So white people hate racemixing, but they are the product of degenerate humans fucking subhuman neanderthals?
So white people hate racemixing, but they are the product of degenerate humans fucking subhuman neanderthals?
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Looks like a modern Jewish skull
That brow is unquestionably white though.
species-mixing = / = race-mixing
Yeah, species differences are genetically more distant than racial differences
>implying he not would pump his seed deep inside a hot whimpering neanderthal babe on the dead body of a mammoth
>I'll never be as intelligent as a neanderthal
European master races are a direct result of the Neanderthal DNA superiority. We aren't humans, we are the descendents of Neanderthals- superior to humans in intelligence and physical traits.
They have less neanderthal dna in them than asians and middle easterns have way more. hell some arabs and jews still look like fucking neanderthals still. White people are more pure and a neanderthal was more evolved than a negroid so its not that bad.
neanderthals didn't exist
this attitude is why you were slaves
t.b.h they were human.
White people are Alien hybrids. That's why you niggers hate them so much, you know they are superior in every way.
If she shaves her tits then I think we're good
>neanderthal genes activated
Lol, are you retarded? Neanderthals got genocided by superior Cro-Magnons that were actual humans, nobody "racemixed" with them. There werent even any fucking races at that stage lol.
Holy shit i just realized jews are descendants of neanderthals, thats why they stick to their tribe and hate white ppl so much
Asians too.
you're retarded
not just white people but asians as well. now try to think of the civilizations that are top tier throughout history with the most frequency. now think maybe those neanderthals weren't the ape men retards that the history books assume they are. The only race that lacks the caveman genes is the least successful through out history, with no remains that extend past written history....and no the kangz claims to north africa just are not going to cut it...youd see example of similar civilizations across subsahara africa if that were the dont just build a civilization like egypt then go back to grass skirts, spears, and mud huts.
Do you think scientists just assume things? What do you think science is exactly..........
You're honestly a faggot and should kill yourself
Neanderthals were boss. Strong, large cranium capacity, buried their dead. Nothing wrong with hailing from them.
t. anthropologist
If europeans mixed with neanderthals and asians mixed with denisovans and Africans didn't mix with anybody, then how the fuck are we all the same species? How are we only superficially differentt, physically, and slightly different in neural structure on the level of general environmental pressures and cultural breeding patterns?
Seriously, I'm posing this from the perspective of someone who believes we're all pretty much the same, just with different phenotypes and different population means. Clearly the smarter Africans are identical to me in every way. This is simply not possible if we were breeding with different hominids. These supposed missing links are bunk. There's virtually no evidence for any of it. The evidence is a joke.
>implies we bred with incredibly robust hominids with short stature and patently ape-like facial features, and somehow wound up being the least ape-like, most refined subspecies
The prevailing theory is that they were bred out and inter bred with Cro Magnons,rather than outright killed or out hunted by Cro Magnons.
Actually neanderthals had much larger brains and were much stronger. Modern humans have an enlarged frontal lobe which is used for communication. A neanderthal had a much smaller lobe but much larger brain overall. A good speaker isn't always the greatest problem solver.
Unironically this.
Actually, the high verbal-intelligence of white people is attributed to our neanderthal genes.
Russell Brand is the epitome of that
The humans that left Africa 40kya were not White. They still had 35k years to go before they could be considered White (or Asian). (Asians are also descendants of Cro-Magnons. Black Africans are not.)
Those early humans that left Africa weren't black, either. Blacks evolved into Blacks, too. Whites and Asians did not "evolve from Blacks".
That's why it's called a "common ancestor".
Neanderthals were not superhumans or something. They were dumber and probably more primitive than the early humans who left Africa. Just because they had larger brains does not mean they were smarter. Elephants and Blue Whales also have comparably much larger brains than we do.
The only way they were arguably superior was cold weather tolerance. Maybe they had evolved a greater degree of altruism as well.
What we got from Neanderthals that mattered most were a genes for a larger skull/braincase and cold weather tolerance. Those things added to the mix of the early homo sapiens that went north allowed our ancestors to survive and grow into "Whites" while in glaciated Europe.
and only cro magnon male/neanderthal female coupling was fertile. neanderthal males got cucked.
>Neanderthals were not superhumans or something. They were dumber and probably more primitive than the early humans who left Africa.
i don't know about that. humans don't survive temperate zones without being able to plan and develop certain tools and clothing. there is a level of intelligence required.
>how the fuck are we all the same species? How are we only superficially different
It must be the fossil records that have a problem. It couldn't be a problem with your judgement in assessing differences between human population groups.
Neanderthal was succeeded by the Cro Magnon man which was a newer stronger species which killed off Neanderthal man some of them interbreeded and this became the jewish man whereas untainted Cro Magnons went off to become Gentiles I wrote this on twitter today is that you fella?
Cro Magnons were better and became Gentiles. Your Neanderthal (the ones that werent killed by Cor Magnons) mixed with Cor Magnon to give us jews
What do cro magnons look like?
>What do cro magnons look like?
giant white people
>prominent brow ridge
>snub turned up nose, large nostrils
>slender and bony jaw
These are the three that stick out to me the most, there's alot more though. Superior to neanderthal shitters in every way.
>Neanderthals were boss. Strong, large cranium capacity, buried their dead. Nothing wrong with hailing from them.
>t. anthropologist
You're a pathetic one if you've been on Sup Forums and haven't figured out that Neanderthals can't mix with Cro-Magnon and whites are Cro-Magnon offspring.
>certain modern europeans
So what europeans didn't make the cut?
I love these threads, but they are futile because all you need to know is:
Who has made the greatest achievements up to this point in history?
You ALL know the answer:
Why do you give it away so freely? As if those mountains of corpses meant so little to you. Why must you make such mundane excuses for their failures as if it were your fault that your ancestors beat them in the great race?
She lookes like your average Russian chick
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
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The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
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Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
It peaks in the near east and in Central Asia. I don't know why it says European.
neanderthals had a i.q of 150 according to skull capacity, niggers have a average i.q of 75. guess which one was more human