U.S. President Donald Trump: Hey senpai, pls buy my wall pls

U.S. President Donald Trump: Hey senpai, pls buy my wall pls.
Mexican President Peña Nieto: Fuck off cuck.

How does it feel Sup Forums knowing the fag you worked so hard to elevate is falling harder than your sad cocks when a nigger fucks your white whores?

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off roach

How is Trump failing? Asking another country to pay for a wall on the border is pretty based. An actual cuck would never dare ask such a thing.

So the delusion is this deep huh? This man was begging like the little bitch he is. how far will Trumptards go to suck his dick? The world may never know.

You can name call all you want. That doesn't change the fact that we have a President that is asking Mexico to pay for the wall. That's pretty based.

Just because they say "no" now means nothing (it's also obvious). Trump is a nice guy, he likes to ask first. Then later you're gonna find out he was just asking to be polite. It's actually not an option: you have to pay for the wall.

H O W?

He will threaten to impose sanctions that hurt their economy far more than the $10 billion for the wall. So they will have a choice: $50 billion in economic damage per year? Or a 1 time $10B check for wall.

See? So simple to understand.

>Make a campaign promise to build a wall that you know is total bullshit
>Double down on your total bullshit by making a ridiculous claim that Mexico will pay for your bullshit wall
>Get elected
>Have to put your balls where you mouth is
>Call the president of Mexico
>"Um yes hello Mr. El. Presidente de Mexico sir. You sure are great. We're really similar. Will you pay for the wall pretty please?"
>"We won't pay a fucking peso for your fucking wall you cocksucking faggot."
>"Sounds great sir thank you so much for your time. It was an honor just to talk to you."
>"Go fuck yourself you spineless bitch. You're so insignificant that you're not even on my radar."
>"And you have a great day too Mr. El. Presidente. By the way could you at least stop publicly saying you won't pay for the wall please?"
>"Burn in hell."
>"Awesome. Hope we can talk ag-"
>After this phone call, go out and tell the American people that you're totally negotiating Mexico into paying for the wall
>Transcript gets leaked
>Look left
>Look right
>Steam comes out of ears

Honestly I'm at the point where I believe that anyone who supported Trump for any reason other than "He's not Hillary" should be gassed or at least forcibly castrated. His only accomplishment is job growth and that has virtually nothing to do with him. He has nothing. He's a lame duck president and that's a good thing because every single thing he tries to do is idiotic.

>congress will even pass those sanctions
>those numbers didn't come from your ass
>Mexico is dependent on the U.S. to that degree

You're a fucking retard, user. lmao


Hahahahahaha you're a fucking cuck.

How about 16 regulations removed for each 1 created. How about a conservative supreme court which will not be able to legislate from the bench. How about an all-out war on media deception. How about beating (not arming) ISIS.

And they've already allocated 1.6B for the wall. It'll be built and then they can cut border patrol, pensions, etc etc, and begin phasing in border drones and robots.

Sorry SJWfags. You're entering a conservative golden age, gen Z is more right than ever, and you're just going to get so tired of winning you may as well leave.

>cuckistani flag
>can't get penis off his brain
It checks out.

Alright Faggy McFaggyton. Let's talk about what you consider accomplishments for a second.

>16 regulations removed for every one created
This isn't an accomplishment. This is literally not doing things. And half of the "regulations" weren't these detrimental economy-killing behemoths you're imagining. They were just things that were already regulated in triplicate elsewhere. That's nothing but a paper victory. Another third are things like economic and environmental regulations that the country needs and were put in place as a direct answer of real-world problems. The other sixth? Maybe useful. Who gives a fuck. Even batting averages get higher than whatever the decimal for 1/6 is.

>Conservate Supreme Court
Would have happened with literally any republican candidate.

>All out war on media deception
Fighting an imaginary enemy is not an accomplishment. Dedicating somewhere between 2-12 hours every day to screaming "FAKE NEWS" at CNN, which is a reliable news source, is just a sign of excessive paranoia, thin skin, and a shameless departure from reality. And speaking of deception, nearly every word in every tweet he tweets and sentence he speaks is no more than three words removed from a boldfaced lie. He's a snake and a con man, trying to call others liars. It's hilarious.

>How about beating ISIS?
Uh huh. Giving him all the credit for wrapping up an eight year military effort I see. Are you actually retarded or just pretending really hard?

