How do we prevent young men looking/acting like pic related?
How do we prevent young men looking/acting like pic related?
Other urls found in this thread:
national service
kill them and leave their corpse impaled somewhere important as a reminder
Numale -> feminine man -> woman traits -> attention whore.
By encouraging them to become traps instead
Establish a police state and enforce homogeneous uniforms, expressions of supposed individuality whether acted upon or planned punishable by public torture and then execution slowly and painfully.
In fact this will get just about anyone to do just about anything, but the trick is the first part. You could also try to start a trend, but people who do that are just as big a tool as this guy.
LSD and the draft
better programming in media
He looks pretty cool to me. I'd hang out with him.
Mandatory testosterone injections, or, making leftism illegal. Either will work.
Helicopter drop him into the wilderness and let him survive his way back to civilization
looks like he'd try to fuck you
wtf is with captcha? clicking as many helicopters as street signs these days
threads like this work
This is likely a survival tactic of some whites in diverse areas. Signaling values including; >against the other whites (don't kill me) >low income (don't rob me) > Possible disease (don't beat me)
Clicked thread to say this. Reality needs to slap them in the face if they hope to ever truly make something of themselves. Otherwise their days will be spent desperately latching on to the latest trends and one day realizing that they are middle aged and all out of options.
Subvert it. Glorify having nationalistic, Germanic or Nordic tattoos, having a fashy haircut and masculine attire and even a well groomed beard, but all within the realms of Volkisch or Aryan pride.
Many Anglo Saxons and Nordics had tattoos, Middle Eastern traders described "Huge bearded men with green/blue trees flowing across their skin".
We make being fashy cool. We tirelessly subvert cool and popular shit to be fashy and 14/88, just like Synthwave and Black Metal. it spreads like wildfire.
If you have any interest in fashion and aesthetics, make fashy art and outfits. Dress well, look attractive, work on improving yourself, and you can shape the undercurrents in our society. The culture predates the politics and the fashier the youth, the brighter the future, even if that means going hipster-fash.
Fascism and Volkisch philosophy needs to be cool, and it doesn't have to stay confined to the realm of ugly skinheads, ascetic scholars or retro Nazis. it just needs to appeal to people, and be mildly socially acceptable, and it will spread like wildfire.
Embrace men looking like Op's pic if they are subverting it for the cause
Let them hang out with hipsters a little
>hardmode: sober
Fight them. You wanna draw attention well sometimes you draw the wrong attention.
Fuck i did reddit spacing
how do we stop this?
this might be a good idea
is the next step in the redpill physically attacking degenerates as we find them?
me on the wall
he looks like someone that would say "bro" at lot and keep doing borderline gay shit
don't take the memes so seriously, user. reddit spacing is good for breaking up your points and it's aesthetic compared to one monstrous paragraph. ya did good
You're ironically using the anarchy flag, statist.
Post examples
Just let some time pass. It's a fad. They always pass. Unfortunately for these stupids, though, this fad left a permanent mark on them.
Walk in there while he's asleep and start smashing everything with a baseball bat to wake him up then handcuff him and helicopter drop him into the amazon forest so he can survive his way back to humans.
are tattoos redpilled?
Effeminate wiggers becoming more prevalent.
tell them they have to
Its unironically unironic.
Probably this. There has always been queer sub-cultures. Raise you children correctly for best results.
Beatniks, hippies, goths, emo, etc.
Tattoos are not a thing. Tattoos are seasonal but on a span of generations, so anyone alive with one right now is an insecure douche bag counter culture homo. One day they will become authentic again, but for now only hipsters and attention whores with no identity get tats.
>when you take a fad too far...
