries


coal is the cheapest fucking thing on the planet once you remove restrictions, fines, and unfair regulations. There is a reason why India amd China use the fuck out of it... because it's cheap as fuck.

Their also dirty and filthy countries full of pollution. Learn what externalities are.

coal gasification plants exist as does clean coal technology such as that used in germany.

anyway coal,oil and natural gas are frequently found together. so they could try finding gas in west virginia.

Externalities imply it's mispriced and therefor a market failure.

>white nationalism will wor-

Except the reduction in regulations is already having a measurable effect on employment.

I'm sorry that you destroyed your own career over Michelle Fields Benji, but the American public doesn't care about your feels either.

And yet there are still coal plants and people burning coal and thus people to sell coal to. If people can get paid for selling someone else dirt they will.

Probably the shittiest thing I've ever heard Ben say is he admires Singapore because it's the 3rd best economy in the world and has no business regulations

Yes Ben, and it's also a place you'd personally probably sooner blow your brains out than live in because it's a completely authoritarian state that policies every aspect of the lives of its citizens. Forget owning a gun, you're not allowed to have GUM in Singapore because it was banned due to the hassle of having to clean up chewed gum stuck to things. Using a toilet and not flushing is a $500 fine. Having pornagraphy gets you beaten with a cane by the police. Walking in your own house naked without anyone else around is a crime. And they have no jury system, their laws have mandatory punishment so you're sent directly to a judge to have your sentence carried out.

So yeah, it has no business regulation. It just regulates literally everything else.

Please go into more detail

pic related

Not an argument. It's "dirty" if you don't capture the carbon, just like nuclear would be "dirty" if you didn't capture and store the radiation.

Exports faggot. If we don't burn it, mine and sell it. Or the market will supply country that needs the coal in the dirtiest shittiest way possible.

Is it bad that i don't find any off those things except naked in own apartment bad?

The worst stuff coming out of coal plants is SO2 not CO2

Based Ben telling hillbillies how it is. Idc how white you are if you think you're entitled to an unskilled job that pays $80k/ yr. you're basically a dumb nigger
>so they could try finding gas in west virginia.
They would have found gas if it was there dumb bong

Ben is very wrong in this issue.

The free market doesn't care about Israel either.

no market can be free when the world largest manufacturer in the world is a polluted communist hellhole

Coal and natural gas have two different markets. Coke which is cooked coal is used to make steel and non nuclear power plants use coal. Obama basically killed our export coal business. China buys it up like crazy. Natural gas is more of a residential/commercial heating fuel.

He admires some fiscal aspects.

The weird laws you mentioned are social, not fiscal.

Ben is pretty Libertarian, I have no doubt he'd find said laws goofy as well.

Gas is in West Virginia. It's lagging in development behind other regions because nobody's spending right now.

good old asians, they can put up with the most insane authoritarian shit that would drive any white man out of his mind in days

>coal is only used for fuel

Fucking moron

I know a guy who gets paid a fuck ton and free gas for having a pipeline go through his property here. What I want to see more of is geothermal stuff because WV is quite literally on a hot spot for geothermal compared to every other state on this side of the US.

Most coal is used for steel production, not electricity. Completely different use cases.

They're trying to make Natural Gas a thing but coals 1. Easier to transport and 2. Cheaper for this purpose. You'd need a metric fuckton of NG to do that too. Good thing we produce both, and ship both. Coal has gone up 60% in the last year, and US is currently the #1 exporter of NG in the world.

I was away from my computer, but just google Singapore Laws. There's so many that quite frankly they're authoritarian just for the sake of it. And the people didn't ask for these laws, it's because the country is a quasi-dictatorship where the ruling party has been in power for 50 years.

I don't believe in legislating morality, because if you ever lose power than the other side can just as easily do it to you.


I wouldn't put beating your prisoners and using torture to extract confessions out of you "goofy". If a western state was doing this we'd call them nazis or stalinists.