>That bullshit about the wall
He's spending $1.6 billion on a 15 mile stretch of land. He still has hundreds of miles on either side of that one mile prototype. How much did he say the whole thing was going to cost? 12 billion? So at this rate the wall will be a whole 8 miles long. The cost for maintaining the wall will far exceed the employees you think it will replace. Not a single border patrol agent will lose their job because even the best wall can just be climbed with a fucking ladder retard.

read the trascript fuck. he didnt ask to pay for the wall, he asked peña as a favir not to say to the press that mexico is not paying for the wall
what a fag

Maxine Waters gonna beat Trump

Trump voter here. We got cucked by the spic and this senile, orange piece of shit hast lost my support.

do you ever read gringo?
the wall is just a propaganda campaign
trump said about the wall that it is "the least important thing we are talking about."
he was asking peña not to talk to the media that mexico is not paying for the wall

Let me guess his 1 million jobs and unemployment and all time low, stock market at an all-time high it's all: thanks Obama?

All of Obama's failures were somehow bushes fault. More debt than any other president, fourth worst presidency for economic growth, only president since Hoover to not achieve a GDP of 3% etc.

I bet you everything I have, if the stock market crashed and we lost 500,000 jobs all of the blame would be on Trump!you fags are so hypocritical

I love Trump

Lol, just wait until he deals with Congress. November. They will all fall in line by then.

When it's all over you'll understand how deep the corruption runs and why it had to be done this way.

pretty funny you think he needs congress's permission to do this.


To me and to everyone else it rather sounded like begging.

And this is one of many reasons why I didn't vote, the greatest of which could be answered with one question: assuming I even want a leader in the first place, if any of these candidates came up to me irl, civilian to civilian, and told me to do something, would I actually do it? The answer in 2016 was no I would tell every last one of these shitheads to fuck right off. Good on Mexico for following suit.
t. supported Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012

So what? Maybe he's just trying to gauge how much of an asshole your president wants to be? The fact is your illegal migration has cost us hundreds of billions, it's not much to ask for you to cough up $10B for a wall.
Yeah you would know a lot about how that sounds, wouldn't you?

Empty threats.
Face it fag, you got cucked by a jew and his Wall Street gang.

" We cannot say that anymore because if you are going to say that Mexico is not going to pay for the wall, then I do not want to meet with you guys anymore because I cannot live with that. I am willing to say that we will work it out, but that means it will come out in the wash and that is okay. But you cannot say anymore that the United States is going to pay for the wall. I am just going to say that we are working it out."


>He told you how he will do it you don't pay
>Already started scanning all Trucks this week

Trump also told you he would save you money on the construction. Don't be foolish Desu.

>Empty threats.
K, talk to me next year when it happens. He is still dealing with Washington D.C., he hasn't even started on other countries yet.

he cant even with the leakers in the whitehouse. how is he going to ever do something?

I know begging, it is what Donald Cuck does everytime he opens his mouth. Except when it is to suck Putin's dick.

>remove regulations
Yes, your ISP should be able to sell your browsing history, and coal barons should be allowed to just dump toxic shit straight into rivers. Get rid of those regulations!

They were empty threats back then, and now they are even more empty since not even Paul Ryan supports the idea of a border tax anymore. Lol.

>" We cannot say that anymore because if you are going to say that Mexico is not going to pay for the wall, then I do not want to meet with you guys anymore because I cannot live with that. I am willing to say that we will work it out, but that means it will come out in the wash and that is okay. But you cannot say anymore that the United States is going to pay for the wall. I am just going to say that we are working it out."

I want everyone to read this quote. I honestly cannot understand how you guys think this is something embarrassing or a victory for your side.

He's literally telling you to stop even SAYING you're not gonna pay for the wall. He is basically giving you a chance to get in line now, you just KNOW a huge hammer is about to drop on you fucks for defying the Don.
>le putin maymay
You didn't hear? We have the Pakistani intelligence Awan brother and his hard drives. He's going to tell us all about the real collusion between the DNC and Russia/Ukraine/UK/Germany, not the fake news you cling so desperately to.

> CNN reliable news source



> Comey is going to testify that he did not tell the president he was not under investigation. Comey releases transfer it to the public day before testimony… CNN takes down countdown clock until his testimony!


> A trump win will sink stocks, what about Clinton?

> gave Hillary Clinton the debate questions ahead of time

Surly you jest?