Tattoos are a thing not a person *
He would look way cooler if he was in shape. Instead he is a fucking twigman. The bigger I get, the less I respect little twigmen
>mfw I look like a hipster but want to kill every single one of them
retarded. tattoos in the west have been a symbol of lowlives and criminals for the last several hundred years and only became popular because being a lowlife became more and more accepted. having tattoos doesn't make you "fashy" just because some kievan rus had them. and all the people i've met irl who are into paganism and nordic shit have been super liberal metal fans. sure you could conceivably make what you think is "fashy" more accepted but you'd just be perverting what you hope to promote.
you know who actually looks fashy? richard spencer in a suit, NRM members in dress shirts and slacks, etc. nothing makes multiculti leftists shit their pants more than clean cut, well spoken, and organized rightists.
they dont unless they are in Melbourne or Sydney and there lies the issue.
>mandatory reading of Starting Strength
>stop glorification of Eurocuck culture
>shame dumb hairstyles and tattoos
The last is most important, humor is one of the most potent weapons of the 21st century
>self hating, attention whoring, virtue signalling, contrarian faggot
you are one of them
Looks fine, I don't see the problem.
would be nice to have compulsory service for 18 year olds, one year with pay and you can choose to stay or leave at the end of the compulsory part, no battlefield time unless necessary
would shape up many kids who would normally fall into degeneracy
>using the new capcha
wew laddie
One bullet each. If it has a man-bun, two to be certain.
it's a proven system.
Wrong. Varg's Burzum merch became a fashion trend for a while, which redpilled a huge amount of fans once they started to listen to his argument - most people were fans of the music before fans of the channel, and now the trend has died down a lot of people wear Burzum to signify their political beliefs too. Which shows that counter-culture trends can be deeply rooted in fash-acceptance (new phrase?). Remember how liberals started flipping out once short sides was referred to as a "Hitler Youth"? That name of a haircut alone glorified the Reich and made fashy ideas much cooler and acceptable to a huge amount of people, it certainly helped with my conversion.
Tattoos are currently degenerate tier, until you dig a little deeper. Having your ancestral tree tattooed on you is very respectable depending on where you go, and fairly unusual - ancestral reverence is anti-liberal (it's half of 1488). Traditional Anglo-Saxon or Celtic symbology is deeply fashy, as are Fascist symbols like runic forms, Sonnenrads, eagles, pictures of Aryans, fashy artists like Fidus (my favourite illustrator ever).
Richard Spencer is part of Chad Nationalism. That is a great idea, but not enough - lots of lost young people find it incredibly boring and not counter culture, and it's a very rigid framework for dressing, and especially with our hyper-individual society, it's not enough for people - they must have an outlet for individuality. Therefore subverting the counter-culture to be both clean cut and alternative, these are endlessly good things - the broader the appeal whilst still keeping the 14 words, the better.
The 14 words are literally all you need to keep our race together. They can have long hair, flowing robes and beards and we will still prosper - Chad Nationalism's uniform just works against the scummy Antifa. Be a fashy Chad in any capacity, including being individual and aesthetically pleasing, and you'll be a beacon for the cause.
There will always be trendy faggots. The 'look' will change and they'll follow suit
call them faggots and egg them when they're walking down the street
Better action movies. In my day we all aspired to be Arnold and Rambo.
That cookie cutter hairstyle and beard is so fucking gay.
we don't, they will die out of STDs, or they will get killed by african immigrants they love so much.
why does everyone of these faggots have that damn flower tattoo on their hand?
/fa/ here, that look is so 2013. Painfully so, just let them know their out of date hipster look is cringe in 2017.
Looks fine to me.
what did they mean by this?
What even is a "fashy" outfit, and why is it important?
faggot alert
>real men dont do what is cool
That pic screams Butt Pirate.
it was always cringey, they just became more numerous and refuse to die out
Rape, we need to rape all them white bois and force then to be cute traps
Underrated truth.
/fa/ here, is wearing x piece of clothing effay? i am a beta cuck and trust the most degenerate board on Sup Forums
seriously, quit /fa/. Learn basic colour theory, learn basic silhouetting, and learn what is currently fashionable so you can avoid it completely. Being a sheep, wearing 'streetwear' or seeking /fa/'s approval for your bullshit consumerist homo-uniform is one of the biggest indications you completely lack a spine
Whereas wearing whatever you want, yet managing to make it look pleasing, practical, complimentary and something that suits your personality - this is the indicator of a Chad with high aesthetic intelligence and independance. Rockstars wear whatever the fuck they can think of and women love them for it, because they exude confidence and DGAF attitude.
