Dictatorships can do shit like this because the knowledge is already there. They dont need to be able to invent an iphone they can just copy it. Seem thing with nukes.
Other urls found in this thread:
Fox News LARPing much. A country with outdated soviet artillery can't posses T tanks. Yet to make a hydrogen bomb stronger than that of Hiroshima...
You don't need to worry about them trying to create a hydrogen bomb, or that they say they can hit mainland America. You need to be concerned about them being able to reach the upper atmosphere (which is relatively easy) with whatever yield they have, because if they detonate something at that altitude half the country will turn to chaos.
They are probably the only ones that would actually do it.
You need to remember, their bombs are still barely tactical-yield nukes. Their conventional artillery is their real deterrent, their nuclear program is more a theatrical defiance than a real strategic change.
All they've done is put more sanction on the norks.
We're all going to burn in hellfire
>Oh their missile won't be ready for another few years
Able to hit the US after 2 months of saying that
We had our chance to take them out and still do but everyone is to pussy to do it.
Also it's fucking fascinating to me that Sup Forums has multiple threads at any given time to hating niggers, bringing back paganism and donating to Laura Southern and only a few a day about the impending nuclear confrontation with a Chinese buffer state.
Faggots who got cocked blocked by niggas and tinfoil /x/ faggots mate.
That's all pol has become.
Because most parts of being a "shithole" is a direct consequence of (((U.S.))) enforced embargoes and blackmailing the world not to isolate them.
No matter how retarded the idea of communism or juche seems to us, they are still worlds appart from those niggers jews try top push into white countries to destroy our gene pools.
Iran is the one doing real development
Because they're in a buttbuddy alliance with Iran.
U.S. geopolitical policy is apparently ignorant of that, and think it's China that has their back (hint: China hasn't supported North Korea in almost 18 months)
Oh shit, niggas. We got a photo of their new rockets!
Hmmm sounds familiar
>thinking any sovereign country would give another sovereign country blueprints to nukes
>implying iran has ICBMs
>implying iran has nukes
>implying iran has ICBMs
you amerifats just need to admit that you were outplayed
Iran has been trying to get nukes, but they're in a much different political position than the DRPK. Iran has channels and allies and open negotiations with other major state players, and they're perfectly happy to leverage their nuclear program for positive interactions, like the nuclear deal last year.
The Norks are a hermit state with one major ally that has only minimal influence over them, and they see nukes as their ONLY strong card going forward. We need a different calculus for them.
NK will only attack if the US makes moves first. With Kelly and Mattis basically babysitting Trump, it'll never happen. They're just doing what Mao did.
Why not both?
wtf... why is nobody talking about this blatant fear mongering and fake news spanning decades?
I dunno, I'm mostly here for geopolitics and conflicts, not for persistent culture war stuff. I miss 2012 when there were constant ISIS threads and new fresh IED webms every week.
It's literal Iranian propaganda. Those reports about impending nuclear advancement usually come out right before negotiations to increase the sense of urgency, and Iran tends to leak them just to get better terms in the deals. Had they been left alone, they would have gotten nukes around the same time as Pakistan and Iran.
>around the same time as Pakistan and Iran
>Iran would have nukes around the same time as Iran
India, I mean.
Hiroshima bomb wasn't that strong to begin with.
Regular modern bombs dwarf it (and I'm not talking about Tsar bombas)
>Not thinking a country in 2017 could reach the technological level other countries reached in 1960.
Last month they couldn't even build an ICBM only SRBM. Now in half a year they will apparently have h bombs. Americlucks are being prepared for war, "WMDs in the middle east" style