>His one million jobs
They are not his. He's riding economic growth that's been going on for almost 7 years. We're talking about growth that Bush-era policies kickstarted and Obama era policies capitalized on. Unemployment is not at an all-time low it is at a fifteen year low.

>Stock market all time high
Just to answer your sarcasm, yes. Thanks Obama. And projections at the moment are grim because Trump's talk of fucking with Mexico for funsies has investors nervous. The reason stocks are so high is because investors have sat comfortable believing Trump and the republicans are too incompetent to do anything, let alone something to interfere with them. If the stock market crashed whose fault would it be exactly?

You're under the impression that runaway growth is more important than an increase in quality of life. That is a fundamental difference in philosophy between democrats and republicans. When democrats are in power they advocate for improvements to quality of life such as health care, racial advocacy, and educational reform. When conservatives are in charge they focus on growth and deregulation. Both have their merits, but to expect bursting economic growth from a party that focuses on other issues shows that you have a fundamental misunderstanding of how politics work in the United States.

Notice how you fucks always said "Haha Americans! There will NEVER!!! be a wall on the border!!" Now you only say: "We will NEVER pay for that wall!!"

See? We're making progress.

>being this delusional
Holy fuck, Trumpcucks are genuinely cultists.

I had no idea how clueless many people are about negotiations. It's like they think you're just supposed to say clearly and plainly what you want, and then hope it happens because you asked nice.

If Trump had the balls or the presidential powers to impose these border taxes, he would have done it already. He wasn't scared of cancelling the TPP, or cancelling Paris. In this case, his threats are emptier than the brain of his average voter.

Pretty funny you have no clue how the fuck government works.

He's not asking, he's telling. And he's making it happen. We're saving vast amounts of money deporting illegals already. There are other ways to extract payment as well. Mexico can deny it all they want, but it's happening with or without them.

Lmao you're so cucked you can't even realize it. The wall isn't getting built as I post this. The House approved the 1.6B USD to REPAIR the damaged portions of the wall, it is yet to get approved by the Senate, and chances are, in the end of the day they won't even give him cash for the repairs.

Everyday we see this same thread. Fuck off #HesNotMyPresident bitch

Except you are the delusional cultists all circle-jerking to your fake news, meanwhile your entire corrupt traitorous DNC empire is being tracked and investigated behind the scenes.

The Trump/Russia story is fake. Trump's side obviously knew all along, that's why Don Jr. took the meeting with Fusion GPS (you know the Democrat firm connected to Russia??). They put strategically placed bait out there for you guys that will always amount to nothingburgers.

Your side is the one with actual legal problems because literally 100% of the evidence points to mass DNC treason and malfeasance (selling intel to foreign govts (Pakistan), keeping intel on seperate networks for bribery/pay-to-play purposes).

It's gonna be glorious when it all dawns on you, like election night all over again.


The man did all of this As president elect:

US steel could restore up to 10,000 US jobs – CEO tell CNBC: reuters.com/article/us-u-s-steel-jobs-idUSKBN13W2SI

Trump says Softbank will invest $50 billion in the US aiming to create 50,000 jobs: cnbc.com/2016/12/06/trump-says-softbank-will-invest-50-billion-in-the-us-aiming-to-create-50000-jobs.html

Toyota announces $10 billion investment days after Trump warning: foxnews.com/politics/2017/01/09/toyota-announced-10-billion-u-s-investment-days-after-trump-warns-company.html
(after a meeting with all of the automotive companies, more are following along)

For example: in stunning reversal, Ford said it won't build new plant in Mexico. Instead it will be investing $700 million in a Michigan facility: forbes.com/sites/dalebuss/2017/01/03/in-stunning-reversal-ford-says-it-wont-build-new-mexico-plant-criticized-by-trump/#5f614fd3bb12

IBM lays out plans to hire 25,000 in US ahead of trump meeting: bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-12-13/ibm-lays-out-plans-to-hire-25-000-in-u-s-ahead-of-trump-meeting (recently there have been some accusations spread by some of the employees accusing the CEO of hypocrisy, because there have been some recent layoffs since this deal was done, A deal still done any problems within the company are on the CEO not the president and I'm sure he will have a response if a deal is broken)


>trump does nothing wrong

>admitting to viewing to treasonable leaks

Walmart to create 10,000 US jobs in nod to Trump: marketwatch.com/story/wal-mart-to-create-10000-us-jobs-in-nod-to-trump-2017-01-17-61035011

