Wer hier spricht deutsch?

Who here is truly committed to German culture and learned German just to really understand Hitler? I did. I think I'm pretty good at it. Ask me anything in German.

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do you wish you didn't waste your time like a retard and learned spanish, french, russian, arabic, chinese instead?


Wie behindert bist du eigentlich

Newp, those are the languages of social welfare leeches and lazy fucktards.

Woher kommen sie im America? ...wie alt bist du?


nicht ein bisschen

>implying turks work harder than russians or mexicans

Ich lebe in California. Ich bin ueber dreissig.

Was meinst du mit "Hitler verstehen"

und verstehst du hitler?

Yeah, I found an idiot.

Spanish is good.

Start a YouTube channel with English and Spanish videos, you'll basically dominate Europe, LATAM and the anglosphere. I have a feeling whilst English is the language of money, Spanish is the language of media.

Mandarin is the language of oppression of the Chinese forcing it in places, after population replacement is known it will die. Arabic is the language of insanity, the Arabic spoken in Oman is different and not necessarily mutually intelligible with Syrian Arabic.

I took it for a semester in high school, but then I was like, when the fuck will I ever use this obscure language?

Best decision I ever made. It will be a dead language in a decade or two, replaced by Arabic squiggle.

>getting called an idiot by a british redneck


Ich bin fasziniered von zweiten Weltkrieg und moechte die Geschichte besser werstehen. Darum habe ich gedacht alle lernen spanisch aber ich moechte deutsch lernen. Warum nicht?

Klingt vernünftig

Is this Deutsch general now? I need some good resources for learning German, been stuck in low-A1 for 2 months now.

>Ich lebe in California. Ich bin ueber dreissig.

Sehr alt lol, mein deutsch ist nicht so gut aber ich bin lernen. ich gehe dorthin, um die Eindringlinge zu töten

vom Zweiten Weltkrieg*
*aber ich lerne

Same here. My ancestors are german so I felt like why not learn German. Also they are an economic powerhouse. I think they are up there with us and China. Also I think it looks impressive on your resume :P

Was müssen wir mit Juden tun?

whats the best way to learn german for a cheap price?

fuck you kraut

kek. Es ist schwerig manchmal aber ich glaube ich bin zurzeit schon ziemlich gut. Ich bin ein wenige male in Deutschland gewesen und hatte keine Probleme mir mit Deutschen zu reden. Ich glaube ich bin sehr gut mittlerweile. Ausser dem Akzent Ich keonnte ein guter Agent werden. Hehehehe.

If you want to learn my language you should better make good usage of native speakers helping you out.

autism: the language

How the fuck are you going to learn a language if no one corrects your mistakes



Der Völkerstreit und der Hass untereinander, er wird gepflegt von ganz bestimmten Interessenten. Es ist eine kleine wurzellose internationale Clique, die die Völker gegeneinander hetzt, die nicht will, dass sie zur Ruhe kommen. Es sind das die Menschen, die überall und nirgends zu Hause sind, die nirgends einen Boden haben, auf dem sie gewachsen sind. Sondern die heute in Berlin leben, morgen genauso in Brussels sein können, übermorgen in Paris und dann wieder in Prague oder in Wien oder London und die sich überall zu Hause fühlen. Es sind die Einzigen, die wirklich als internationale Elementen anzusprechen sind, weil sie überall ihre Geschäfte betätigen können. Aber das Volk kann ihnen denn ja nicht nachfolgen. Das Volk ist ja gekettet an seinem Boden, ist ja gekettet an seiner Heimat ist ja gebunden an die Lebensmöglichkeiten seines Staates, der Nation.

Try that app dulingo

im just kidding i love you guys you seem like really nice people especially from my iceland trip in may. I met so many germans and I still talk to 2 of them every week

German is a pointless language. As the years go by, less and less people are going to be speaking German. Your best bet is to go with Spanish, Chinese, or Arabic, the future language of Europe.



Why does no one talk about this? The 100,000+ german women raped after the defeat in WW2?

I dunno. You tell me user. You should be happy Americans are learning your language when we'll have to save your ass again from the muslim invasion. Because from the information I'm gathering those muzzies don't really give a shit about learning your language. But yet again, here they are cashing in on your hard earned government money. Don't get me wrong. I'm on your side since I have german blood flowing through me. And sure, my ancestors once were immigrants to this great nation. Yet, again... we build this place from scratch. We're not going to have shitskins take over it.

bravo :D
du hast im wesentlichen verstanden was die Quintessenz von Hitlers Weltanschauung ist.
Seine thesen sind absolut zutreffend wenn du dir die Welt heute anschaust.
Nur ein Homogener Staat kann dauerhaften Frieden garantieren da es keine Minderheiten gibt die gegen Mehrheiten ausgespielt werden können.

So weird, I have been to Iceland last year as well. WOW air is just so dirt cheap you have to try it ;)

We talked about this in school its not a secret

56% weiß, du Pissnelke.