Quit /fa/. Stop seeking their approval. Become a man and do your own thing. Develop your own taste through mistakes, trial and error, do it the hard way and you'll turn carbon into diamonds.
Be a leader not a follower. A dick not a swallower.
Teach them the importance of physical strength and don't be afraid to spank or slap them desu. Teaching children to respect their elders and teaching them that actions result in consequences are possibly the most important lessons any parent can give to their child. Never take joy in violence against your children but it's a necessary step that needs to be taken if and when your child does not respect their mother or father's authority.
They think they look cool, but in reality they are wearing the outfit of an east London dickhead circa 2012. Its quite amusing actually, i bet people in Canada think its cutting edge or someshit kek.
I wonder what a lampshade with tattoos would look like
>How do we prevent young men looking/acting like pic related?
We don't.
They are telling the rest of us they aren't fit for survival.
I knew how to look good before /fa/ i go there mainly to mock others. But there is literally nothing wrong with being degenerate desu.
Forced zinc, magnesium, and vitamin D3 supplements to boost testosterone
That guy is getting laid more than you
tattoos, fancy haircut or whatever, colorful clothing, some hardcore boots, sunglasses and ect. all that shit nowadays represents only gay culture.
London beardfag detected
I have a gf
actually thats worse. Milltary has a culture of tattoos
Gather them in a room and have R. Lee Ermey shit talk them to their faces
Shut the fuck up
Keep them off Sup Forums
Gay sex doesn't count. All hipsters are poofs
>Links Gavin McInnes video of him putting things in his arse
Getting laid isn't the point. A man can't give up his dignity to get laid or he becomes a cuck. Many alphas are cucks, they just stop caring because they are cucking and getting cucked but getting cucked can never be expunged, the record is written in stone... you let women have power over you and were not a real man. You were just acting like a woman yourself.
How about minding your own fucking business?
No they're degenerate
Tell women to stop liking them.
[spoiler]Good luck.[/spoiler]
You mean like this?
>be me
>dad dies
>decide not to shave until i feel happy again
>it's been 3 years
>also am lumberjack sort of so it's appropriate
>occasionally run into these skinny hipster tattooed fucks
>my skin is pure aside from tanning outside and lots of scars
>some scars aren't from fights
>every single time, they drop their gaze
>sometimes they ask me how i grew my beard
>i tell them that it all comes down to special techniques of not fucking shaving
>sometimes chicks with dark hair, bangs, and anchor/arrow tattoos confuse me with hipster fuckboys
>i make them cry
>sometimes from rejection sometimes from anal
if you doubt my lumberjackness pls come here
there's a difference between something tasteful and just drawing random shit all over yourself.
personally i don't like them either way, but i don't judge unless it's something particularly bad like OP's pic.
I didn't say try to be cool. I said try to subvert what is currently cool to produce a new counterculture for our cause and watch it spread rapidly
Anything you like but themed towards displaying 'redpilled' concepts, from a simple masculine Chad outfit all the way to Volkisch gear decorated in Leben runes or NatSoc Black Metal bands like Burzum
It's important because it broadcasts that
1) you are proud to be fashy
2) you are aesthetically intelligent
3) you are independant and confident
3 things that make yourself more attractive to a wider audience and broadcasts that you are redpilled and unafraid of the consequences, which does a great deal to bring our cause to the public eye - many people have no idea we exist, yet would happily join if they knew the depths of our philosophies
You might not like it, but many highly intelligent people also really appreciate aesthetics and demonstrations of aesthetic IQ, which means we're going to have to start looking better in order to bring them on board, and if this means looking 'cool' then that's part of the plan.
Have alternatives, nature abhors a vacuum.