Stanley black & decker to open US plant after trumps border tax threat: usatoday.com/story/money/2017/01/05/stanley-black-decker-sears-holdings-craftsman-donald-trump/96192526/

OneWeb founder credits trumps new tax policies for creating jobs (8000): foxbusiness.com/politics/2016/12/29/oneweb-founder-credits-trumps-new-tax-policies-for-creating-jobs.html

Amazon to create 100,000 more jobs in US in next 18 months (there's been a lot of "people" trying to discredit Trump's contribution to this using two methods. One of which is villainizing Amazon saying it is destroying retail businesses and two; basically speculating that it was basically going to happen anyways. But here are the facts, Amazon CEO had high tension with Trump many have reported this was at least in part to the ease that tension, the announcement was made A month after all of the leading technology executives met with Trump in which IBM, ford and Alibaba all of which made similar announcements of creating more jobs in America after being at the same meeting): bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-01-12/amazon-to-create-more-than-100-000-new-jobs-in-u-s-in-18-months

Even Apple is reluctantly asking it's manufacturer companies to move some of the manufacturing of iPhones to America (although whining about it because they won't make a whopping margin of profit, by pillaging low-wage workers in lesser developed countries and then adding a crazy markup): cnbc.com/2016/11/18/apple-is-exploring-moving-iphone-production-to-the-us-report.html


>The wall isn't getting built as I post this
lmao dumb spic they started on it months ago I can taste your butthurt.

>all those old news from january

I bet you still believe the "saved jobs" from Carrier are still in the USA. Lol

Scoff all you want, bean boy, Trump is creating results here.

good thing about leaks like this is that you dont need bias media on any of the sides. read it yourself, draw you own conclusions

>Trump: we're gonna send our army down there to take care of these cartel spics
>Mexi-dwarf: b-but your country has c-criminals too
Wow, he totally cucked Drumpf.

CNN is a reliable news source. The five random stories you have are cherry picked nonsense that you've attributed meaning too. FOX is also a reliable news source. I say that with full confidence despite the fact that they are currently facing a lawsuit for all the bullshit they blatantly fabricated during the Seth Rich story.

CNN is a reliable news source leaning left, FOX is a reliable news source leaning right. If you have even the smallest ounce of intelligence you can see which stories are credible and important for you to focus on. Perfect? No. Reliable? Yes. More reliable than Trump? Oh yeah. By leaps and bounds more reliable than the insane rantings of that delusional oaf.

By the way, there were a dozen other points in that post that you didn't even address. Probably because fighting your imaginary CNNemy gave you a boner. So if you'd like to address:
>Deregulation being a fraud claim
>Conservative Supreme Court being a non-unique argument
>Trump being a liar
>Trump riding the success of previous generals and presidents on ISIS
>Trumps wall being a scam

I'm all ears. You only argued one thing and you argued it poorly.

You mean the fake evidence of construction Sean Spicer showed over his press conferences and were proven to be old photos through a simple reverse image search in google?

There's no worse cuck than the one who can't realize how cucked he is. Lmao

After meeting with Trump alibaba chairman said they're going to work together to bring upwards of 1 million new jobs to America. However numerous news outlets and officials say that quota is overzealous and to some completely unrealistic. (nonetheless the company is clearly going to work with the administration and bring at least some jobs to America, and clearly they are enthusiastic)

There's a lot more, but I digress.

Oh look cool

Alibaba Takes First Step To Fulfilling Jack Ma And President Trump's 'One Million U.S. Jobs' Promise

Unemployment for blacks at lowest level in 17 years

Jobless rate lowest since 2007

In America the median household income has hit a 15 year high (and it cannot be attributed to Obama in anyway, because during his entire eight year term the median income actually decreased)

> nothing to do with Trump.

You think the president that had the worst president see for economic growth post world war is to think? Never reached a GDP of 3%? really fourth worst presidency for economic growth in American history!

Top kek

>CNN is a reliable news source.
aaaaaaand stop reading there

Wrong. He had easy presidential authority to cancel the TPP and Paris, that's why it was a no-brainer. NAFTA is already a law, so it has to go through Congress approval. Trump Treasury Department head would be able to take certain actions without congress approval, but limited, without violating NAFTA.