These are serious questions, I'm not trolling or some bullshit. But does that mean there are a bunch of part-russian runts running among the german bloodline or else? Also, how common is it that a german family today has Nazi ties? I figured most able-bodied men were in for it and therefore almost everyone's great or grandfather was one. Is it hidden/not talked about in the family? This is so interesting

das ist die Meinung die ich vertrete. We can't have the minority rule over the majority. It's ludicrous.

lmao meinste wirklich dat die dings es net """"""verdient""""" hatten?

>This is so interesting
ich frag dis inironisch... is heute dein erster Tag bei Sup Forums?

>Who here is truly committed to German culture and learned German just to really understand Hitler?

Well then you'd be better off learning Austrian you dumb Americuntb

I learned German to work for Siemens but then Merkel fucked that up for me.

My mother is German and I still can't be assed to learn more than small talk. Every time I try to speak it with Germans, they just get impatient and switch to English anyway

Yes. Theres tons of Germans with asian features now. Filthy Soviets went out of their way to taint the Aryan bloodline, due to their inferiority complex

no im just buttered and wanting some answers im quite the oldfag

Being in the Wehrmacht doesn't make you a Nazi, just someone who wanted to defend their nation.

a lot of people working for Volkswagen got jewed too. I wonder if the head of Volkswagen is a penny pinching jew. I mean, faking emissions and shit seems kind of squirrely. Somethig only a jew would be capable of. Saving a few shekels while destroying a whole company.


Guten Tag, OP! Nein ich sprechen kein gut deutsch.

>Every time I try to speak it with Germans, they just get impatient and switch to English anyway
this kills the wehraboo. trust me i know this feel so badly i fucking lived there. i speak pretty good plattdeetch too so i could pass as a goofy northerner but as soon as they learned i was ami it was english because they wanted to practice. I would just keep responding in german until they gave up and switched back. like fuck you you self hating kraut faggot, entweder du auf deetsch prat oder du kriegst einen aufs Maul. Boah es geht mir an den SACK wenn die Kohlrabi so agieren

I've been wanting to learn German because English is so bastardized by French it's illogical. I hoped since Germans are a logical people I thought they would have a logical language. Ops pic and reading twain's criticism have me thimking otherwise.


These seem illogical, it would be nice to learn how to really express anger and frustration effectively though

M8, pretty much everybodies gramps was atleast in the Hitler Youth and had to serve if old enough. MY granddad was too young to serve but was in the Hitler Youth, but a greatuncle of mine or something is on a picture with his uniform in a family album.

This is cultural marxism
We had this already in the Weimar repulic
Ich hoffe ihr werdet nicht das selbe erleben wie wir damals, obwohl wenn ich mir anschau was bei euch momentan los ist (SJW,BLM usw) mache ich mir sorgen.

French sounds fucking atrocious


Wallah brudi, brauchst du nischt gut deutsch sprechen müssen um geld zu machen. Rap braucht kein Abitur, digga. Und wenn nix mit rap wird kann ich bei Murat seine Dönerbude arbeiten.

>I hoped since Germans are a logical people I thought they would have a logical language
Heidegger is rational. Wittgenstein is rational. Your average kohlrabi just wants to not stand out and live a nice simple life. Germans dont value logic they value conformity. They are much like the japs in that way. They are a culture where the nail that sticks out gets hammered. Like japs. It's why when they are led by a powerful leader they go full bore on whatever direction their leader wants. This can be a good thing or a bad thing.

This rings true. Antifa bei uns ist zwar nicht so schlecht wie in Deutschland aber hier in Californien sind Antifa auch mittlerweile die neuen Fascihsten. It's almost like the world is upside down now.

What do germans think of the american military and bases in their country? or a civilian that works on one? Do german hoes often date american or english guys vs. german guys?

this kietzsprak shit right here makes me want to put myself into a kebab machine and escape from this world forever.

I'm also a perfectionist, so when I make a mistake and know it, I'll stop in the middle of my sentence and try to fix it, even if it's minor and they would have known what I meant. So they get annoyed quickly and switch. The only ones in my family that don't speak English are my Oma and Opa, and my mom always told me I was lucky to not know what they were saying. Once I learned enough to know what they were talking about, I knew she was right.

The first rule of German grammar is that the rules all have a million exceptions so they don't really matter.

>But does that mean there are a bunch of part-russian runts running among the german bloodline or else?
Not too many, most were aborted. It's also in the east that was part Slavic anyway and that bit of Asiatic admixture is the last thing I'd worry with all the (sand)niggers coming here.
>Also, how common is it that a german family today has Nazi ties?
I have two veteran grandfathers and I've never met a full German who doesn't. That doesn't mean everyone has actual Nazis in his family, I have one, my grand-grandfather.

What is the '9/11' of Germany?

They must have really liked them in the 80s, because my mom married one (my dad) and so did her cousin

Ich kommt aus USA

"Mein Mann ist Türke."

The only German you need to know.