So it's just because he has to go through Congress. You don't know what you're talking about. Everything had to be done in a certain order, to get them to reveal themselves.
lol, the wall is being built, Don't worry about it folks!

>good thing about leaks like this is that you dont need bias media on any of the sides. read it yourself, draw you own conclusions

And the conclusion is "it's fucken nothing."

You didn't address ANY of his points, you just went on a unabomber tier rant about how CNN is reliable

Except it's all fake news. The "saved jobs" from Carrier and Ford ended up sent to Mexico and other countries anyways in later months. And whatever IBM does is not dependant of the president, lmao.

OK but now that the initial six months have passed will next months and the months after that job growth be attributed to Trump?

Or does the Obama get credit for every job created under someone else's Presidency for their entire term?

did you notice the adulterated alcohol

and the violence in Cancun stories this week ?

interesting timing....

>posting in a shareblue divide and conquer thread








>it's not an accomplishment to limit the over-empowered bureaucracy for the first time in over a century
I think reddit might be your speed.

Lol you just admitted he doesn't have the power to do stuff against NAFTA, you just admitted he would need the support from that very congress that has denied him almost any kind of support in the past 6 lulzy months.

Oh, you're the one worried about the wall, you are the one scared of me, too bad you got cucked with false promises, he can't lay a single brick without the congress having to approve a budget for it. And so far the congress hasn't given him a single cent for that. Lol

adding subtle undermining to your fantasy conversation

this is what women do. go fuck a goat

>Except it's all fake news.

Sure it is, beanie. You just stick to your little guns there, amigo. Over here we feel things getting better. We experience it.

This thread could have only been made by Rick Wilson in a fit of hate as he edges himself to thoughts of his perpetually shit stained bloodline

Lol you just admitted he doesn't have the power to do stuff against NAFTA, you just admitted he would need the support from that very congress that has denied him almost any kind of support in the past 6 lulzy months.
>Oh, you're the one worried about the wall, you are the one scared of me, too bad you got cucked with false promises, he can't lay a single brick without the congress having to approve a budget for it. And so far the congress hasn't given him a single cent for that. Lol

Same answer for the same paragraph you had to repost because your butthurt slowed down your little brain and uploaded the wrong gif the first time. LMAO.

Trump supporters are so cultists that if Trump fucks their wives in front of them,

they will say "wow white power,If Hillary were president my wife would be fucking niggers"

You're getting tariff'd, and remittances to Mexico are being cut. That's more than enough to pay for the wall.

>Lol you just admitted he doesn't have the power to do stuff against NAFTA

It will take some work canceling this mexican handout, but we have time. And the tide's changing.

Jealous? I bet your just all lonely and want to go back down on Black Jesus dont you? Your cocklust is disgusting on even liberal levels, you'd best pace yourself if you plan to last these next 7 1/2 years.

Just wait until Congress comes around idiot. This is a process. The Swamp wasn't drained in a Day!

Drumpfkins are so delusional. These retards actually think Mueller is looking into the Democrats and this is all a big diversion hahahahaha

Except they are, redneck, Carrier and all those companies that were apparently held back in their plans to relocate their jobs, they ended up doing it anyway, because Donald Cuck is an impotent and laughable jew with no power to back up his claims. Lol

If the plan is still to use the Patriot Act to impose sanctions, I don't think King Spic is gonna have much of a choice.
It was more a courtesy on Trump's behalf if anything; pay up now or cough it up later.

We are talking about the same congress who can't even pass a bill they have wanted to since 7 years ago. Lmao.

>literal fucking poopskin
>giving his opinion on anything

That's because you're an idiot

He didn't have any points. He had five examples.

I'm gonna be honest. This looks like it's from a pastebin or some autistic stash your have on your computer next to your trap folder. I don't have the will to argue with a shill that just spams 27 links in response to every post hoping that one will stick. Half of your links were things I already addressed. The "Blacks" link isn't even a story it's just a contextless picture. "Since 2007" is just a long explanation of how reporting in March was probably low due to storms followed by an analysis of how Trump is systematically pissing off every world leader he can. Your links don't even say what you think they do.

>I have faith in my donnie, I have


NAFTA re-negotiation is literally going on right now, you stupid beaner.

The rest of your argument is:
>why can't Trump change the Constitution on a whim?

This thread is full of low-IQ beaners and other shitskins who think they're "BTFO Drumpf!", but you're literally wrong and soon you'll feel stupid after more of Trump's policies get passed. Tell your cousin to run before ICE grabs his ass.