Do you get to troll and say how you're the Aryan master race at all? Or it's just whatever

I've noticed this too. Germans conform way too much. They hardly ever try something new. They don't have term limits so they basically keep electing the same officials over and over again. It's almost like the perfect hidden dictatorship. Imagine if we had Obama for another 8 years or Bush. We would have destroyed our country by now.

Hast du ein schwanz in dein arschloch?

hast du problem mit wie ich sprechen, alta? kriegst du gleich auf fresse du vogel. Ruf ich nähmlich gleich meine cousings, dann ficken wir disch und deine mudda auseinander.

At least you slowly understand what happened then really in Germany.
And why it came to Hitler.
Wenn man das ganze realistisch betrachtet denke ich das euch noch eine schwere zeit bevor steht , ich hoffe Trump wird das land zusammen halten.

Did they die in the war or they came back home?

>I'm also a perfectionist, so when I make a mistake and know it, I'll stop in the middle of my sentence and try to fix it
stop doing that. i am multilingual and the secret to speaking a bunch of languages is to not care about that autistic shit. do they get it? okay then move forward. no one wants to see you try and stumble on words for 30 seconds when all they wanted to know was if you wanted Doener Kebab or Pizza.

Fall of the Berlin wall. Ossis really shit up this place. Either that or the birth of Muddi Merkel.

Lernen Sie eine tote Sprache für einen Toten Idioten. America ist wirklich verloren, wenn es ist, was die Leute denken ist eine gute Nutzung der Zeit.
einen anderen Burger essen Werkzeuge. Deutschland spricht Arabisch

>put myself into a kebab machine and escape from this world forever.

So, you want a metal shoved up your ass and be slowly rotated next to heat lamps all the while small portions of your flesh are occasionally sliced off?

I'll give you points for creativity, but that sounds like a really painful way to go.

Warum gibt es keine Trump version in Deutschland and warum moegen Deutsche Merkel so gerne?

wir machen einen Tour duruch die Gegend
Neben Burger King siehste wie die Hurs da so stehen? Vergebens
Wenn ich underwegs bin, seh ich nur Probleme


>tfw das existiert in die Heimat

I can order food without stumbling. that's simple enough.

I probably get it from practicing with my mom. She teaches German at a high school and she corrects every tiny mistake I make out of habit I guess. So then it becomes my habit.

Jesus Christ, I hope you used google translate for this nonsense, because if not and that is you actually trying to write German I'd fucking punch your German teacher in the face.


>Chabos wissen, wer der Babo ist
Hafti Abi ist der, der im Lambo und Ferrari sitzt
Saudi Arabi Money Rich
Wissen, wer der Babo ist
Attention, mach bloß keine Harakets
Bevor ich komm' und dir deine Nase brech'
Wissen, wer der Babo ist
Immer noch derselbe Chabo, Bitch
Den du am Bahnhof triffst, wie er grade Nasen snifft
Wissen, wer der Babo ist
W-W-Wissen, wer der Babo ist
What did he mean by that?

wtf retad?? Latin is the master idiom race.

angegeben dass es """"""teknischerweise""""" korrekt ist aber voll wahnsinn ich nehm an es sei gegoogelt

Damn, fucked up the formatting. Hafti wouldn't be proud of me.

Ich lerne Deutsch in die Universität. In der Zukunft möchte ich nach Deutschland und eine Ausbildung als Winzer machen! Ich liebe deutsche Weine!

Ich hasse deutsche Grammatik. Dativ, Akkusativ, Plusquamperfekt, wer braucht diese Scheisse?

Onkel Addy...

Guck dies an

Ich errinere JEDES WORT dieses Lied. Ohne Scheiss. Sogar die Geste der Turkroaches kann ich imitieren. I should kms

>Ausbildung als Winzer
That sound incredibly comfy.

Die deutschen Mögen Merkel nicht, 57% lehnen sie komplett ab (letzte umfragen forsa).Wir haben noch keinen Trump weil wir hier in Deutschland konstant auf linie durch Propaganda und Medien gehalten werden.
But there is something in our population, more and more people dare to resist. The Afd is, according to initial estimates, at 17.5%.Maybe we will see a miracle on 23 / 24th September 2017.

most germans have nazi grandpas (most dead), but they are brainwashed since kids.

Es ist kein Wunder dass die Deutschen immer verärgert sind

Es ist nicht Google übersetzen, habe ich gelernt meine Deutsche Nummer meines Onkels, ein deutscher Mann in der Schule kannte

Wait, what the fuck does this mean? Is this like a secret german language now? I don't think they teach that in my school.

Depends on the people you talk to.

Came back, otherwise they couldn't have families after the war. The Nazi grand-grandfather died 1945, fighting for his ideas.

Damn, the second generation migrants are a fucking travesty. At least their fathers are just sitting at home, drinking tea and beating up their women and daughters but keep it to themselves. I can't wait to see what great things the generation that is birthed by these monkeys will accomplish.