Hey Trump supporters! Let's get real for a minute.

You think I take pleasure in watching the Trump Presidency crumble in slow motion right before our eyes.
I don't take any pleasure in it.

You think I'm giddy about the prospect of Trump, Trump Jr., and the whole Trump Cartel facing criminal indictment.
I'm not giddy.

You see, I tried to warn you that your Pavlovian hatred of Hilary, your utter disgust of the very idea of having a black man sitting in the Oval Office for 8 years was detrimental to all of us.

But you kept lying about birth certificates and emails until you convinced yourself that the lies were true.

And then when a dirtbag charlatan con artist stood before you, every word spewing from his mouth a demonstrable lie, you overlooked it. You embraced the lies because he promised you that he would hurt the people that you hate.

Can't you see what you've become? Can't you see what you've done?

You tried to screw liberals and in the process, you screwed the entire nation.

You're like a political suicide bomber, detonating your device in the public square, not caring that you will kill yourself too. (But hey.... As long as you hurt the people you hate, right).

Think about it.... (Seriously! Think about this) You have taken the word of a former KGB agent and dictator of Russia over the words of your own intelligence agencies! The people who have taken an oath to defend you against people like Putin! You can't see how utterly treasonous that is?

What have the conservative machine done to you over the last 30 years that overnight, your enemies have become your allies and your allies, your enemies?

We warned you long before now that Trump was going down. And it appears that your hatred is gonna lead you to go down with him, taking America's reputation in the world with you.

But hey! At least you hurt a lot of people that you hate in the process, right?

Craig T.
America's New Civil War: Conservatives vs. Reason

It seems insurmountable but just wait until Jeff Sessions "locks her up" then we'll see where Congress stands.

heres your (you) my dude

> five random stories that you attributed meaning too.

The retards pretended that Comey testimony was basically going to be the smoking gun, until he released his transcript. They literally pretended like that black girl was asking to stop the violence, when she was telling them to take it to the suburbs instead. They tried to imply that One of trumps top associates had connections to a banking institution in Russia without even a shred of proof!

Not to mention two of their producers were caught on camera, saying their audience was retarded and the Russian story was bullshit.

The conservative Supreme Court is a major victory, I don't give a fuck who put in place!

> trump lies
Yeah and Hillary was completely honest, with her $400,000 private speech is to the banks. And Obama was nothing but a Equivocator! The fucking idiot tried to use the crusades as an example of Christianity being bad to justify all of the Islamic terrorism! I don't think he realized what the Crusades were, and why they took place. But liberal fucks ate that shit up.

> Trump riding success of Obama
OK first of all Obama presidency was the fourth worth for economic growth in history, despite adding more debt than any other president in history by a large margin! He also never had a GDP of 3%, only Hoover was that bad. he dropped more bombs than any other president but no damage was ever done to Isis over four years. Mattis worked for Obama but he wouldn't let him do his job, Trump is and now look Isis is in Constant retreat with their leader dead

A small drop in a big bucket. This ain't no taco stand, pedro. We sell burritos and enchiladas too.

>Trump Cartel
fucking kek troll confirmed
that better be a fucking pasta you faggot

>I'm a subhuman spic from a third world shithole
You're such a non-player it's not even funny. Your govt would probably sooner let you starve than accrue wall debt.

First, the NAFTA negotiations are not going on right now, those will be later this year. Second, prior to these negotiations Paul Ryan has already admitted they won't pursue any kind of border tax, so the original threat is already off the table.

I'm gonna laugh so hard when, at the end of the day, the NAFTA ends up being even better than it was for us.

>Drumph fag
>Probably will suck his dick to defend him

Go back to basement

Lol, as if Mexico has any negotiating power. Wow, they can play hardball and make the US pay a little more for a wall to keep their shit out. They offer nothing of value.

Legislating is a process, my little chihuahua. It doesn't always happen immediately.

Yeah trust Paul Ryan's word over Donald Trump's. Let's see how far that gets you.

Just like the stock market was going to crash when Trump was elected right?

Jeez, you guys are delusional as fuck. Do you really think Hillary has any power on republicans? The republican party is defying D. Cuck because they simply don't like him, this isn't about Hillary at all.

even if that were true, it's still a completely god awful waste of money and time. Our society has real problems, this is a distraction